It's not about compression, you'd have to boil a thousand divorced men down into like a jam or something, maybe make a concentrate out of them or something.
But wife number 2, the actress who is pretty... she is also wife number 3, and they legally separated 3 times in the state of California, with who initiated the separation being different parties each time
sorry but i have it on good authority (his obvious alt posting on 4chan) that “elon is a father who gets lots of sex” so who’s got divorced man energy now?!?!
he does deny women his essence. except no, he's constantly pressing it on them whether they asked for it or not, he just doesn't like the "intimacy and touching" part, nor the "take care of the resulting child" part.
like, if he actually went to bars, do you think he hits on a woman by going up to her and just whipping out an extremely dubious looking half-full jar?
I know has mentioned on her pod that Elon claimed he had all his kids by IVF because he was "too busy for sex", though I've not seen the original source.
...when does he have TIME? Between poasting on his very own shitpoasting paradise 96 hours a day and also running twelve businesses and buying more and ruining sorry running at least three governments and masturbating furiously into a bunch of Mason jars with women's names labeled on them and
I laugh so much every time I think about this story. "Hey baby, wanna fuck? I'll give you a constantly broke motorcycle that costs five figures a year to keep"
Chris Rock once claimed in a stand-up set that Elon Musk's balls STAY drained b/c he's always getting his dick sucked.
And now I know why Will Smith slapped the taste out of his mouth at the Oscars. HE NEEDS TO LEARN TO KEEP HIS DAMN-FOOL MOUTH SHUT. King Incel ain't out here gettin' blowjobs 24/7.
Except metaphorically by his weird stans on Twitter. And the worst part is that I don't know if Musk would choose a real, physical blow job over the metaphorical ones at this point, if given the choice. He's on so many drugs he prob can't get it up, for one thing.
Children are wont to do things to piss off their parents... and ol' Elon? He'd DEFINITELY have that shit comin'.
Remember... Elon Musk is not an eccentric, misunderstood genius. He is a perfectly-understood idiot with hangups on "nerd shit" that are CODED "intelligent" by society.
I wonder if he's ace. No shade, I mean, represent here, but whether or no, he clearly has a breeding fetish and that's icky as fuck, that is when you play it for real and then don't actually care for your actual children.
And she's a thousand times cooler than he is, with more genuine "engagement" which has to burn deep in his Poaster's Madness addled brain.
(not that Vivian gives a shit about "engagement", but *Elon* does, and that's part of what he hates about her.)
You could stick a thousand divorced men in a divorced man compression machine a̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶d̶i̶v̶o̶r̶c̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶E̶l̶o̶n̶ ̶m̶u̶s̶k̶
It's about potency is what I'm saying
But wife number 2, the actress who is pretty... she is also wife number 3, and they legally separated 3 times in the state of California, with who initiated the separation being different parties each time
"There's more where that came from, baby"
-srsly I mean it-
You KNOW that somewhere, "Adrian Pittman" or wev the fuck has a Fetlife account where the term "baby batter" is used over 9000 times.
i'm so sorry.
...Quelle suprise.
(I assume he's terrible in bed)
In fact it’s unfathomably pathetic that he’s posting on a site that the rest of us outgrew when we were 16.
What’s he gonna get into frog in a blender next?
is 4chan even still a thing?
And now I know why Will Smith slapped the taste out of his mouth at the Oscars. HE NEEDS TO LEARN TO KEEP HIS DAMN-FOOL MOUTH SHUT. King Incel ain't out here gettin' blowjobs 24/7.
Which is hilarious, considering the eldest turned out to be a trans woman he disowned w/ a histrionic cry of "KILLED BY THE WOKE MIND VIRUS!"
Because, it'd be hilarious if she went for "astronaut."
Remember... Elon Musk is not an eccentric, misunderstood genius. He is a perfectly-understood idiot with hangups on "nerd shit" that are CODED "intelligent" by society.
At least I'M smart enough to know I'm an idiot compared to my college-educated, long-planning schoolmarm-fiance.
(not that Vivian gives a shit about "engagement", but *Elon* does, and that's part of what he hates about her.)
Jonah Heston, Tom Servo & Crow T. Robot: "SMOOTH!"
Paul: "...Just like any other woman."
Jonah & The Bots: "DOUCHE!"
--MST3K episode 1205, "Killer Fish"
"The Aristocrats."
If I could just see you