the answer to "why is Trump's approval still so high, even if it's going down" is pretty simple, imo
his biggest political appeal to his base has always been lib-owning, and right now the libs are the most owned they've been since he entered politics
with everyone else, he's dropping, and fast
his biggest political appeal to his base has always been lib-owning, and right now the libs are the most owned they've been since he entered politics
with everyone else, he's dropping, and fast
Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
"More registered voters say the U.S. is heading in the right direction (44%) than at any point since early 2004 ... according to an NBC News poll out this morning" (3/16)
Another reason that opposing cloture was extremely important for Dems, signals disagreement.
Frankly the worse things get, the more “libs” speak out & oppose, Trump’s base will approve more.
Using a Titanic analogy: Trump’s base will cheer while adrift in a freezing ocean if the “libs” don’t like the ship sinking
h/t to
There's no avoiding a civil war now. Probably before the end of summer.
Polls of 1000 people are BS?
All of the above
Third, while you may think Trumps agenda is the working mans, you’re wrong. Look who he surrounds himself with.
You are his dupes.
And it’s going to keep going down—gradually, then suddenly.
I also think if/when they tank the economy, the media narrative goes from the inscrutable deal maker that can’t stop winning to the dumbass that broke the world.
With what money...?
For some reason I'm reminded of Resident Evil 2 intro where the protagonist somehow stumbles into a town which so happens to be a biohazard wildfire. Like that.
No fences, no warning on TV or radio.
That's your summer, in a nutshell.
Right wingers own the narrative, and it's the only thing that matters anymore. Dems are doing nothing about it.
Going on for over 10 years now.
The Dems have a long wait ahead of them.
The consequences haven’t hit yet. They will.
Let's check back after their willingness to ditch the chaos and 'own' Americas new reality.
People see the stock market go down, and partial tariffs are causing prices to creep up.
The people who like him, will probably like him no matter what he does. Kill a guy on fifth avenue, etc.
But he's trending downward, a little bit more every day.
New to include Other Hating, and its various subcategories of racism & bigotry.
It sux.
But I'm so tired of hearing the same goddamn speil everywhere now: 'But I thought they would deport the OTHER brown people, not the ones we have in our neighborhood!'
Complacency has always been at the heart of many political disasters.
Let’s find out who they are and post their names addresses and photos.
Representative Jamie Raskin has given us a legal form to use to ask DOGE for all things pertaining to our individual privacy.
Type in DOGE Privacy Act Request and it will bring up Jamie Raskin's site from which you can download the form.
Lots of people going from mild dislike to extreme hatred and revulsion doesn't move the net favorability, but it makes a big difference
No amount of carnage will make those hogs squeal less because the carnage is the whole hogly appeal in the first place
fwiw my bet is "a little" - I think material politics matter a lot more to Dem voters than Rep voters, but I think even a few conservatives are going to end up unhappy with how much worse their own lives are getting, despite the propaganda bubble
Most MAGA will never turn on Trump—but *some* will end up saying “Trump is a traitor to MAGA, that’s why it’s failing.”
You don't have to repudiate your past support of him, just "President Trump ain't what he used to be and those people around him are taking advantage of him"
Like.....i keep hearing from people who i woupd say are "politically aware", voters, etc - "well the government was too big and DOGE is cutting the fat."
Haven't talked to them since this weekends shenanigans with the courts.
many of them write for The Bulwark
Former Republican, raised by "Eisenhower Republican" parents. Affectionate towards Reagan. Revolted by Gingrich. Former Evangelical, disgusted by same. Last voted R, Kasich as write-in in solidarity with father. D ever since.
There’s an asymmetry here where people perceive “talking to Liz Cheney without spitting in her face” as the greatest political giveaway in the history of the world, but pushing massive Medicare/CTC expansion isn’t jack shit
Or that it will take decades to undo it.