Elon Musk and his conspiracy-addled brain has decided to blame ActBlue for his current Tesla Troubles.
Again, this guy thinks he's smarter than you and should run the world.
Again, this guy thinks he's smarter than you and should run the world.
What a maroon
Fuck Musk
Love it when my country is run like a Facebook page for antisemites who have lost their pets.
(https://www-tagesanzeiger-ch.translate.goog/der-boese-jude-422707566516?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true , the original version, has a slightly different ending)
Marc: Trump will close ActBlue.
Can someone help with alternative that works smoothly like ActBlue?
But change:
1) Get rid of link altering 1-time gift to monthly, so people don’t accidentally click
2) Require donors to confirm address, job title, employer each time to donate.
I doubt Robert's Rules of Order has a section on proper conduct for firebombing a cybertruck (but I bet some crustpunk zines do.)
Stop being a dick!
If they are doing that it’s just the same as what he’s doing on the Right.