Alright team, we've got a golden opportunity here. So, naturally, let's overthink it, split into factions, and ultimately do nothing. Any objections?
No? Great,meeting adjourned
"We should be working with our Republican colleagues to streamline national security matters. Therefore, I'm voting yes on making Signal the official communication platform for the US government," - Chuck Schumer in about a week or so.
It is honestly equal parts sad, funny and apocalyptic that it is EXTREMELY likely that not even the alcoholic that caused this will be fired and the dems will just mumble about how they just literally can do nothing before fucking off to hide some more
Good future headline: “Democrats hold quorum on whether they should respond to latest Republican shit show by wagging their finger or loudly exclaiming TSK TSK”.
I can blame them for their tone deaf approach to inflation, their lawless approach to immigration and border security, their focus on identity politics issues that most voters don’t give a shit about, their lying about Biden’s mental state, and any other thing that drove voters either to Trump…
You're so fucking stupid. I'm not surprised by Trump winning twice when you don't seem to register the white supremacist, anti LGTBQ, anti women rhetoric Trump has been using as identity politics. I'm really trying not to use r slur but you're making it very difficult. You're so so so so so stupid. Wake up! Dems should be on the news 24/7. We voted for you, do your jobs! Use the constitution to get rid of traitor dump and his cabinet before more people are hurt
They play by rules that no longer exist. They are the past, doing what they have been doing for decades. Honourable men. Now dragging us all deeper into quicksand.
Trump is surprising us every day with his dystopian nightmare. Surprise us, by creating hope.
You guys are just conceding at this point with the Ha-Ha, right? I get it, this shit is tough and there's nothing funny about what's happening. Bless you, though, for continuing to try.
The Democrats, as the "they're terrible so please donate to our campaign so we can focus on pandering to women and minority special interest donors" party - have a lot to lose by winning any of their battles.
If Dem leaders aren’t screaming “fascist coup” at the top of their lungs right now, they are complicit. Instead, they are gifting totally undeserved credibility to this 100% illegitimate fascist regime by participating in it. The only non-complicity would be joining the economic resistance underway.
Living with paraplegia means daily challenges. I'm raising funds for an enclosed mobility scooter to boost my independence and improve my quality of life. Every donation truly matters. Your support means the world to me. More details on my GoFundMe. Donating or sharing is great.
Pelosi supposedly campaigned to block Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in favor of 74-year-old cancer patient Rep. Connolly as head of the Oversight Committee. Interviews with Connolly have all the hesitation and weak-voiced phrasing of Biden in his last year in office.
A really good thing that could happen in America, any time now, would be if people started to apply nuance and critical thinking to their arguments again instead of instantly seizing on any opportunity to dunk publicly online.
I’m sure the media is going to hammer republicans for being the ones who actually perpetrated the massive fuck up any minute now…oh nope already moved on to blaming dems.
So if Chuckles' whole "let them make mistakes then take advantage of them" plan is actually the plan I'm sure Chuckles has roared to life and is actively working openly to capitalize. Right?
Wait he's been silent all day?
Well that sounds like Chuckles is just plain useless.
Whatever you (Dems) do, so NOT say: "Mr. Radcliffe and Ms Gabbard have said there was no classified information in the Signal chat so I (Senator/Representative) ask that the entire content of that chat be placed in the public record to assure people that's accurate."
This was a "heads we win, tails you lose" situation for the Republican Party. Personally I think that Chuck Schumer's choice may have been the least worst choice.
I am annoyed and disappointed that so many of my fellow Democrats seem to think that doing something dangerous and/or stupid – just to be able to say that we are doing *something* – is better than doing nothing. These mass public protests make a *lot* more sense than shutting down the government.
Yes, and I would like to add that all of this criticism of Chuck Schumer really rankles my ass. Because it seems to me that his vote against a government shutdown might have been the most politically astute and wise action to take.
I am annoyed and disappointed that so many of my fellow Democrats seem to think that doing something dangerous and/or stupid – just to be able to say that we are doing *something* – is better than doing nothing. These mass public protests make a *lot* more sense than shutting down the government.
Did you even listen carefully to Schumer's argument? He said that if the Democrats triggered a government shutdown, that the Republicans would try to pin the blame on the Democrats. But much more importantly, a shutdown would allow Trump to dismantle the federal government at an accelerated rate.
That sounds like a reasoned argument from a competent and highly intelligent political veteran to me. Schumer is making "choose the least worst option" decisions in the Senate, while Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez are out there, energizing people all over the country. They are all doing their part.
I have given them nada since the election. The exception has been Bernie. I am floored how they continue to ask for donations while they sit by and do nothing or go on book tours (What the fuck?!) while the country is a dumpster fire.
hasn’t predicting the future been the main job of the onion almost since the beginning? the issue now is that the satirical future is already here, so now it’s difficult for satire to beat accurate reporting on the present in ridiculousness
Not one Republican, Democrat, or Independent will even mouth the word "impeachment" while an illegitimate president commits countless crimes, violates the Constitution, and engages in treason. In fact, Congress has fast-tracked this crime spree since the inauguration.
Not this time! Thousands will post their concern, and even clever memes, on Blue Sky. And then all of their friends will like their posts. I am certain that will fix everything.
(I mean, don't get me wrong, it's absolutely horrifying that the dumbfucks running our military are that bad at OPSEC and they are certain to get people killed if they don't wise up super fast (which they won't do).
But as a source of dark humor it's a goddamned goldmine.)
No? Great,meeting adjourned
Actually no yes you do
For all of you, where’s the consequences?
Trump is surprising us every day with his dystopian nightmare. Surprise us, by creating hope.
Sadly funny cuz it’s true
They are determined to get this one right.
We need a hero.
This isn't satire, it's actually happening right fucking now.
it's funny cause it's true
but I wanna cry resign
Wait he's been silent all day?
Well that sounds like Chuckles is just plain useless.
Democrats have been voted out of government. They literally can do nothing about this that unelected citizens can.
Schumer and Jeffries must resign.
So why do they exist?
But as a source of dark humor it's a goddamned goldmine.)
Aren't you supposed to be a satirical publication?
What's w/all these true stories lately?
'Cause, sadly, thanks to folks like our senate "leader" this is absolutely the truth.