Judd is awfully quiet. So typical to not even offer acknowledgement of the Black people who took the time to educate or to add further context for such a statement. Boring lack of character.
Do you think maybe it’s because you never listened to where it came from? Potentially stop listening to the white people who use it as a slur and maybe listen to the Black people you stole it from?
Tough one. Not a thing. Not really a destination. A journey with the intent to scaffold awareness in the interest of equity and justice. My best shot🤷🏼♂️
"Woke" on the right is not meant to have a clear definition. Like "DEI", it's a culture war word to politically defeat the people on the left you don't like.
And you posted this under your government name?
Seems like after all this time, you don’t:
1) Know how to find the Urban Dictionary.
2) Know where Google is located.
3) Know any Black people.
Have you considered including Black Americans in the circle of people you speak with or is this in white font where you’re only talking among yourselves?
The fellow talks about the repurposing the far right uses to label everything they don't like as "woke", framing basic premises of equality and respect as ideologies they can disregard.
I’m quite aware of the mental malfunctions of the white American. He states no one can a define a thing when what he means is white people can’t and it’s only white people he is talking to, hence my comment about the white font. It’s ok if you want to chat to yourselves but you know we see right?
dunno, fellow. I've followed the man for a while and I understand the context he talks about. He tends to make these tiny assertions based on critizicing the 'right' of the political spectrum of his country. His wording could have been better in this post, tho 😅
Left and right in America are two groups of insane people who tie us up in the middle to hit with their racist insanity from both sides. It’s particularly difficult to watch either play stupid about the terms we coin to describe it.
Hmmm I see 🤔. There is a broader problem as we got this divided society and both sides of the conflict present themselves as hostile to your demographics :/. I can relate; political dogmas are not useful for what comes to address social disparities, ironically.
He chose the words "no one" and if that's not what he meant probably he should say so, it doesn't make a lot of sense to assume that you know what he ACTUALLY meant if he's not willing to amend...
I’ve always thought it came from a Democrat telling a MAGA Republican to wake up before it’s too late. The MAGA responded with “I don’t want to be woke”.
It's the economic anxiety, of CRT, of the war on Christmas, of Cancel Culture, of gas stoves of trans kids, of eating the dogs and cats, of trans kids, of lawfare, of DEI, of the price of eggs.
Uh, well, THEY can't, because most of them don't know the word 'empathy'. They do know 'compassion' and 'respect' but they won't use them in context with 'woke' because to them 'woke' is always pejorative. "Being considerate of the impact your actions (including words) may have on others feelings"
2. is pretty accurate, though. They won't put it that way, but they'd privately agree with it, because they have utter contempt for the idea that their speech should be limited in any way, especially to spare the feelings of others.
3. Of course it can go too far. Anything can. Honest art is going to offend SOMEone, that's just how that goes. It's the price we pay for freedom. Well. One of them.
Fighting for equal rights and the protections of vulnerable communities while remaining aware and informed of systemic racism and harmful policies in the world around you even if they dont affect you.
if black american people came up with a word to warn other BLACK american people to remain aware of the world around them, why in the christopher columbus fuck, are you pretending you can't find a source?!!
The problem is only their leaders know what it means. The common red cap can't wrap their tiny minds around it, so it goes about like this...
MAGAT: Got dang woke librul bullshit!
ME: Am I woke?
MAGAT: You hate black folk?! Want woman to know thur place?
ME: No.
MAGAT: Ya woke libtard bastard!
The right winged politicians just used the term to appeal to the emotions of their majority white voter base. No difference than what the Nixon campaign did with the civil rights legislation. It has no other meaning beyond that for them. White identity politics.
I asked that question to a man who yelled at me that I am a woke feminist. He couldn't think of an answer other than to call me a bitch for pressing him on the matter.
"Woke": 1.) Offensive to ones political or ethical sensibilities, i.e. "Black Elves in Lord of the Rings is too Woke" 2.) Clarity in understanding of a specific issue or group of issues, i.e. "We became woke to the issues of Black America and racial injustice".
The song is actually called "Redbone" but he famously says "stay woke" throughout the song. This is when the term went mainstream when that album dropped. The main crit at that time was that it was grammatically incorrect, until it became a catch all euphemism for anything leftists stood for
IIRC, "stay woke" goes all the way back to the 1938 song "Scottsboro Boys" by Lead Belly.
I feel like when people tried to make the phrase more intersectional/inclusive, they somehow just appropriated it and gentrified it instead. Then bigots watered it down more easily. And I hate that.
Yall are so very confused and lost. Woke is the adherence to an old dialectic in regards to Hegelian dialectic, which is when virtues become nonsensical vices and a cult emerges.
President Trump funds his political career thru donations and the sales of merchandise. This means when we he's pushing our agenda and we're happy, so is he. This is much different than voting for the same permanent political class members who make promises they never keep because they've sold
out the American people to lobbyists and special interest decades ago. He's absolutely brilliant he's destroyed the Cheney Bush Clinton McCain dynasties with more to come. He's exposed the permanent political class and reshaped the republican party into the new National Populist Republigun Party
Course they can. They choose not to, because to say they were against, “fighting for equal rights and protections for vulnerable communities” would make them look bad. That’s precisely why they use “woke” instead.
Yall are so very detached. Woke is the adherence to an old dialectic in regards to Hegelian dialectic, which is when virtues become nonsensical vices and a cult emerges.
Please, please rethink this.
Black Americans who actually coined the phrase can define it clearly. Just because the folks that appropriate and altered the meaning can't doesn't mean it wasn't clearly defined. Seriously, this pattern is really tiring for us.
If you believe this you are either being purposely obtuse or simply biased & it's easier to hide behind dog whistles. More heinous is that NOW you all literally use verbiage from Civil Rights era to usher in the return of your collective disgusting racist behaviors/history towards Black ppl
The meaning wasn't altered. Woke is the adherence to an old dialectic in regards to Hegelian dialectic, which is when virtues become nonsensical vices and a cult emerges.
The colloquialism of "woke" which is being discussed is Not from this origin. It was a term co-opted from Black Americans as are most colloquialisms used in mainstream today. It was used culturally until our social media use bled into majority's eye & now polluted by MAGA to demean Black Folk
The permanent political class and unelected globalist oligarchs(not all)who can perfectly be described as transnationalists socialists/globalist fascists have used neoliberal economic and unconstitutional military acts to financially bend and militarily break those with different cultures and
traditions for power wealth and resources in the false name of freedom and democracy causing the faltering of our unipolar liberal international order, the loss of our hegemony, and our economic ills(hopefully only temporarily). This is the same group who've used those same neoliberal economic and
nonsensical socioeconomic theories to shape a consumer and constituent base that thrive off division hate and materialism devoid of morality, objectivism and leading to confusion desperation nihilism and in many cases much, much worse. What I've explained is the transnationalists socialists/
There has always been slang words for progressive, liberal people for as long as I can remember - "right on" in the 1970s/80s, "politically correct", "tree-huggers" in the 1990s. "Woke" is nothing new.
Its origins don't dictate its meaning today. Woke is the adherence to an old dialectic in regards to Hegelian dialectic, which is when virtues become nonsensical vices and a cult emerges.
If you were arguing that over time its definition has expanded from awareness of the oppression directed at the Black community, and now includes awareness of bigotry directed at other racialized minorities, the disabled, and LGBTQ2IA+ as well, I'd take you seriously. As it stands... nah.
Woke in its pejorative sense seems to be an extreme form of idealism which demands society to be reconfigured to accommodate to needs of very small minorities. It’s deluded perfectionism that disregards human nature and hang-ups.
Woke is the adherence to an old dialectic in regards to Hegelian dialectic, which is when virtues become nonsensical vices and a cult emerges. What's your thoughts on transnationalism and socialism?
Its origins don't dictate its meaning today. Woke is the adherence to an old dialectic in regards to Hegelian dialectic, which is when virtues become nonsensical vices and a cult emerges. What's your thoughts on transnationalism and socialism?
White ppl need a word like the Yiddish word "Shanda" to describe how embarrassing, shameful, we can be to non-white ppl when posting something like you just posted. You might start by asking a Black person. Or, check Wikipedia.
I... What? Have you asked a single poc? I mean, there's a ton of good responses here but it's just "keeping your eyes open to the way society systemically acts to disempower anyone who isn't a wealthy white male". I'm baffled
You mean the "woke" they, MAGA, stole. When they say woke, it doesn't mean what it originally meant. It's actually another way MAGA has oppressed black people.
It is not complicated. It means socially aware and conscious, with a willingness to self-educate for additional knowledge and commitment to social fairness.
Ok. Using one word to define how the republican party appropriated a word first coined by black people generations ago denies its’ history and context. In my defense, my definition does address in a somewhat flippant way the current republican meaning of the word
2...Asked what “woke” means more generally, [Desantis’ General Counsel Ryan] Newman said “it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”
1...During trial DeSantis own attorneys defined it...Taryn Fenske, DeSantis’ Communications Director said “woke” was a “slang term for activism…progressive activism” and a general belief in systemic injustices in the country.
Believe it or not, I went to high school with Ron DeSantis. He was two years younger than me. He was a smug little prick. I feel guilty, like I need to go back in time and stop him. Who’s got a DeLorean?!
The horror! They act like that’s a bad thing. I hate the book but white fragility is real. They don’t want to hear anything that challenges their myths about this country and how great white people are.
Woke is over now, buried in a field alongside ACORN, CRT the New Black Panther Party, the Prius, Dijon Mustard and ANTIFA. The scary ghosts of White people past.
Dude. Please the fuck educate yourself before you post this ignorant trash absolutely beclowning yourself and making all of us look like racist asshats.
If you can’t post without being a cringy mess, shut up. Just shut up.
“Beclown” <—perfect term for what @juddlegum.bsky.social did to himself.
Let me screencap his stupid shit and post it in my socials and show my friends how this joker beclowned himself.
Most of the time, when conservatives use it, it directly means "Black", as they stole the word from us. Sometimes they use it to mean "LGBT". There is a small smattering of times it doesn't mean anything.
The irony 🤣 Woke is the adherence to an old dialectic in regards to Hegelian dialectic, which is when virtues become nonsensical vices and a cult emerges. It's the transnationalists socialists/globalist fascists Third Worldism agenda in which the secular woke cult/religion(a form of Hegelian)
I know it’s been said in the quote reposts already and you’ve seen it, and I understand the intention of this post, but do you think the right wing’s new favorite word to misinterpret and clumsily redefine (as you said, no meaningful definition from there usually) fell out of a coconut tree?
Maybe you got to be more specific to avoid the missunderstanding in the replies, fellow ^ -^'.
Truth to be told, the twisted use the "right" gives to this afroamerican slang is basically a label to shun everything they hate, and they hate everyone but themselves
LGBTI is 'woke'
woman rights are 'woke'
mental health is 'woke'
environment is 'woke'
public healthcare is 'woke'
culture beyond the southern template is 'woke'
the slightest hint of minority acceptance is 'woke'
goddamn feathered dinosaurs are 'woke'.
You notice it particularly in the entertainment media, where they mix low production performance (as the bad quality movies certain mouse company is doing so far) with the topic of inclusion, accusing productions for being bad because they rep unfavored groups and not its inherent poor quality
Wikipedia isn't a reliable source. Woke is the adherence to an old dialectic in regards to Hegelian dialectic, which is when virtues become nonsensical vices and a cult emerges.
To the 54% of Americans who read at or below a 6th grade level, 'woke' equals 'bad' because that’s what they’ve been told. The definition of 'woke' is irrelevant since it’s been perverted into a political label for things to be demonized. It’s been co-opted as a pejorative, like 'All Lives Matter.'
To the 54% of Americans who read at or below a 6th grade level, 'woke' equals 'bad' because that’s what they think about anything seemingly new without obvious personal benefits.
2. No, Blackfolks who created the word know what it means. This supremacist concept that you can re-write definitions to fit your own narrative because reality is scary & you don’t want to deal, is not our problem.
🤣 You've progressed down a digressive neoliberal secular woke religious/cultish(a form of Hegelian cultism) dead-end where you'll remain an ever dwindling tiny minority in a never-ending futile attempt to CONSERVE the now irrelevant secular postmodern "mass society" era/paradigm and its beurocratic
managerial class that's no longer relevant. We're in the new postsecular transhistorical metamodern "network society" era/paradigm. The world will continue to PROGRESS in the RIGHT direction where traditional liberalism and progressivism(not to be confused with your secular woke cultish/religious
Used to be called having “emotional intelligence” until rightwingers rebranded it to sound like a sneer. Because anything involving intellectual thought is tough for them to not be a part of.
I guess the meaningful part to me is they still feel uncomfortable *saying* their definition. We will know we're in dangerous territory when they stop feeling ashamed enough to resist saying, "I don't want to work with or even show basic courtesy to the untermenschen. Segregation now and forever"
Seems like after all this time, you don’t:
1) Know how to find the Urban Dictionary.
2) Know where Google is located.
3) Know any Black people.
they’re just repackaging the shit bill maher was complaining about 20 years ago, and pretending it’s some innovative way to fight the culture war
To the point it has become the center of their political universe.
MAGAT: Got dang woke librul bullshit!
ME: Am I woke?
MAGAT: You hate black folk?! Want woman to know thur place?
ME: No.
MAGAT: Ya woke libtard bastard!
"No, we already live here..."
Cuz… um… yeah…
Everyone else? Not so much.
"Woke": 1.) Offensive to ones political or ethical sensibilities, i.e. "Black Elves in Lord of the Rings is too Woke" 2.) Clarity in understanding of a specific issue or group of issues, i.e. "We became woke to the issues of Black America and racial injustice".
Original is a verb
"Stay woke"
hyper awareness of systems of oppression waiting to catch u slipping
Co-opted is a noun:
White Opposition to Knowledge and Equity
"Stay" changes the meaning. Never heard of "woke" before. Example Stay Woke by Childish Gambino
I feel like when people tried to make the phrase more intersectional/inclusive, they somehow just appropriated it and gentrified it instead. Then bigots watered it down more easily. And I hate that.
Or are you really that obtuse.
From Webster
Black Americans who actually coined the phrase can define it clearly. Just because the folks that appropriate and altered the meaning can't doesn't mean it wasn't clearly defined. Seriously, this pattern is really tiring for us.
"having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge"
Stay in your own lane.
That’s it.
Care about the well-being of others. Accepting of other people's race, religion, beliefs and sexual orientation.
Ignorance need not apply.
Be better, man.
It’s a term for us about staying educated and aware of our history, culture, and culture conditions.
Then outsiders took it made into what they wanted it to be.
Other than maybe that, it's a term that only morons use seriously as a vague insult to people who love and care about other people.
It's not actually something that is in question and we should probably quit indulging the intentionally obtuse right on this.
This was an inconsiderate choice.
Dude. Please the fuck educate yourself before you post this ignorant trash absolutely beclowning yourself and making all of us look like racist asshats.
If you can’t post without being a cringy mess, shut up. Just shut up.
Let me screencap his stupid shit and post it in my socials and show my friends how this joker beclowned himself.
Most of the time, when conservatives use it, it directly means "Black", as they stole the word from us. Sometimes they use it to mean "LGBT". There is a small smattering of times it doesn't mean anything.
Truth to be told, the twisted use the "right" gives to this afroamerican slang is basically a label to shun everything they hate, and they hate everyone but themselves
LGBTI is 'woke'
woman rights are 'woke'
mental health is 'woke'
environment is 'woke'
public healthcare is 'woke'
culture beyond the southern template is 'woke'
the slightest hint of minority acceptance is 'woke'
goddamn feathered dinosaurs are 'woke'.
They made it their scapegoat.
Why TF couldn’t you?
Are you New in these Internet Streets?
You are conflating the Right's cultural push against a more inclusive world with a term that very much had cultural salience, which was co-opted.
Amazing we’re told we don’t understand our culture… it was used in 1920s Harlem?
Woke: aware of the systemic inequalities & injustice perpetrated by those in power.
I can use it in a ‘70s Shaggy Scooby Doo’ sentence:
“be woke to the machinations of the Man, dude!”
2. No, Blackfolks who created the word know what it means. This supremacist concept that you can re-write definitions to fit your own narrative because reality is scary & you don’t want to deal, is not our problem.
3. just follow the f-ing golden rule.