What in the fuck
Details to follow
Give your land back
And you can have your own nation again. . .
That's what in the fuck.
That what it's ALWAYS fucking been.
To be fair, Britain's Houston Stewart Chamberlain helped, a lot by bringing our racist schemes to MAGA's heroes' attention along with his own.
We are officially in hell. And for the record, it has frozen over.
this has to be a joke.
I am usually intrigued by how the concept of "citizenship" differs here in the UK from the one in Brazil. But I didn't expect the US to have a third, weirder kind.
Remember how she got on the Court and to whom she is beholden.
Do they essentially become like DACA recipients — targets for deportation to a country they’ve never known?
You have got to be kidding.
These are Nazis pure and simple.
Pure evil.
As if Native Americans haven't been through enough.
Time to break out some of those broken treaties and redraw the lines.