We need to wear them down before they wear us down! Stop shopping Maga supported corporations, don’t buy cars if at all possible, don’t spend tourism money, don’t fly unless absolutely necessary, and KEEP continue being LOUDER than them!
Let's be serious here. This is what conservatives have been wanting for years. We are in this hell on earth because these same Republicunts wouldn't impeach a criminal. Look at the cabinet they allowed to be put in place.
Senators, we are awaiting your response. Please try to be half as patriotic and brave as Mr. Fernandez. To be sure, millions of Americans stand proudly with Mr. Fernandez.
If you begin your diatribe with "we now know..." and it's literally 8 yrs later, you're wasting your money with this ad. Where were you during the 40k first term lies. I'll bet you were at the trough and living the tax cuts for the wealthy...
Still trying with Senator Young, I believe he’s too frightened.
He used to be a somewhat independent but isn’t.
Seems to work across the aisle but says nothing about what is going on. We would support him if he did take the high road. I believe this will eventually work against him.
I am an immigrant, a U.S. Army veteran, a father of five and grandfather, a law-abiding citizen and have been much blessed in America. Our family arrived from Cuba in the 1960's with nothing but love and a determination to be model citizens in the greatest country the world has ever known.
For over half a century I was a proud conservative and registered Republican who today has become an Independent voter. I have come to know that life well lived is so much more meaningful than power and money.
We, each of us, has the choice every single day to select a good and just path.
All of you are patriots. Public servants in the best sense of the word. You have demonstrated your love of country, you understand the importance of the rule of law, separation of powers, and the need to put country above party
Our country today is in crisis. We need you.
We now know the Trump administration is built on a foundation of lies.
• President Zelensky is not a dictator. Putin is. Russia started the war, not Ukraine.
• The mob who stormed the capitol and assaulted our police officers were not motivated by love and patriotism. They were criminals, not political prisoners.
"Let's Convince An Old Pile Of Shit To Move Off Its Rock, Since Old Shit Has Always Moved Before When Asked, No Problem, And Always With Very Little Detriment To Its Shittyness"
I would ask this question of the author of this letter, considering that up until recently, he was a Republican; 'who did you vote for in the November presidential election?'
They don't care. There is no Rubicon to be crossed. They've sold out the best interest of the country to hold on to their own personal piece of power and their own fiefdoms.
I’ve been writing my republican representative and senator with a similar begging message. How sad that we have to beg the people who have the power to save our democracy…to actually DO something!
hope is good….dont bank on it though. their craven-ness to stay in office above all else will rule the day. maybe not all, Murkowski has shown courage occasionally, but the majority will do nothing.
Call them out, all of them. Hurrah for this man! Accountability is part of the job when asking for votes and election. Resign or stand up for the Oath you took, with your hand on the Bible.
The person posting this voted for Trump. As an independent he is just enabling the next republican win. I'm not sure what his company is involved in, but you wanna bet they've suddenly lost contracts (or will). If he was currently in the military, they would be kicking him out. FAFO
Wouldn't it be democracy-saving if these Senators switched to Independent and started caucusing with the Democrats. A guy who loves our democracy can dream, right?
This should be a lot easier to do, than it actually is !
I've heard we only need 7 of Em' to say no way & cross over !
Trouble is, & I strongly believe this, their families will come under direct threat and be put in harms way !
Furthermore, I believe this has been made abundantly clear to them !
Every trend creates a counter-trend! Maybe one day these nefarious traitors to the country will realize that February 22, 2025 was their only and worst mistake in their dastardly plan! Thank you, Mr. Fernandez! It's nice to see that there are still people with dignity, decency & ethics in 🇺🇸 !
And so if Trump goes out through impeachment or otherwise, you know who’s taking over J. D. Vance… this will not improve our plight he’s Peter Thiel’s boy and they all like where this is all going and if you somehow do get them both out, then your looking at weasel Mike Johnson 🤷🏼♀️
Not sure his faith in them will be justified, but at least he is clearing stating facts and not fantasy & falsehoods. That requires more courage today than it should; he knows he will face great backlash & hatred from his former party. Not too many showing courage these days, so I say good for him.
I can tell you that Tillis will never do this.
Above all else he fears a primary challenge next year.
So he will cater to the most radicalized magats.
Which just might mean a Dem can unseat him in the general.
Looking in from the outside, your election was fixed, it looks exactly like a Russian election.
All we were hearing was how close it was and then he wins a landslide? Yeah right.
You watch if you don’t do something now he’ll win the biggest landslide ever in 4 years time, and that’ll be too late .
Silence enables. I'd rather make an effort and fail than to be bulldozed over. It's their right to choose complacency, though. For now. While they still have choices. Not like there were any signs or anything...
You’ve got to be kidding. Addressing the people at the top of this page is like addressing the ether. Sadly, they’re dead and buried about 100 years ago. Ostriches one and all.
Will they even read this? Cuz IF they do and still refuse to act, THEY are just as guilty by allowing this to continue. THEY will be the ones with marks on their backs, be set in stone in our history, as the ones who COULD save our country and its citizens, but refused to. Now, we wait...
Nawl. He's been a piece of shit since the 60's. The letter is cringe and disturbing. The people he called out are evil and have done disgusting things. He lathers platitudes on them that are undeserving. He probably voted for DeSantis.
100 fucking percent, every single one of those people have put themselves before both party and country in almost every crossroad. He feels blessed because he was lucky enough that Americans hated communism so much they fast tracked Cubans as immigrants.
This is admirable but he’s smoking crack if he thinks the Republicans are gonna flip now. They’re all in. I wouldn’t b surprised if the KGB had dirt on all of them to keep them in line. No one is gonna do the right thing now except the American ppl.
Republicans, the old school ones in the house and senate need to leave the party. The country and the world is on the line, the time to protect the Republican party's future is over.
My old school Republican Senator, John Cornyn, recently posted a very dismissive, MAGA, MUSK response to protestors in San Antonio. I considered him an old school statesman until this.
I STILL can't believe this scumbag won his election!!Colin Allrad Was the favorite to win thay race!! Too Many of these questioable elections went to the GOP! and No President has won every swing state!😡
Just remember this when everyone says we will kick them out at the next election. It will be about as fair as Russia's elections in 2 years after Trump and the GOP have their way with the election machinery.
I applaud you. But in the previous elections, you all got conned. And now this. You from Cuba should have known better. But thanks, hope it isn’t too late. I have no confidence in our Senators to show a spine.
I will be calling my senator again tomorrow, referencing this letter and re-quoting parts if I May. My hope is that more people would make their voices heard. Thank you, kind Gentleman.
Whoops: not gonna happen. They've all had *10 years* to witness his repulsive behavior and his multiple crimes. Most of which were flagrant. They also know he's in Putin's pocket.
And if the blackmail and the death threats have kept them in line this long, it's doubtful they'll ever change course.
They’ll ignore this. They had the chance to rid us of this scourge several times & each time they chose the path of cowardice in exchange for petty, impermanent power. They have pawned the American idea for their Senate seats. If they were going to do right, they’d have done it by now. But yay?
As a NC resident, I can assure you Thom T. is not going to stop Trump and all of this bullshit. He is an ass kissing yes man. We’re all hoping Roy Cooper announces for the ‘28 Senate race.
I wish I didn’t feel the same as you do, but I don’t trust the GOP to do anything to make this right. In the end, they want to keep their positions and the perk$, and will abide by Trump’s agenda. They know what’s happening is wrong for the American people, but I have no faith in any of them.
NC voter. I continue to wonder why anyone thinks he’s not well to the right. Has he ever voted contra Trump? Is it because 7 years ago he equivocated but voted for wall? He votes with the money.
A handful of terrorist by any name.
When elected officials are willing to kill kiddies, Americans, Veterans for political contributions and power, you have nothing but sociopaths running a nation.
I don't WANT to be begging the GOP for help, but let's face it, the dems aren't up to the game even if they had the votes to do so. Yes, we are in the awkward position of begging the opposition party to use their common sense to intervene.
Alaska has alot of Indigenous voters and sits very close to Russia 🇷🇺 She should definitely weigh her Options of how History will remember her Legacy as an Alaskan & how Palin is remembered 🙄
I refer to them as Russian assests as the Republican party is DEAD! Those who still claim to be are either in denial or not willing to admit the truth.
Hear! Hear! Time to grow a spine and do what is right. Opposing the regime will actually give you more power than them. Think about that. A small group of decent Republicans can set and protect an agenda of decency and good government.
Or congratulating the Caribou HS girls' basketball team on their recent state championship. This was her last post yesterday on her official Facebook page.
Dems should start "threatening & bullying" the spineless GOP since that strategy worked well by MAGA! But they won't becuz the GOP only cares for their Job Security over America's Security!
The GOP ignored the crisis they created & did nothing to stand against Facism! We the People have to fight!
@McConnellPress you have the strength and opportunity to save this country!!! We know you see this country taking in the arms of GOP MAGATS!!!! Please listen today! #DemsUnite 🌊🇺🇸💙#StrongerTogether 🏳️🌈🇺🇦🟦
Todd's my Senator, and he always kisses the ring. Don't expect much from him; he already ignores half his constituents.
And McConnell? He allowed Trump to happen.
Mine too, and even though I get discouraged, I keep emailing him. I don’t even bother with Banks.
I keep hoping Senator Young will find his courage when things get bad enough.
Young started to dissent and then Musk attacked him, had a chat with him and then he got in line. I’m sure they are being physically threatened…or their families are. I think they need to change parties while in office.
He has accounts history of voting against veterans, public ed, etc. He's in the pocket of the NRA. We need people who stand behind their convictions no matter what. He's not a strong enough person to do that.
I respect this. NYT makes sense bc he is talking directly to these R senators & they still read that rag. These senators’ scales are heavy w fear of maga. But each day adds more threat to the US economy & national security. This fearless statement is trying to be the straw that breaks that fear.
Our country needs heroes. But the “heroes” he is beseeching for aid? They don’t need our country. They are power hungry, self serving, gutless, xenophobic puppets of a captured regime.
And he is an immigrant. They will not listen to him.
When Trump becomes a full on dictator, he will no longer need a Congress or a Supreme Court. These Senators will have absolutely no power to do anything. They have the power now if they band together to stop our democracy’s destruction. If they wait, their chance and their power will be lost.
This is exactly the message I've been repeating to Repub Congress members when I call them.
Trump will throw them in the trash at his earliest convenience. Stand up to maintain the separate power of Congress now or go down with the rest of us.
Maintaining their own power is a language they speak.
He demands loyalty but will not be loyal. He does not understand the concept of loyalty, decency, compassion, integrity or what it really takes to be a good man. Anyone that has ever trusted him has found out that he is the last person you should ever trust
I am bad for trying to defend some Trump supporters. I know a lot of their reasons and do not agree with them, but I try to respect everyone. As mad as I get at the ones that Voted for Trump, it does not help us now. We need to put pressure on Congress. They have the power to put a stop to this!
Maybe. But if the senators do what this gentleman suggests, it will be MAGA supporters rioting in the streets, not common sense citizens who see this administration for what it is.
They’ve had several chances to stop this. They know exactly who Trump is & what his goal is. Rs literally wrote it down. These ppl enabled him every step of the way with a few minor attempts by a few to vote against him. Then they went right back to following Trump’s demands. THEY WILL DO ZERO.
We’ve seen their complicity for a decade now. Republicans elected him - twice - and they confirmed all but Gaetz. They knew who he was and they were A-OK with it.
They own everything that happens now.
I don’t know what it’s going to take but right now they are busy kissing the ring. I don’t understand why they haven’t seen it’s going too far, too fast. I beg of them, anyone, do something.
This is encouraging to hear from a brave man with convictions and a love of his country encourage cowardly representatives to fight for democracy and the United States. Our representatives must set aside their fear and do the right thing.
Mitch McConnell is one of the main architects of this debacle. The chicanery that was perpetrated with Supreme Court nominations during Obama and Trump 1.0 lead to his immunity ruling. Not voting to convict in the second impeachment, allowed for him to run again. Waiting on Mitch to act is idiocy.
I'm sorry, the person who wrote that completely lost me when they started those shits, especially Moscow Mitch ate all patriots and that have shown love for their country .. this person is barking up the wrong tree, more so where Moscow Mitch is concerned, he worked hard to help fascism take over
His target audience will be unmoved but maybe it will reach someone. Good on him for trying. It's no more a waste of effort than my emails I'm sure no one reads.
Make a screen grab copy to your phone
Go to your Copies Folder, but not those with your Camera copies. Enlarge your copy of the screem grab as you slide it around so all the print becomes readable.
2/2 you don't break your country and switch alliances in mid war to join the new Axis of Evil and then retire. Trump and Musk are not planning to leave the White House at all. They will be wheeling and selling everything they can to make more money for themselves, they won't share
Too many people are talking about the midterms as an opportunity to win back some seats, then the 2028 election. I just want to wake them up, there won't be any midterm elections and there won't be a presidential election in 28. Trump is putting down roots. You don't break your country 1/2
Please sign and share.
He used to be a somewhat independent but isn’t.
Seems to work across the aisle but says nothing about what is going on. We would support him if he did take the high road. I believe this will eventually work against him.
Dear Senators Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Thom Tillis, Todd Young and John Curtis:
We, each of us, has the choice every single day to select a good and just path.
Our country today is in crisis. We need you.
• President Zelensky is not a dictator. Putin is. Russia started the war, not Ukraine.
One hopes this could be the thing to wake them up
I hope (get it?!) I’m wrong.
But this ad is in NYT, so it’s being seen by informed and mostly educated people
The ad needs to break NYT containment
You’re right!
ggop reps are as cowardly and undemocratic as we fear
I've heard we only need 7 of Em' to say no way & cross over !
Trouble is, & I strongly believe this, their families will come under direct threat and be put in harms way !
Furthermore, I believe this has been made abundantly clear to them !
Several can be contacted here on Blue Sky. The rest at the gov sites/offices.
And Trump always threatens them w primary.
Above all else he fears a primary challenge next year.
So he will cater to the most radicalized magats.
Which just might mean a Dem can unseat him in the general.
All we were hearing was how close it was and then he wins a landslide? Yeah right.
You watch if you don’t do something now he’ll win the biggest landslide ever in 4 years time, and that’ll be too late .
Dems and our fucking purity tests
"Her emails"
"There's just something about her ..."
"I don't really feel like I know her"
"What has she done as VP?"
We got some misogyny and racism to deal with in our own party
And her laugh
“So let’s elect a Russian asset instead”
And if the blackmail and the death threats have kept them in line this long, it's doubtful they'll ever change course.
It is critical that these senators step up now and enforce their powers of authority according to the laws of the constitution.
La nación está agradecida
When elected officials are willing to kill kiddies, Americans, Veterans for political contributions and power, you have nothing but sociopaths running a nation.
#WeThePeople #Resist
Mark Cuban — whaddaya say??
2. "God" bleeps America.
Susan Collins plans to seek reelection in 2026
Make her district GO BLUE!
Do you know what isn't?
We march on DC; arrest Trump & co.; and, take them to trial in DC for crimes committed there.
The GOP ignored the crisis they created & did nothing to stand against Facism! We the People have to fight!
Also, we knew last year. All this We Know Now scrubbing just says "we" didn't pay attention.
And McConnell? He allowed Trump to happen.
I keep hoping Senator Young will find his courage when things get bad enough.
And he is an immigrant. They will not listen to him.
Trump will throw them in the trash at his earliest convenience. Stand up to maintain the separate power of Congress now or go down with the rest of us.
Maintaining their own power is a language they speak.
If they wait too long they’ll be sent to Guantanamo - or shot.
I can believe this will happen based on what we’ve been seeing.
Nothing apart from sheer rioting in the streets will make them move. They are too old and entrenched in their ways.
They own everything that happens now.
In case you’re not following along
Zelensky = David
It is our right and duty as Americans to push back on them - HARD.
Go to your Copies Folder, but not those with your Camera copies. Enlarge your copy of the screem grab as you slide it around so all the print becomes readable.