They are killing my sisters and brothers and siblings and you're worried about working with people across the aisle. You should quit breathing asap as the oxygen you waste would serve others better
Capitulation is akin to the fascism seeping into our nation’s modern day framework. Sack up and stop playing two hand touch. Centrists Dems mean nothing to the left now.
You people are going to sit on your hands while we're sold upriver by our neighbors, who scream "Juden!" into their phones on the Trump tipline. The Democratic Party will forever be remembered as the Americam Weimar: a bunch of spineless turncoats.
The Biden administration has left the world in now doubt that the American Empire, regardless of which party is in control, cares not a jot for democracy or freedom, but only American "interests" in other words... money and power
Trump has been busy dismantling all of this before he’s even sworn in. Please, for the love of god, we need democratic leadership to start acting like an opposition party.
Sen. Booker, I'm relieved to have you and Sen. Kim represent me, but you and I both know what you're hoping for won't happen. The Republicans don't represent anyone but the rich, and they will mobilize their useful idiots to keep them in power. You guys have to get your hands dirty for once.
All the tools of the senate in holding up bills, delaying bill votes, filibustering, everything they used against the Dems, I want to see you all using them to slow the senate down to a crawl. Magas are not playing by your rules anymore, and neither should you. Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. 🔪🔫
Senator, I know you’re being sarcastic, but your colleagues across the aisle are some crazy, racist, dangerous, evil assholes who are intent on making you and your colleagues watch as they help burn down our country piece by piece. Their demented leader pardoned the criminals who tried to kill you.
Your "colleagues" have a president that launched a meme coin as a means to scam people and/or receive bribes. The only thing they'll carry forward is the size of their bank balances... oh, and turning the US into Gilead.
Stop being civil with people who would put you in a camp. They broke the social contract by trying to take away your civil rights, you do not need to compromise with them. I'll take a rude asshole who fights for my rights over spineless civility
Why don’t you block confirmations like Tommy Tuberville? Dems are pissed! Because the Senate is Not playing Constitutional Hardball like the GOP-You Will All Be Primaried and Replaced I’d you Don’t Step Up And Fight!
Really? They're your colleagues?Because they are attempting to gut your nation and dance around in the entrails. That's what they've publicly stated they want to do- to dismantle your country.
And you're out here hoping they'll continue a legacy?
Your """colleagues""" fucking hate you and want you gone. They will absolutely put you against the wall the instant they think they can get away with it.
Fuck this useless "decorum" horseshit and fucking fight the fascist traitor party, you goddamn idiot.
That’s not happening. So we, who elected you, need you to be defiant and uncooperative. Do not give them anything. Stand up for your principals, even when it’s hard. Don’t compromise, don’t give in, and don’t give up. We need you.
How does this help? This gives "plz don't do anything bad!" Their plan is to implement autocracy & worsen our existing oligarchy. Is our best hope really that the different factions--Dominionists, TESCREAL tech bros, etc--start squabbling too much to completely strip our democracy for parts?
I get setting up the framework to make them the bad guys when they inevitably start undoing some of the genuine good of the last 4 years, but you guys are not addressing your very distressed base, who see this as the frog & scorpion story tfg loves so much, & you're all acting like the frog.
Working with the fascist party is tantamount to joining them. If we don't see full on, mitch McConnell style extreme obstructionism from the dems, you've failed us yet again.
my dude your colleagues are honest to god Klansmen and they'd rather declare it legal to shoot people in the streets for fun than do anything even perceived as "carrying Biden's legacy forward", please get checked for recent TBI or maybe lead pipes in your office
Hey Senator just checking in does it look like Elon is reaching out to take the torch of "Biden's legacy" and carry it forward or is this perhaps something else?
They obviously won't and honestly fuck you for pretending they might. You're either dumb as a rock or think your supporters are, either option is unacceptable. They're taking bribes via memecoin as we speak
Why do continue to expect nazis to behave like anything other than nazi?
Are you even physically capable of learning from your mistakes or are you literally going to let Lucy pull the football out from under you for all eternity?
I think they are going to try to destroy all that. Hope you fight vigorously to keep the progress that was made. With all three branches in R majority its going to be an uphill battle for you. We are in your corner. Ill be Mickey... you be Rocky.
Cory, what we want to hear is how you all are going to stop the shitshow that’s about to happen. The lives of workers, trans people, immigrants, women, and black people are in immediate danger. What have the Democrats learned? What are you all going to do differently to protect us???
With all due respect, you have got to be kidding me. Let's stop with the BS that Republicans are going to step up to the plate. They aren't. Senator Booker, I beg you and other Dems, fight for democracy. Fight like our country is on the line, because it is.
Dems' legacy means nothing if you all do not fight Trump every step of the way, over anything and everything he does. Placating Trump & the Republicans will destroy whatever "legacy" you think you achieved. We care about today and tomorrow, not yesterday, last week, last month or last year.
Oh but you gleefully posed for a photo with one of that genocide's architects instead of assisting in delivering him to the ICC, so I guess you think that genocide is good.
you useless fucking imbeciles are going to be doing this Civility dance straight up to the wall and the firing squad they're going to put you in front of. Pity none of us will be left to stop them even if we wanted to, having gone first long before
There's literally a Nazi in the White House. Your obligation over the next four years is total resistance and nothing but sneering contempt for the sycophants who enable fascism.
Shame on you if you're actually so naïve as to think that the people who have openly pledged to undo all the work the Democrats have done because it was the Democrats who did it will spare the slightest thought to "carrying this legacy forward".
I hope you all play to their inner divisions. Play MAGA against the Tech Bros. Cozy up to the guy they just ousted from his committee chair, get him & his friends to vote with you. Tell us all the bills both sides are working on & where they're at in the process, so we can make our voices heard.
Senator, I hope you were speaking sarcastically. If you think your Republican colleagues will do anything other than shit on and destroy that legacy, you are as jaw-droppingly gullible as Trump supporters are themselves.
A legacy of genocide, letting an insurrectionist off the hook and handing him the whitehouse. You have a legacy that will be remembered, Sir, you can be sure.
What you could have said instead was "and we will do everything in our power to stop those who would dismantle this legacy and attack the most vulnerable among us" but you did the opposite
Dems in Congress, as always, proving their utter worthlessness to the people of the United States. Will you, for one damn time, actually take off the civility gloves and fight for our country?
Let AOC lead and just STFU in the back and vote as directed. Thanks.
There, fixed it for ya.😡
(yes I did)
You spineless berk.
And you're out here hoping they'll continue a legacy?
They wanna burn it down, man
Fuck this useless "decorum" horseshit and fucking fight the fascist traitor party, you goddamn idiot.
Have you been in a fucking coma for the last eight years? 🤔
Stand Up or Stand Aside Booker
While the Republicans kick Democrat's asses every single day.
Grow a spine.
Are you even physically capable of learning from your mistakes or are you literally going to let Lucy pull the football out from under you for all eternity?
The audacity of hope, isn’t enough.
Dems were elected in 2020 to put a stop to the wannabe fascists and did anything but.
But we’re angry. We need to see our leadership reflecting that too.
You need to be our voice, our anger, our sword.
I have high hopes for you in 2028, don’t fuck this up.
The rest of America's left is given "GOOD LUCK" and "Thoughts and Prayers."
You all take up VALUABLE space that could be used to oppose the GOP, the MAGA fascists, and Christian nationalists
step two:
step three: profit!
Working with them is collaboration.
Grow up, son.
We really need less of this appeasement energy, and more Senator Duckworth energy.
The GOP is fine with poor people dying as long as their billionaire backers get tax breaks.
The GOP wants people to die to teach them a lesson about being poor, in ill health, and not confirming to gender stereotypes.
Don’t reach across the aisle to murderers.
fucking fight. I am so tired of seeing Dems compromise on their positions decade after decade.
Yeah, you are. It is time to fight the shitshow that's coming, in all due respect.
You in?
Shame on you if you're actually so naïve as to think that the people who have openly pledged to undo all the work the Democrats have done because it was the Democrats who did it will spare the slightest thought to "carrying this legacy forward".
2. Are you stoned?
they are nazis. call them nazis.
What is this, man? Don’t you work there? What you hope is not vital information, we’ve got that out here. What are you going to be doing at work