I have no idea if Brian Thompson was a nice dude but he wasn’t a mass murderer. He was a high-ranking executive in an industry that has to make decisions about sick people and has a pretty lousy track record of doing so. A good way to see this is asking how many “murders” his killing prevents.
And sure, you can draw parallels . . . but it's STILL violence!
And I'd also argue that the systemic violence of the insurance industry doesn't also justify vigilante street executions.
United, under Thompson, far exceeded the industry norms.
Is a murderer not a murderer anymore if they're replaceable?
1799 France... this is nothing spurious, this has been building for 40 years... 😶
Vigilante violence (if backed with broad public support) can do something similar.
This feels, obviously not the same as, but akin to the Nuremberg defense. "If we hadn't done it, someone else would have taken our place to do so, so we can't be judged guilty for those actions."
Notice the murders have not actually stopped, in this scenario you've presented.
Your claim is denied.
They make money from denying care to people who need it.
Their existence benefits no one but the shareholders.
For profit healthcare is murder.
You do make the point: health insurance shouldn’t be making decisions about sick people, only doctors.
Indifference to Brian Thompson’s death is justified.
As Ronald Regan once said, kill the bastards.
He was also a degenerate drunk driver
It’s the *system* that needs to be changed, to protect people’s lives.
Helplessness breeds violence.
But they'll bring them out when nothing else works.
Your preconceived notions of the people you condescend to is barrier to understand that.
To resort to violence is self defense.
horror story tales of failures of the “healthcare” system system, ranging fr mere Kafkaesque bureaucracy to The Shining-like torment, incl too soon & unnecessarily painful death. I understand the rage — hope folks get active
Biden campaigned on a public option but then never mentioned it once he got to office
Health insurance as a system is the murderer. Dead CEO just benefited from said system and was one of the worst about denials.
Democrats do not push or advocate (or pass) policies that help that. Their track record fucking sucks and they fundraise on it.
Sadly one of the only good things in the last 25 years for regular people is the pre-tax HSA.
Bernie is right. There should be a single payer option and price caps should be set on drugs and care.
You have to be walked through and hand held what is means to be a decent human being.
Holding signs can be (and is) ignored. Deal.
Riddle me that...
people like this do not argue to solve anything - only to argue and feed their ego
Oh wait…
It’s intellectually lazy at best to rely on one unsourced claim for an assertion like this; pray tell, how did you compare very highly protected industry data?
The point is push for reforms in a broken system without stanning the a murder of a CEO in that system. Ex the BLM movement. I don't want to celebrate the murder of police officers ("ACAB"). I do want to reform these systems that are in desperate need of reform.
The decision on when/how to ration care has to be made somewhere. But it's perverse that the deciders in US healthcare are largely for-profit.
Brian Thompson earned millions of dollars to make the experience even worse for people that desperately needed help in their hour of need. Does it help advance anything that'll fix it? No
It's why people cheered on his death in a way they wouldn't cheer on the murder of the Director of CMS
Please elaborate on that and how it should only ever be denounced by decent people.
Would you so breathlessly defend Charles Manson?
Manson doesn’t hold a candle to that monster or the others like him.
The only real difference is Thompson got very rich leaving a trail of the dead and had a much higher body count.
They were both men who got off on having people kill for them. If Manson was legally liable for murders he didn't commit, then Brian Thompson should be liable for murders he caused as well.
You stopped speaking about genocide in Gaza as a cynical effort to boost your electoral chances and you're gonna post about "basic moral sensibilities" to defend the honor of a guy who made billions off of denying people healthcare??
Are you not embarrassed?
Wait until you find out about most mass shooters
It lead them to massive electoral victories??
They won?????
And you *don't* want Dems to do that??
Are you a child?