So he's using seal teams as his private hit squad on US territory? Can he send government troops after civilians (without due process) legally? This just can't be right under the Constitution?!
Yea, this is too close to the reality he wants to be able to pull off. So it's not that funny at the moment, but once we the people defeat these maga morons then, yes, it will be funny.
“It is imprtant I SHOW the Week and Afraid protesters of TRUMP’s BIGGEST AND BEST EVER policies of root out DEI abuse, waste and FRAUD (thank you DOGE ELON!) in the SLEEPY JOE DEEP STATE whose in charge.. I have many acommplishments. They say I should MAKE CANADA 51st STATE under Donald J. Trump🇱🇷?”
Jesus fucking christ, my whole heart just dropped, I experienced dizziness, and then I saw it was from The Onion. I would hope that ST6 would be honorable enough to disobey such an order. But who the hell knows if the Nazi Secretary of Defense replaced them with fellow Nazi’s
It isn't satire or even funny when this could happen today. They've already tried disappearing a guy for protesting. They ARE disappearing people they claim are gang members but have given no trial.
Yeah, I was a bit put off too. But it's LAUGH or CRY now
So lets all laugh alot at those fugly trash cans dropping pieces on the road as they go...........🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😲 until someone get hurt that is. 😡
Are you suggesting that the Onion should be selectively sharing its content? Idk man. The trolls on X aren't exactly their audience either. Beside, there are plenty of uninformed people everywhere... even here on bsky.
Per Scott Galloway - Rights and Democracy have become a function of how wealthy you are. The wealthiest 1% are protected by the law but not bound by it while the bottom 99% are bound by the law but not protected by it. This is why we need to be UNITED, no matter your party.
I am now imagining both him trying to say Abbottabad, and also him talking about how "its a bad place, right there in the name, Abbotta-BAD, bad name, bad place."
Trump attacked Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) for opposing a funding bill, calling him a "grandstander." But Massie stands for principles and transparency—unlike Jim Jordan and other corrupt, self-serving GOP traitors. Massie is a hero. Trump is a zero.
My only criticism would be the writing: speaking in the pumpkin’s voice requires a never ending employment of words like “fantastic” “incredible” “amazing” etc- “the incredible team used their amazing strategy to eliminate the threat. It was fantastic.”
This already happened in 2020 - Trump dispatched a team of US Marshals to execute Micheal Reinoehl, a protester who had previously acted in self defence with deadly force in Oregon.
Bc college students are not safe from US government harm and danger at this time, especially foreign students in the US, I implore You to immediately withdraw from school until further notice.
I wish I believed this was intended as political commentary and not just click bait. But hey, a fascist takeover brings in the bucks, amirite? Why let the fall of democracy and millions of lives being in danger stop that sweet, sweet money train! 🤨
Veterans were much more likely to support Trump, with >6/10 veterans casting their ballot for him! Trump has repeatedly defended the workforce cuts. Trump said: "Sure I do. I feel very badly ... but many of them don’t work at all. Many of them never showed up to work."
He did have US Marshals execute a protestor in his first term. Vice even interviewed him before with him saying he didn’t think the marshals were going to try to bring him in alive. They didn’t. No one in the media gave a shit.
That's how fascism gets built. Brick by brick. They go after the people nobody gives a shit about and then finally when they go after you - well, you know the poem by now, everyone's heard it a dozen times lately.
Was it the little old granny lady that was holding up the “Don’t take my social security” sign? You know the one in the wheel chair and oxygen cannula?
Exactly. I read the headline before I read the poster name, and it was a totally believable headline, entirely in line with how things have been progressing.
Too close to truth.
politics #trump #love #peace
I'm confused about your point
So lets all laugh alot at those fugly trash cans dropping pieces on the road as they go...........🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😲 until someone get hurt that is. 😡
Effective article placement is something media has been doing forever. It is not new.
He's already done this.
Fair warning ⚠️
Bc college students are not safe from US government harm and danger at this time, especially foreign students in the US, I implore You to immediately withdraw from school until further notice.
Unfortunately, at this time, Your federally funded school will not protect You.
Your federally funded grants, loans, or stipends will continue to be held-up in US courts.
Foreign Presidents or Prime Ministers, You have an ethical duty, to get your people safely back home immediately and out of harms way.
If your people choose to stay, after You have provided an opportunity for them to leave, any harm to them will be their own fault.
Had no trouble thinking this could happen.
I’m not gullible, even though it’s written in my forehead.
He bragged about ordering a hit on Michael Reinoehl on the campaign trail in 2020.
I thought "Oh, they are getting to that point already".
Only then did I notice it was the Onion. Had me for a solid 30 seconds on this one.
Wait. Are you giving tRump ideas? 🫢
Next on the list should be The Onion!
Or did everyone forget?
We're being desensitized to satire by reality!