I'll tell you what there's too much made of - the opinions of bigots.
Reposted from
Best for Britain
Audience member: "I don't think there should be any asylum... People are making far too much of war."
Audience member next to her: 😬 ~AA #BBCQT
Audience member next to her: 😬 ~AA #BBCQT
For at least 10 yrs, immigration has been an excuse for shit govt policy . At first a distraction
But now centre stage on the list of excuses for a failing economy .
It suits all govt to have a scapegoat .
Garage Nygel, Mask Leon and Apple Tim..
Just like 'em all called by 'Lady is a Tramp'.
Has anything changed since then i say not,now the racism is coming from the top downwards amplified by the likes of Farage!!
thats if her own kids haven't disowned her
can imagine her lamblasting the tv schedules for once again overlooking a new black and white mistrel show on Christmas night
Perhaps the interviews upon their return will help people to get it into their head.
As a very white bloke, I’d see fights break out in pubs over nothing.
How is this sort of condition we see there, created?
She'll probably be turning on the village Christmas lights.
I’d take this lady over *ANY* MAGA lunatic any day of the week. 🤷♂️
Reminds me of my aunt who is a self proclaimed poverty-skeptic simply because she doesn’t like the idea that the UK has poverty
She probably doesn't consider the likelihood that she will have "foriegn" blood in her veins.
This just proves to me that care in the community doesn't work.
There's a hotel housing asylum seekers in a village near my work. They are families, good people. The villagers aren't scared of them! They interact.
I've lived in rural Glos for 12 yrs & my neighbours have been, in turn, right wing, QAnon and now, full MAGA/Reform UK.
I had a workshop in a craft centre for 7 of those yrs and I answered the question "Where are you REALLY from" 3-5 times-a-day every day.
‘How do you know this, Ivy’?
‘Because they have a card that tells the driver they’re black’.
No, they have a bus pass, like we all do.
She’s dead now, nasty old crow
Show the racist stupidity of some people of a certain age, so stewing in their hatred they cannot see the facts - you dodged a bullet now you are an ex
Proud to say my own daughter on way to Tbilisi!
But there’s no reasoning with stupid
All those people coming on boats? Yep about 3%.
Why aren’t immigrants working? Because most of them are studying.
Also, I thought they were supposed to be stealing our jobs.
Ugh… nope, I quit
Looking in from outside, you’d think they are the majority . But I don’t think they are ; they’ve just loud & self confident .
Challenge her, when she spouts this at the check out & in the post office !
I do 😡😡
I’m particularly sick of the ‘ Well we bought a house , because we saved ….we just got on with it .’
If I’m arrested over Christmas , it’s because someone has said this to me at a bad moment .
And they’re in my age group !
This is what happens when self satisfaction ( house now valuable due to inflation ..not anything she did ) meets ignorance ( never learned a foreign language . I just shout .)
The British made far too much of WW2!
Bet she believes the Falklands was ok tho
It should always be called out robustly. The fact that many don't, and certain platforms ignore it, has made the likes of Pharage and co a thing.
He was completely right at the time.
His only mistake in my eyes was apologising instead of just saying 'well she was, am I meant to lie'.
They walk amongst us
And they have bred!
Anne Frank was a "failed asylum seeker".
And so I very deliberately say 'refugee'.
She's had an empathy bypass by the Daily Mail.
Were these people deaf??
If she was an avid gbnews viewer she would never appear on the hated bbc
Proper Christmas spirit this one 😡
There is a serious point here: a pal of mine, who happens to be gay, told me a few years ago that he thought the Brexit vote was a liberating moment for people who were only ever pretending to be civilised and respect other races, beliefs,
What a disgusting point of view to hold.
There are consequences to calling bigotted women bigots!
You'll get your marching orders.
The government have been sending people back and many nationals are not going to be given asylum. And the money they get is minimal. We need to ram this home until then know better
Always has been
Social media and promotion of farage etc has just emboldened them
They now say what they were once embarrassed about
The town rallied round. They became friends and neighbours. A lot of them speak better German than I do.
They have stands on the Christmas Market.
Be ratings gold
I bet it has an opinion on everything & everyone in the street, all drawn from her ingrown bigotry!
getting to the heart of the issue
There’s way too much made of their opinions too
Curious to know her line of work. Who she works with. What awful things she’s said about the people she considers inferior. How she’s treated them. How she’s encouraged other people to treat them (openly or covertly).
Curious to know at what point in her life she lost her soul.💀
I say again, outrageous. Stop broadcasting this tosh.