As long as you're loyal to dear leader, you can rape a minor and get ahead.
This is the world we live in right now. Where a pedophile was almost chosen to lead the DoJ.
trump controls the lawyer firms, he controls MSM, he owns Fox and Newsmax, he owns the Supreme Court and the Dems are always slow to do anything. Who's going to stop him?
Yes, every headline is about mistakenly including Goldberg on the chat. Which is bad enough. But worse is that there are probably a thousand more chats just like that one, some of which include DJT, where worse things are being discussed, that probably include actual crimes in the US.
That's the strategy. Flood the system with so many violations there isn't time to pursue them all. Make them pick and choose which to pursue, then use that as tactic approval for whatever they didn't pursue, then push that to the extreme. As long as dems keep playing by the rules they cannot win.
They are all participating using a commercial coms app with auto delete, so… all of them, except for the Atlantic reporter. Come to think of it, they’re probably gonna blame him.
my apologies i forgot the quotes to "bad guy". By that I mean the person with authority who will not just call him wrong but deal the appropriate consequences
If an officer uses his private phone to record you, communicate, etc, while on duty and in official capacity you can FOIA it.
So maybe they are just oblivious? Or it was intentional hoping Goldberg would act on the info. Then, media crackdown.
Because WH records or because exempt (because classified)? Either way I don’t think any of it would have gotten out; but it does make me wonder if this is just standard operating procedure for them (in part to evade FOIA/ Congressional oversight requests)
I don’t think you can FOIA top secret communications. But who needs FOIA when the method isn’t secure and they are sharing top secret info with random members of the public anyway.
It's quiet on the FOI ListServ, but it hasn't had the traffic it once did for quite some time. One would think the National Freedom of Information Coalition would be making a statement... sometime?
Oh I’m sure you’re right about that! *They* thought of it. But at first, everyone else was only reacting to the most obvious aspect of the story (reporter on the text thread) because it was so absurd.
That part has not been getting the attention it deserves. Not only FOIA, but also record-keeping and archiving requirements. In a few weeks this discussion (of which the President denies all knowledge) would never have happened, for FOIA and archival proposes.
But wasn’t the event itself like a Grenada invasion?A group of hunter gatherers have a few automatic weapons to harass big container ships so most all of ships manage to make wide detour out of harms way and keep going.But the bullies in town gotta prove their Alpha and drop big bombs on wooden huts
No one that can do anything about it cares. They know it will blow over. They will create another "crisis" to distract us because the media has the attention span of a gnat.
It's still subject to public records laws. Any classified material is by law property of the USG. Destroying it without due process is a crime. One of the smaller dramas in the first Trump impeachment was the GOP trying to destroy records of the phone call after classifying them improperly, IIRC.
People care. The question is how much of this shit people take before they care enough to deal with the problem. And what that solution is is gonna depend on who crosses that threshold first.
It would likely not be subject to FOIA because it contains sensitive/classified national security info, but switching platforms to avoid FOIA is not allowed as a general rule. Gov’t records are government records regardless of how they’re stored.
I kind of suspect it was staged on purpose, with how James was on his best behavior talking about optics and restraint, as though he knew he was going to be published. Not enough typos.
and why not just meet in person without notes if you're worried about a record?
I think this is a quasi false flag designed to give Trump a PR win to justify and normalize doing such things. "It was a total success, no enemies found out and we won the conflict soundly so what's the big deal?" Becomes just like early drone strikes, outrage peters out and society just acquiesces.
It seems extremely obvious they are aiming for a "controlled demolition" of the apparatus of accountability and this part is just designed to underwhelm people. The whole point is to spin it as "this doesn't matter" as a kind of test case/precedent to absolve them of all future accountability.
Probably worse than avoiding FOIA: They reflexively don't want any potential future officials to be able to see their conversations that lead to their decisions.
And that's not about this Yemen operation. That's about everything else they're doing on Signal.
even if we care, is someone going to prosecute or impeach them? it’s hard to maintain outrage when nothing comes of it over and over for ten years. as a society we have adrenal fatigue
Ain't nothing better for hiding crimes than encrypted / expiring messages. They learned since their last tango with prosecutions.... When we get on the other side of this, gonna be a lot harder building hard evidence, well unless they're all this dumb
Apparently. Maybe I just missed it but with the exception of a couple politicians the only people who seem upset are people with zero power to do anything
But, for this administration's highest national security officials to blatantly ignore laws and procedures regarding classified information speaks to a very big systemic problem throughout its ranks.
Oh Buddy. We’re so beyond that. America has violated so many norms— including facilitating a genocide — that a simple foi infraction doesn’t even register. But it’s quaint that you’re pointing it out.
None of Trumps minion contingent want discoverability of their actions, incompetent or otherwise. This is all to avoid the disclosure and archiving requirements of the federal government. It's cowardice arc welded to a slab of inept amoral greed on steroids. Or in Hegseths case, a pony keg.
As a non-American and full time idiot, I had to search for "foia meaning."
Turns out it doesn't stand for "find out in advance" as I had thought. Every day a schoolday etc
I did a 2 am post meaning to be sarcastic and I was called out on it. When I re-read it, it sounded awful 🤦♀️. I’m not as clever as I thought in the middle of the night.
I’ll bet Ewwlon wants them to use his platform instead of signal, going forward. But they won’t, cause Ewwlon is a creepy little freak even by their standards.
Like, this "no one" shit is really tiresome & insanely defeatist in the same way Schumer is. We know R's don't, we know way, way too much of the media doesn't, but we know some elected Dems do, we know The Bulwark crowd and their small following does.
I’m not sure nat sec stuff is FOIA-able anyway. So no, that probably wasn’t the reason. They are just enthralled with breaking rules and very very unserious.
The reality is these type of communications happen all the time, just not with highly classified military docs. There’s a ton of “private” communications between govt officials not subject to foia.
That’s been in the international press since it began, long enough ago that it’s scrolled off the Middle East pages of a couple sites I checked just now. Seems more like a typical failure of the American press to not care about any story they don’t see as relevant to their audience.
They don't care about Social Security being gutted,
or people being disappeared
or legal residents being deported for saying things the administration didn't agree with
or threats against our allies
or permanent and lasting damage being done to our economy
A LOT of people care. Just not the right people. We need news outlets to care the way they cared about Hillary’s email server. We need the damn Democrats in Congress to care.
Perhaps this was just an example of doge cost cutting the military industrial complex?
Instead of wasting all that money on the highest levels of security,we can just use social media chat groups?
Or maybe the bathrooms at country clubs??
It all makes sense now.
Stupid,stupid timeline.
I would imagine their friend in Moscow also suggested this as a great way for them to be able discuss whatever, meanwhile allowing his own people to keep apprised of their plans and actions without the need for regular, detailed meetings, but with ample plausible deniability. Win-win all around.
This is the world we live in right now. Where a pedophile was almost chosen to lead the DoJ.
FOIA does not include classified information
I asked to add it to their list and am asking ppl on fb
We the people are the last wall.
When the protests get large enough. I guess we'll see where the military stands. You know he is itching to use them domesticly.
And they ALL did it.
Just not the people whose job it is to keep us safe and forge strong alliances. They don't care at all.
And…refers to notes…
Since when are highly classified military meetings subject to FOIA requests?
So maybe they are just oblivious? Or it was intentional hoping Goldberg would act on the info. Then, media crackdown.
May be problematic of they are also know to use Signal. Never easy when one side doesn’t care about hypocrisy and the other does a little.
We could use plenty more integrity all around, eh? *sigh*
But yes. Foia requests would be classified etc.
But yes. I think they are trying to keep their dealings out of the archives etc. and they would be locked up but eventually released.
The third...
People care. The question is how much of this shit people take before they care enough to deal with the problem. And what that solution is is gonna depend on who crosses that threshold first.
There's a reason everything is recorded on the encrypted communications devices they're SUPPOSED to use for this sort of thing.
well, republican crime anyway
and why not just meet in person without notes if you're worried about a record?
What's legal or illegal only matters when the law is equally enforced. Which it isn't.
The rich do what they can. the plebs(e.g you and everyone you know) suffer everything they don't organize together to change.
And that's not about this Yemen operation. That's about everything else they're doing on Signal.
WHY are they allowed to have a disappearing app on their phones?
Yes and
But, for this administration's highest national security officials to blatantly ignore laws and procedures regarding classified information speaks to a very big systemic problem throughout its ranks.
Turns out it doesn't stand for "find out in advance" as I had thought. Every day a schoolday etc
Don't go on the internet at 6am after no sleep, folks.
and congressional oversight
etc etc etc
He also can't make the needed changes for Twitter to behave like Signal because..
*pause for a sprint*
He fired the engineers.
Living in the F*ing "Wild, Wild West" over here, I guess!
Heads should roll!
Like, this "no one" shit is really tiresome & insanely defeatist in the same way Schumer is. We know R's don't, we know way, way too much of the media doesn't, but we know some elected Dems do, we know The Bulwark crowd and their small following does.
Maybe talk up the ones who care?
Surely everyone will react now!
or people being disappeared
or legal residents being deported for saying things the administration didn't agree with
or threats against our allies
or permanent and lasting damage being done to our economy
Laws just don’t seem to apply to republicans.
Instead of wasting all that money on the highest levels of security,we can just use social media chat groups?
Or maybe the bathrooms at country clubs??
It all makes sense now.
Stupid,stupid timeline.