And thus, the banhammer was quickly taken out, and the offender Smoted into smithereens, and peace once more reigned, until the heat death of the universe.
(I sort of do have a backup account, but it’s and I don’t post on it; as the profile makes clear, it’s just there to direct people to my real account if they get lost.)
I'm encouraging people who are "known" to create a "verify" page at the top level of their site thats lists their legit presences. Example:
It works best for folks like Katie who have a well-known handle online that they've used forever and have the domain for it. I did the domain thing too but I don't really need it since I'm not well known. Basically no one is going to say "Is this the REAL Rick Gregory?"
Well done, everyone!
Damn, moderation is good.
(Also, frequently imitated… but never replicated … you are a SciComm gem!)
Why can't these people live their own lives?
so we were probably both about to report success at the same time.
Being interesting and popular sounds like an absolute chore.
Blocked and reported the charlatan anyways, love your work.
#KatieMack #science #cosmologist