Watching the contortionistic explanations, they give that swerve around the destruction he is rendering is mind boggling ... Denial is a dangerous thing in humans, driven by a fear so big we cannot even fathom it ...
What a disillusioned notion that his statement represents the opinion of “everyone” when the ONLY remaining Trump-ites are those who will:
1. Profit from his insanity
2. Feel validated in their hate
3. Be gratified oppressing others
4. Those who are too stupid to know that they’re not part of #1
The entire stadium singing along with him should tell them they're in the wrong but hey, they really can't let the racism hide anymore.
Also, "our guy won an election so therefore" therefore what?
I'm not a huge rap fan myself, but MAGA might wanna ask the crowd who was singing and cheering along with the show, and the Grammys who gave Kendrick FIVE AWARDS for a diss track, if people like it.
I am not suggesting the artists at the Super Bowl are pagan satanic cultists but they were able to still perform, dispite the fact that trump won the election and Benny Johnson did not have the courage to say he doesn't want N-word people performing at the Super Bowl anymore.
What I’m saying is even if he was pagan, is that not allowed in the land of the free? You can’t be a patriot and a religious zealot. That is cognitive dissonance.
C'mon Benny: I know you wanna say it. Just take the tip of your tongue and press it against your upper plate. Then the rest of the word will come out of your snowflake white, racist mouth. C'mon, Benny...
So heartwarming how DJT brings your country together. Should be an interesting dynamic if he decides to invade my country. I think half of you would defect. Lol
Despite many reclaiming them, the terms "pagan" and "satanic" both have their roots as christian slurs against anyone they don't like, usually in the service of some form of imperialism that goes against the nominal teachings of the religion. To imperialists, religion is just a rhetorical bludgeon
I've seen a few variations on the general point Benny is making and I don't understand it; it just seems like a non sequitur. Why would him winning the US presidency mean anything with regard to that?
This whole thing is actually about cultural dominance, and almost nothing else.
It's why they don't give a shit when policy swings in wild arcs, can hold so many seemingly contradictory positions, but get damned serious about about halftime shows and beer ads and consumption news media.
What they're mad about is that Trump's win doesn't give them dominance and deference. We're still here, we're not begging them for forgiveness or admitting they are right and we were wrong. We still don't respect them, we fight their attempts to remake the country in their image.
What they crave is something they'll never get: a world that works how they believe it should. They're at war with reality, and that's not a fight they can win. An election doesn't rewrite human sexuality, sociology, or culture. They might as well try to stop the tide.
I wonder if they would take the offer to be plugged into a reality of their fantasy,
a meta verse, so the rest of us can live in peace out here from their racist evil bullshit.
I mean, look at what’s happening on Twitter now that we’re over here. They spin out all day, upset that they can’t directly abuse people. We are a vital part of their reality, because bullies and sociopaths feel hollow without victims to abuse.
They wouldn't, because oppressing us and making us suffer is part of what they want. Taking that offer would be them admitting they can't win. That idea horrifies them.
Because these dipshits think (and have been trained to think since Nixon) that they represent the "silent majority" of Americans who are too afraid to speak up, and they think Trump's win is the final referendum on that matter.
They think that people were only pretending to hate their guts and now that Trump won people are free to not pretend to hate them and the realization that they are still losers is...
A lot of the chief idiot's supporters genuinely seem to believe getting him elected would somehow force the rest of society to bow down for white conservatives.
Eh. The only people I've seen that actually talk like that are ones that have never seen a black person in their lives and piss themselves when they hear rap music. They're all keyboard warriors online and massive pussies in person.
Because they're bought into the conspiratorial belief that the world up to now has been controlled by a "radical left-wing deep state" trying to force acceptance for things like trans people and other races existing via astroturf campaigns. They think Lamar's success is due to federal intervention.
Remember when lockdown ended and Republicans (as well as a whole lot of Democrats!) all started chiding anyone still wearing a mask with "You know you don't have to do that anymore, right?" It's the same thing. They think anyone who actually cares about other people is being scared into doing so.
Like Trump, they see the election as some sort of validation, as if what the vote actually said was that the majority of Americans agree with their beliefs, and everyone else should fall into lock(goose)step behind them.
"Thanks, everyone"....
Benny Johnson thinks HE's everyone.
Thinks MAGA is everyone.
What an arrogant schmuck!
Kendrick, SZA, Samuel, and all their crew made a powerful statement - BLACK LIVES MATTER in America. The most meaningful and memorable halftime show in NFL history, IMHO.
When he was talking about “talentless mumbling pagan satanic cultist”, thought he was referring to MAGA in general or the new lineup for the Kennedy Center Honors.
These people support an orange sexual assaulter and his cabinet of sexual assaulting deviants, but DAAAAMN Kendrick Lamar offended them! Who did they want to better represent their values, Diddy?
#BennyJohnson, the MAGA /6/21 Defender, ppaid Russian Shill & #DomesticAbuser needs to have ads placed on digital billboards and social media of why he took money from Russia to spread false narratives.
Dem & Indep leaders need to create 5 lies & 1 truth that WH MAGA 1/6/21 defenders say daily
Who’s going to tell him that pagan and satanic are not the same thing? Also, we understand completely what Kendrick said and meant and more than half the country is HERE for it!
He used to have a plumb gig with the Washington Post until he got busy for plagiarism not once, but twice. That’s the first time he got National recognition so is it any wonder he’s Trump’s boy?
Ya know the funny thing is that Trump had actually tried to buy an NFL team several times & was told NO.
The owners did not want him as a fellow owner….so there’s that.
Li’ sport sounds sad, lonely and frustrated.
Houseless people of NOLA worry about a helluva lot more important shiz than this tonight.
Party on, darth.
Pagan? Satanic? No offense to Mr. Lamar, but he's not one of ours, and I don't recall hearing "Hold the Heathen Hammer High" as part of any halftime show.
Pagans, Satanists, and members of other related belief systems tend to stick up for each other, especially in regards to religious liberty and church/state issues. Mr. Lamar is not part of that community. Judging by the content of his work, he appears to be a Christian.
Benny The Plagiarizer should realize that Lamar won more Grammys than most anyone and a Pulitzer. Apparently, the NFL is not the only one who thinks Lamar is very skilled.
Our democracy is being destroyed, people’s rights and freedoms are being stripped, people’s lives are being hurt by funding freezes and corruption. And this is what you are upset about?!! If it walks and talks like cult…
Pagans aren't satanic. Satan doesn't exist within paganism. Most satanist are really atheist who call themselves satanist to get a laugh when christians freak out. Those satanist who do worship Satan aren't looking to be in a halftime show. There is no "Hell" in the bible. She is a Norse Goddess. 🤙
The idea of pagans being satanic comes from an archetypical comparison with the figure of satan, angra mainyu is the incarnation of Druj and they believe that paganism is just a bunch of nonsense that came from confused retards, so they see it as something satanic.
Kinda gay and anti intelectual tho
I honestly do not know that this asshole is prepared for the sheer amount of hate and spite Kendrick can muster and focus into a complete and utter life altering destruction for people who talk shit about him.
But if he keeps this shit up, we're all gonna find out together.
If they can spend four years screaming about a stolen election so the fuck can I. Elon Musk stole this election to protect his government handouts. I for one don’t want pedos and ketamine addicts in charge of the country.
I'm sure a multi billion dollar organization (NFL) chose multi Grammy winning artist (Kendrick) instead of whatever country music artist because they thought it would lose money. Dummies gotta dummy.
One of the biggest of all time. I've been editing articles for years and years and the fact that he was fired for "over 40 instances of plagiarism" is butt-fucking insane. How he got away with it that long is beyond me but the fact that he did it that much? Incredibly sad. Why even work the job?
I'm sorry, but was Lamar praising the Emperor of Mankind? Or is he some sort of fucking heretic that worships the cult of Nevertrump? If the latter, then, yes, he's a satanist. /s
Hey Benny, how does Putin' balls taste? Or for that matter, how does his dick up your ass feel? Get fucked you Russian traitorous piece of shit. Beware of pavement outside of a 2nd floor window.
Benny is known for plagiarism. This, apparently, is the kind of drivel he produces when he writes his own shit. He needs to go back to (someone else's) drawing board.
Satanic??? I know that's exactly what these assholes resort to claiming when it's typically female pop stars with flashy and extravagant performances, but what exactly can he claim was "satanic" in any portion of this performance???
I’m a 65-year-old white guy. I didn’t get everything about Lamar’s performance or the cultural reference points. Doesn’t matter. The choreography and symbolism was great, and if it made MAGA’s heads blow up, even better.
Song by Black artist wins five Grammys, sits at Billboard's #1 for weeks; white conservatives unaccountably mad that same incredibly popular song drags pedophiles.
wonder what the connection is.
He should definitely start a fight with Kendrick Lamar, though, foresee that going super well for him.
Sounds like he oughta be branded as an unqualified online personality. Especially so since he & Alina Habba had the audacity to pay lip service to Andrew Tate, the soon-to-be-convicted human trafficker
As soon as the footage of Trump dancing and having fun at the halftime show is shown all the maga bozos will be talking about how great the halftime was
Of course they are offended. I don’t care too much about his music but it was a great performance, very entertaining. If MAGA is triggered is the icing on the cake. Btw, 58 year old white guy here
In the vast majority of pagan religions Satan doesn’t even exist. About half of MAGAs problems can be attributed to pure ignorance and the rest, one can assume from their behavior, should be chalked up to dick insecurity.
Satan is a Christian Construct, believed to be developed when Christianity enveloped the Roman world, to allign more with the dichotomy between good & evil in Zoroastrianism.
Therefore, in order to be a Satanist, you kind of have to have Christian beliefs.
Satan is a pre-christian figure, but his role as an "anti-god" figure is christian (and likely influenced by dualistic persian religions widespread in the roman empire at the time).
In the original myths Satan is a servant of God and acts as the "prosecutor" in a soul's "trial".
It's cute for Benny Johnson of all people to be talking about perceived evils when he did a puff piece interview with a human trafficker, Andrew Tate. Every accusation is a subtle confession
“Pagan satanic cultists?” Huh? This asshole *does* realize the Church stole many of their traditions from the pagans he so despises, right? And satanic doesn’t make sense, either. Members of the Satanic Temple are actually much more Christian than many “Christians.” Including himself, obviously.
what is with the mumbling nonsense they keep focusing on? cause it seems only a very specific demographic are saying that?
Watch as they call it the DEI halftime show soon.
1. Profit from his insanity
2. Feel validated in their hate
3. Be gratified oppressing others
4. Those who are too stupid to know that they’re not part of #1
Also, "our guy won an election so therefore" therefore what?
We LOVED it. 🖕
Kendrick Lamar and SZA will stand for those who have no voice. We will defend them with the blood of those who suck trump dick.
Remember this.
Who's "we", punk?
#MagaSelfOwn says what?
It's why they don't give a shit when policy swings in wild arcs, can hold so many seemingly contradictory positions, but get damned serious about about halftime shows and beer ads and consumption news media.
They can't, and they hate it
a meta verse, so the rest of us can live in peace out here from their racist evil bullshit.
Not being taken in stride.
2A up. Lots of entitled gammon think Trump is manifest destiny for "white America only"
They're dangerous...
... Because they're stupid.
And 70% of Americans need to understand that before it's too late.
Yes, 70%.
Benny Johnson thinks HE's everyone.
Thinks MAGA is everyone.
What an arrogant schmuck!
Kendrick, SZA, Samuel, and all their crew made a powerful statement - BLACK LIVES MATTER in America. The most meaningful and memorable halftime show in NFL history, IMHO.
funny how bud light had the whitest commercial...
Dem & Indep leaders need to create 5 lies & 1 truth that WH MAGA 1/6/21 defenders say daily
Closed-mindedness as politics.
The owners did not want him as a fellow owner….so there’s that.
Houseless people of NOLA worry about a helluva lot more important shiz than this tonight.
Party on, darth.
It already happened, so yeah.......
Got it.
I hope the winds of change doesn't knock his buckled hat off his swollen noggin.
Kinda gay and anti intelectual tho
But if he keeps this shit up, we're all gonna find out together.
Like we give a shit.
That's doing double duty.
Glad we don’t live in the same world
what ever happened to "let the market decide" and laissez-faire? the business can make these decisions for themselves.
thanks for your feedback, tho! your call is important to us. please stay on the line ...
Conservatives: SATANIC PAGAN!
Virtue worshipping
I'll sum it up with one word: MAGAts
Just remember:
Every insult,
every accusation,
wonder what the connection is.
He should definitely start a fight with Kendrick Lamar, though, foresee that going super well for him.
“Isn’t it ironic, don’t ya think?”
There's a difference.
Therefore, in order to be a Satanist, you kind of have to have Christian beliefs.
Satan is a pre-christian figure, but his role as an "anti-god" figure is christian (and likely influenced by dualistic persian religions widespread in the roman empire at the time).
In the original myths Satan is a servant of God and acts as the "prosecutor" in a soul's "trial".
Hebrew Satan works with God to test people.
It is Christian Satan that personifies evil.
Also, the religion is Zoroastrianism, as I wrote originally.