the disconnect between elected Dems (business as usual) and the base (boiling mad) is about as big as I've ever seen it
I don't know how this eventually gets resolved but it's not a sustainable equilibrium
I don't know how this eventually gets resolved but it's not a sustainable equilibrium
Remember we have the ultimate power over legislators....we can fire their asses.
I’d bet that the 85-90% win rate for incumbents holds because the people who are complaining will forget to vote in the primaries (or their votes will be overwhelmed by the votes of old people who don’t really pay attention to anything).
or even shifted toward Trump. So the base being boiling mad may not have that much meaning any more.
I’d like to see Hakeem Jeffries gone to be honest.
And his mentor… Pelosi get out of politics fully to make room for more progressive & effective candidates.
Just my thoughts.
Don't care. Won't happen again. That's right.
People didn't listen for 4 years straight so idk what to do either.
Boiling mad wins, the old guitars adopt boiling mad once the focus groups come in, and no one ever thanks or acknowledges the honest Dems who were boiling mad from the jump.
Than and a slate of retirements
pissed off and defeated opinion :(
You are already losing voters for 2028.
They don’t want to see “Marco Rubio and the Immigrant Crushing Bill have been approved/passed with no objections and 40 democrat yes votes”
You have to specifically explain what “action” you would like
People need to get off this app and feel the pulse of literally anyone else outside.
Can we catapult some resilient lawyers with binding legal machetes in there instead?
Looks like Netenyahu's strategy was valid
The misinformation age
But you are right about the normie Dems realizing that we are right about the Democratic party.
I'd definitely agree about centrists.
This has always been my view on centrists.
Is that the base you’re referring to? Because that’s the only Democratic base that exists.
Some at the top of the party have been in power for 50 years or more. They're not actually interested in change.
It's going to be a looooong four years (or longer) if every single solitary skeet/post that's not hair on fire panic is raked over the coals for not being panicked enough.
MLK Jr. was not exactly a centrist...
this is really embarrassing for you, we just want elected officials to actually try to resist the GOP and to obstruct them at every turn, the way the GOP has acted for ages.
It’s really bad
As the Dems keep confirming Trump’s picks, they are aiding and abetting the white supremacist Christian fascist takeover of The United States that was spelled out in Project 2025
help young, progressive candidates take back seats all over the country:
An impeachment resolution.
An emergency appeal to SCOTUS.
Anything to convey that this is a Constitutional crisis demanding immediate action at the highest levels of government.
1- Bipartisanship
2- Statesmanship
That is exactly why Dems get beat up and lunch money gets stolen daily.
mass movements can take off very quickly
That alone makes it way easier for a mass movement to gain elected office and political power. a Primary.
In Oregon, only registered party members can participate in a political party's primary election.
"we're not Trump" clearly only goes so far
they've lost two elections running on it and barely won one
they need to shift back to the left again and they need to shift HARD
Liberal Dem districts can focus on left issues. But not the mainstream. We need to bring the independent non political people back
they threw the Trans community under the bus in many districts to win over people who were never voting for them and lost a lot of votes in the process
i voted for harm reduction reasons but there was not a lot of harm reduction difference last session
It's like they'd rather everyone just leave them alone to be transphobic and terrible on immigration
This has to be a class "war".
Boycott everywhere you can.
Our government is not for the people.
The base has been mad for a long time. And just in case you weren't aware, they *aren't* the performatively socialist twentysomething Pay My Student Loans assholes who helped strand us where we're at in the first place.
Remains to be seen how this affects the general, but Dem voters tried the moderate thing with Biden/Harris and see where it got them.
And people where right to assume he'd be a terrible president TBH.
If he’s alive it’s happening.
1. Base calms down or
2. The few Dems on their feet and fighting (AOC) begin to dominate in such a way that more moderate Dems become more combative for their own intra-party survival.
Hoping for #2!
Bernie was available.
Now I guess it has to be AOC. If she will run at all.