I’m seeing people talk about “designated protest zones” and “law-abiding protests.”
Seriously, what the fuck are we doing here.
Seriously, what the fuck are we doing here.
Who is living an unchallenged life? I want to shake their hand
That's the point of a protest
They are
To be
Remember when all these same politicians were so quick to condemn the hong kong government for stifling student protest?
But we have food (mostly?) and entertainment (sometimes) and everyone is one bad day away from their entire life falling apart and losing everything to debt so basically nobody actually has the strength to do anything or the will to risk standing up against it.
they fucking live there (and pay through the ass to live there, i should note) and i don't
Otherwise your freedom of speech is infringing in my freedom to do the things you're protesting! How rude!
Of course they don't care about being fair. Of course they don't care about their own hypocrisy. To them it was never hypocrisy, it was earnest belief.
Is the moderate position then to emulate the Chinese gov't?
And illegal protests (all of them)
Those things don't win people to your cause. They piss people off and alienate them.
What you really mean is that discomfort means you can pretend you are participating in the change.
Then it's just theater.
If your "protest" is all legal with permits, et al, it's a performance.
Perhaps, and maybe even likely, for a worthwhile cause, but it's not a protest, it's a performance.
Would you like to know more?
the Student Gaza protests are a notable exception