A populist, ill-informed decision, egged on by the Dutton Opposition - which will harvest Labor’s voter fallout at the next election.
You’ve been played like a fiddle!
Actually fuck right off … we know it’s all about Lachlan Murdoch giving gormless Albanese this as his latest riding instructions - read the room you idiots, check out the comments here, you’re ratioed off the dial, what a hill to die on!
Just so you know my Grandaughter has benefited greatly from social media access so you punish her..My Grandson had bullying online my daughter helped sort it. He had to move Schools because Australia's Schools protect School bully's and empower them. He became suicidal ACT ON BULLYING IN SCHOOLS
No! I am particularly dismayed by the ableist perspective your government is promoting that real experiences only occur by getting outside and discounts the benefits of the communities and friendships that neurodivergent people like my son can form online using platforms such as Discord
Don’t bring your lies here. This is simply a way to monitor every Australian’s social media in order to silence dissent. Get your propaganda out of my phone!
Call the election so we can vote your genocidal regime out!
Labor has squandered all the goodwill & political capital it had with mediocrity & crap policies like this. You all must be tin earred because every thread you post on this, whether here or elsewhere you're getting ratioed. Stay in your lane & out of our lives. #NoAgeBan https://bsky.app/profile/my2centsworth.bsky.social/post/3lasfyd6vtk2j
She has never blocked anyone for criticising Labor, and I mean never, she has been blocked by Labor diehards for legitimately criticising Labor because those diehards illegitimately construed that as 'support' for the opposition, which it is not.
So are you mistaken in this, it seems to be the case.
I block when ppl pester, condescend, name call or abuse. I regularly engage in dissent when it's deserved, not just for the sake of it. I've been blocked or unfollowed by a number of ALP die hards on Twitter for doing just that. I see condescension is your first inclination? Give it your best shot.
😂🙃You chose not to be polite & thought you had a right to Compensatory retaliation? & you wonder why or even if I blocked you originally?🤦 Blaming me for your conduct is #Gaslighting
Clearly you do have a problem if you think it's a good idea starting a conversation with condescension.
The social media platforms are feeding harm and amplifying hate. Legislate to MAKE them responsible for what they allow on their platforms. It’s backwards to go after children rather than the corporations causing the harm. Sack whoever is doing your focus groups. They suck at their jobs.
While no government, regulator or law can protect every child from every threat, every day – we know this important change will support young Australians to be safe and to thrive, now, and into the future.
Let's be real kids are smart and good at tech. Kids will still use social media. It'll just be in the less regulated corners of the internet where they are less safe
But lets not worry about the genocide in Gaza, climate collapse, non tax paying businesses, cracking down on the media that promote misinformation, corrupt politicians, the ongoing murder of women ...
Yes @australianlabor.bsky.social far more value and far likelier to get a successful result with less unwanted fallout from tackling gambling advertising and access than this folly.
Where do you explain just how all of this will work? We will ALL need to verify our ages right, for it to work. Who is going to be employed to do that for lets say, 20 million people in one day. How will we transfer across all of our devices, and will we be fined for handing our phones to our kids?
Protect every child -apart from the ones who are queer/questioning, neurodivergent or disabled, at risk, or in remote locations - who depend on online communication, information and community.
A child can be in prison for 6 yrs before they can make friends on Facebook? You think *this* is the thing that needs changing? If you were seen to be even attempting something some slack might be given but vacating the field means this is performative, not actual. Stop performing. Start governing
Well said Belverdear. I’ve seen plenty of varied programs implemented over the years that help children with all these concepts. Great results until the inevitable govt funding cuts. They know it too. They just don’t care, hence this ridiculous legislation. #NoAgeBan
This will be as successful as the attempt to block evil 'torrents' - defeated in seconds via VPN. Stop dabbling with technology that you know too little about - today's teens are WAY ahead of you.
Perhaps a meaningful gambling advertising ban should be your target & legacy
You do realise you’re going to lose the next election once every voter realises they have to supply 50 points of identification to social media platforms, don’t you?
And they will punish you electorally for a decade as the inevitable hacks and leaks of PII commence.
You’re supporting the mass executions of children in Palestine but pretending to care about kids? Seriously? In a country where 10 year-olds are imprisoned under your watch you want to spout these lies?
Gambling advertising ok too and of course they have no duty of care regarding climate change, oh and let's no forget about mass incarceration and abuse of Indigenous kids in juvenile detention... what 🐂💩
Enough kids out there know about free VPNs that this shit will be circumvented in less than a day by word of mouth. The bigger issue is because free VPNs aren't like regular VPNs they sell bandwidth. These kids will be putting their IP addresses in the hands of some of the worst people on the web.
I will circumvent the law by logging on for my children. Fuck authoritarianism and its control of free speech and information sharing. If Labor were truly concerned about tangible harm caused to our children by media, they would ban Murdoch in a heartbeat.
Cutting off a vital service to vulnerable LGBTQ+ youths is going to do the opposite of keeping them safe. It's difficult enough for young queer people already to find people like them & to know there's nothing wrong with them. Especially LGBTQ+ youth in rural areas & unsupporting homes.
But hey, indirectly killing kids in marginalised communities seems to be the australian government's MO what with the treatment of Aboriginal children & the policies on the war in Palestine.
Why don’t you try and sort out other more urgent problems like violence against women, no housing options, genocide in Palestine, climate change? #NoAgeBan
Hello, hello! Is there anybody in there? You’re not fucking listening Labor. Stick your arrogant head out your window and actually listen to the people. You are wrong on this, like so many other things simply because you refuse to listen!
Even less beneficial to our kids is the allowing of the toxic broadcasts of Albanese's mate, Kyle Sandilands & Jackie O. Albanese promoted this toxicity by attending Kyle's wedding and by the photos of them together and having a friendship claimed between them.
What an awful idea. Everyone, including all adults, will have to undergo "age assurance" to use social media. Your govt is asking social media companies (mostly foreign owned whose business model relies on selling our data) to collect and retain data of all Aussie citizens who use social media
You're exposing us to hacking and misuse of our data by companies whose operations are subject to foreign governments, not ours — e.g. legislation that Elon Musk will have input into.
Your proposals not only affect the companies you know about but also, presumably, the newer entrants that people are flocking to, to escape Musk, and also all forums and message boards.
We're not silly enough to believe your spin that "it's about the children". It isn't.
So how about all those data leaks due to lax security & all our medicare details on the dark web?
It's flat out #censorship & you've probably lost the next election
Dear Labor, don't do this silly thing. Lean on social media to promptly and vigorously delete accounts that troll, bully, disinform, share violence and porn.
Balderdash. This is digital ID for all by stealth and Albo is pushing this garbage to appease the Murdochs WHO CAN NEVER BE APPEASED.
Stop pretending you care about kids. If you did, you'd ban gambling ads, shut down Kyle and Jackie and do something about housing and raising Newstart.
We don’t care about this. We care about First Nations rights, women’s rights, a living wage and safe, affordable housing. We want a fair & equitable society.
We do NOT care about a non-issue that nobody apart from a handful of rabid Karens. WTAF are you doing?!
Obviously there are issues with social media for everyone, not just "children", but your bans are not the solution - you don't even have a definition and are rushing to legislate! Regulate providers - not consumers, and focus on issues of real community concern, or face ongoing loss of confidence.
We need a royal commission into the concentration of mainstream media in Australia. It is the worst in the world! Social media is the only place people, including kids, can get access to real news, not Murdoch propaganda.
Would have been better to tackle media ownership and issues with the ABC first. Just fiddling around the edges in a possibly unenforceable area is just exasperating.
I certainly understand the need to protect children but it's's extremely worrying that you feel the need to use a very big net that captures everyone, to fix a problem that could be addressed with targeted education & regulation. I wonder if the dual purpose of this is Bill is data harvesting 🤔
Schools are not designed for Autistic kids. For many ASD kids gaming and social media are their safe spaces.Taking social media away from kids is like not letting them go to the beach in case they drown. Teach them to swim and how to avoid sharks and get stupid legislation the fuck away from them.
This is a dumb idea. Kids will still access SM via other means, however as they're skirting the law they will also be less likely to report online bullying. This just makes them more susceptible to abuse.
@australianlabor.bsky.social We see what you are trying to do and we will Not comply. Apart from trying to sneak in a National ID scheme the kids are way smarter than you. This will fail in a most spectacular manner. Perhaps address yourself to lack of housing & food prices instead of this lame duck
If you are going ahead with this and it seems you are, please build into the legislation a provision that doesn't allow social media to keep personal details.
First, you’re essentially asking for every single person in Aus over 16 to have a digital ID AND be willing to share it, just to watch YouTube ffs. Second, most of the social media companies will call your bluff and tell you to bugger off. Stupid policy and lost my vote this election.
Are you actually going to engage on this platform? I want to know why you refuse to call a royal commission on Rupert Murdoch and journalism when it is obvious the harm they are doing to democracy? I’ll wait.
If my child wanted to watch You Tube, they'd just watch on my account. You know what that's called? Parental control
That's all that's needed.
Stop wasting time and money on such a nonsense idea
A regulatory enterprise that almost nobody asked to be implemented. What about dental care on Medicare? What about a disappearing Australian dream of home ownership? What about climate change? How will we get to net zero? What about these things that are more important than social media age limits?
oh, you dipshits created an account here. maybe you can try giving parents enough money to feed their families on jobseeker before trying to slip in mandatory digital ID under the guise of “protecting” the kids you starve, and maybe even stop sending materiel to israel to keep those children alive?
What a crock of shit. Most kids could get around any of your restrictions and you know it. Just start concentrating on things that really matter now and listen to what your possibly 'previous' @australianlabor.bsky.social voters are saying.
a massive LABOR fail... unenforceable... unworkable... and plain stupid ... a "protect the children" fake solution .. but great if you want to grab massive amounts of private data ..something you have a history of doing .... they invented VPNs to combat govt policies like this nonsense
this is extremely dumb, please try to find something more valuable to do with your limited time in power (hint: look around, it's Almost Everything Else)
Kids using social media is not the problem. You are restricting the goodies, not the baddies! This is not a positive step. Some kids absolutely need SM to reach out. Please let's not make life any more demanding for our youth at risk.
Perhaps Australian Labor you need to follow a few people to find out what we really think.
You know…. Engage with the community on here.
We are not here to be talked to, we are here to talk with.
Do better.
If we had a Haka I’d be doing it in your face right now.
Such a straw man move.
In a field full of real problems to solve you pick the small problem and apply the wrong solution to it.
This is a fail on so many levels it’s hard to know where to start. It won’t work and we have a Labor government asking voters to hand over ID to the likes of Zuckerberg or Musk.
Why are you pursuing policies nobody wants? Why are you jailing whistleblowers? Why are you still committed to AUKUS with Trump in power? Why did you nobble the NACC? Don’t you want to be re elected?
You have done some dumb things, but this is top tier stupid. Unworkable (which explains the complete lack of detail about how this will work), ridiculous.
Did you see what happened to the Dems in the US? The price of barking up the wrong tree is electoral oblivion. Hope your inner buddhist is ready for that.
No, this is a disaster waiting for a cause, sadly it won't work.
Why not concentrate on addressing the dreadful impact of gambling on so many people by banning all ads on all forms of media, including social media.
This is a pathetic policy designed by Murdoch because Facebook and Google stopped paying him. The fact that you’re at his beck and call demonstrates that you are not fit for government.
This is technically unenforceable, wildly too broad, and given how poorly thought out the policy is, would appear to have been rushed through due to an ulterior motive.
Like, say, that old LNP policy of removing anonymity online.
So you can work at 15, and pay taxes, yet your gov will tell you that you can't handle Social Media. Pathetic. Then, as a result of this faux legislation ~ anyone > 16 needs ... drum roll ... a digital ID! Just come out and say that that's what it's all about. #ALPFail #IndependentsAreTheFuture
If you really were looking at the source of harm you would do something about the filth, lies & misinformation spewing from MSM. Look at Gaza as one example, the fact young children & innocent families are being murdered daily by IDF is whitewashed by MSM to suit their defence of Israel.
When are you going to ban gambling ad's on MSM that teach young people about gambling before the are old enough to realize the consequences of this addictive habit ?😡🤢😡
You know that social media offers benefits to all, but have decided that those don’t matter? You haven’t taken disabled children or those in poverty into consideration
Not just that - but social media IS just a microcosm of society and banning younger kids is excluding them from participating
Rubbish. I have voted Labor since 1974, but I never thought I'd see the day that they'd want to monitor what I read on the internet. Egregious invasion of privacy. Another lousy Albodutton idea. #auspol
No one wants this. Like no one. This is just IF lD by stealth. This isn’t going to stop bullying or misinformation. You won’t even stop misinformation for political parties. This is not what forward thinking governments do.
Maybe speak to young people that are alive today, because of the connections that they made with others on SM, to escape bullying, abuse, an unstable home life or just because they felt like an outsider in an increasingly hostile society.
Stop listening to Newscorp & Rupert Murdoch.
How about keeping young people safe by ensuring they have a roof over their heads?? Try tackling the housing crisis before you try to pull off this stunt.
Our children as young as ten can be treated as adults in criminal courts yet can't have social media. It's farcical. Protect them from other things, like insidious online gambling ads...
Disenchante Labor voter here. This is not keeping children safe. That's my job as a parent. My kids successfully used social media for years with guidance. And how is the identity information that's going to be required kept safe? Any answers to that?
This is incompetent at best. You’re on better ground with the duty of care initiative, but this is just buffoonery. Oh yeah, and do something about gambling advertising.
i get heaps of kids in my lives cos im on tiktok - so many of them don't even know the most basic net safety concepts (digital footprint etc), and a whole bunch are actively su!c!dal. but restricting kids' autonomy instead of giving them access to education and mental health care sounds good babe x
+ another thing: some of the most bigoted and hateful crap in my chat comes from the mouths of babes! why are we never addressing what's causing these babies to bully each other literally to death? bc if you take it off the net it's just going straight back into the irl schoolyard where it started.
that's BS, and bad/unworkable policy. It's only on the policy agenda because Murdoch told Albo to do it (prove to me that I am wrong). If you are so concerned about our children's wellbeing, why not also ban gambling and junk food ads? (oh that's right, your donors would not like that!)
Kids can’t use social media but we can lock them up. How will you protect us from social media companies having our IDs? Kids need to know
how to be safe online and we know bans don’t create this space. #noagebans
@australianlabor.bsky.social this is a very poorly thought out proposal and a bridge to exposing everybody’s personal data to exploitation by the social-media industry.
It is NOT a protective measure for young people and will deprive many of their support networks.
Why are you trying so hard to lose the next election?
Or are you actually just trying to distract from something else?
People need to know you are fighting the oligarchs who are hoarding resources ($) and infecting the world with hate. All these side gigs are contributing to you losing more trust.
Kids will access it if they want to access it. But now they'll need to do it using potentially malicious tools making it significantly harder for parents to monitor. Not to mention forcing everyone else to verify. Seriously are you trying to lose the next election?
How is a social media platform going to *know* a person is over 16?
a) ask them & just believe them? Totally useless. Kids will say ‘yup’!
b) require proof of age for everyone using social media? So every person over 16 in Australia gives Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg our full name, DOB. Mmm, OK 😳
Hope you are not correct - we've told the govvers over and over we don't want them in our loungerooms, virtual or otherwise. Using kids as a grease for stealth-stalking is gross too.
What a dumb idea which will not protect kids adequately but will cause a lot of hot air and nonsense esp. around social media ID. Inadequate consultation & planning around the process which is a nightmare. What about educating parents on cyber safety and enforcing bans on phones in school etc etc.
Prohibition doesn't work - it never has, and it never will.
And on a personal note, feel free to get out of my house, get out of my life, just do your job and mind your own business - it's my responsibility, not yours, to raise my children.
This is not a good policy. It is going to create more problems than it solves.
You are using a sledge hammer approach. Read the room.
The LNP knows it in the long run this is going to damage Labor.
Labor, my first post on Bluesky, after leaving Twitter, and I find you about to shaft my right to privacy under the guise of "protecting" kiddies. Gtfo. As a former labor member, I am apalled, but not surprised you are captured by lobbyists. >.<
How? Technically. Explain to the public how you plan to do this so it works, and doesn't become a big waste of money, money that could instead be spent actually helping kids.
Increase the PRRT to 70% introduce new tax rates for the rich 50% at,$600,000, 60% at $800,000, 70% at $1 million. End negative gearing on rentals. Tax Airbnbs a disruption Tax 20%. Make uni free. Increase newstart by $200 per fortnight.
Look I have seen a Grandson get suicidal from both online bullying and school bullying. I've also seen great benefits for my Grand daughter with growing friendships online.
Surely you don’t actually believe this will keep kids safe. This is a terrible idea for many reasons. My now 21 year old got through a tough time at 14 through friendship with a kid in Sweden he met online. That’s just one reason that happens to be personal to me.
Clueless. The age of people on socials isn't the problem, it's the bloody content
This bill serves no other purpose than to appease a few Murdoch readers too old to understand the reality. Meanwhile you expose millions to their personal info being available to access
It seems you are not aware that parental controls have been around for decades. You can make it so the internet is almost unusable. Did Rupert draft the legislation? Will you do something about gambling advertising? https://support.apple.com/en-us/105121
It's also a bit weird that you're using social media to show us a photo of a child to tell us it's unsafe for children to be here. If you actually believed that, you wouldn't be distributing a photo of a child on social media.
So you can work with the states for faux protection of kids but you can't actually protect kids from gambling addiction or ridiculously low age of criminal culpability. Honestly, what is the point of you.
They have done some things but they rarely talk about them - staring down the Pharmacy Guild, more accessible child care, fuel efficiency standards, engineered stone ban, fairer pay for aged care workers... all things they could talk about.
Real wages down, cost of living up, new fossil fuel, AUKUS, digital ID disguised as a SM ban on kids, support for Israel, no action on housing (aside what the Greens forced from them), and the list goes on. Something of a train wreck really
oh absolutely, they make it very difficult to support them directly but fortunately our system means we can put someone else first without gifting the Coalition
Engineered stone was an OH&S issue that could have been sorted by enforcing handling guidelines instead of destroying an industry. Next step ban stone masonry?
Run with this thinly disguised ID bill meanwhile poverty, genocide, AUKUS, a joke NACC, setting up NDIS to become another Robodebt & a myriad of other serious issues are ignored by you
How you decided this was a great idea without thinking it through, idk - are you really this determined to lose government? Maybe try a little harder to listen to the myriad experts? You're so forked. Letting Murdoch feel you up, to please him is embarrassing. He won't love you, you know. Ever.
As always, Labor fails to tackle the real issues (you don't really need to have them listed, do you?) and instead gets caught up on something stupid and unworkable. Stop chasing votes (if that's what it is) and start making a difference where it so desperately needs to be made.
Why can't kids be taught critical thinking & ethics? Oh Right - Rupe.
Why have you overfunded private schools & underfunded public schools? Rupe?
We saw Albo's note of gratitude for Rupe's contribution to the US Evangelical moral panic into AUs education & the ban.
Foreign Interference?
This is a terrible policy and terrible politics. Social media can be harmful, but I shouldn’t have to hand over my ID in order to get the benefits. There are better ways of protecting children.
You’re doing an excellent job of campaigning for Dutton.
I’m a communist…I will gladly vote for the coalition to help to accelerate the demise of the fake left. You are far worse than the Tories for the pretence. We can deal with them when we reform without you
The problem is trolling everyone else in the process. It's daft over reach. Talk about a honeypot. Let's just say I'm over 50, a lady of a certain age who doesn't want to be SCREENED. Allay these concerns.
Simple question: is there a deal with Murdoch media on this? Maybe a journalist can put in an FOI - any meetings between Murdoch reps and LNP and Labor during the last few years???
Your social media policy is rubbish! An ill-thought, brain fart of an idea that no one thinks is good. Better - educate kids, fund better mental healthcare, support parents to bring up their kids, make social media companies accountable. Worse - Forcing all adults to give away more privacy rights!
Ridiculous waste of time. It won’t be supported and it won’t work. Try some real policies. What about fixing corruption or taxing gas or fixing truth in media or sorting out all the mono/duopolies, cost of living, tax on Hecs, housing, so many things!Funding digital literacy programs in all schools?
Not only is this bad policy but it is unenforceable. Kids will work around it easily. It is also insane politically. I think the PM wants to ride off early into the sunset with his huge super payout.
You can discuss your concerns about my child when you start paying me child support ... Until then, Stay TF out of my home and business!!!
Do adults without children have to upload their digital IDs too?
How are you policing this?
You are fucking ridiculous and have LOST my vote 100%!
Banning social media for under-16s might look like safety, but it risks isolating kids, limiting digital skills, & driving them to govt-monitored platforms—perfect for data harvesting. Protecting privacy should go both ways. #DigitalRights
Its a double edged sword, you may but cutting them off from bullies online (but not in schools where it usually starts) You would also be cutting them off from support. Also what happens when the next pandemic comes along and you need zoom classrooms again?
Am an ALP member and I do not support this. Not only is it practically unworkable it introduces unacceptable privacy risks for all Australian social media users. Abandon this now before you go to an election or you will bleed votes. No one I know thinks this is a good idea.
And social media accounts can be hacked and identities stolen yet you want us to provide proof of age, which means a form of ID, to be able to access these sites???
As long as the kids are safe screw the adults?
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, or should I replace it with Australia?
Reading the actual detail of Thai bill….it’s terrible. It’s terrifying.
- forcing every adult to provide ID to tech companies
- collecting location data through social media
- powers can be expanded without legislative approval
That’s why just last week, National Cabinet endorsed our Government’s approach to legislate 16 as the minimum age for access to social media.
Do children not have guardians or other people that oversee them in you country?
You’ve been played like a fiddle!
Oh well. Green or indipendant next election I guess
Call the election so we can vote your genocidal regime out!
Glad you have got past that stage in your political development
So are you mistaken in this, it seems to be the case.
And I am generally polite
Thought I deserved some small compensatory retaliation for being censored
Call it square?
Clearly you do have a problem if you think it's a good idea starting a conversation with condescension.
SO many issues actually need addressing ... but this is your "Strawberry" moment!
Absolutely ridiculous!!!
So totally not what a Labor government should be doing
Perhaps a meaningful gambling advertising ban should be your target & legacy
And they will punish you electorally for a decade as the inevitable hacks and leaks of PII commence.
When they complain of being bullied online simply throw them in gaol for using social media.
win-win, as you'd see it.
They ran Minecraft servers at age 13, they did their research using Social Media.
I got bullied in school/uni/life PRE Internet (90s).
Nasty things happen WITHOUT the Net, too!
We're not silly enough to believe your spin that "it's about the children". It isn't.
It's flat out #censorship & you've probably lost the next election
Stop pretending you care about kids. If you did, you'd ban gambling ads, shut down Kyle and Jackie and do something about housing and raising Newstart.
We do NOT care about a non-issue that nobody apart from a handful of rabid Karens. WTAF are you doing?!
You are a clown party, forming a clown government.
That's all that's needed.
Stop wasting time and money on such a nonsense idea
Concentrate on your nosebleed immigration settings or 1 term it is
Condemn the IOF
Many of us have had a gutful of your ill advised policies & posts on X
This one in particular riles us all
Read the room
You’re antagonising your base
Has no one suggested that the impacts on every adult using social media might be electorally unpopular?
Enjoy minority government, you flogs
You know…. Engage with the community on here.
We are not here to be talked to, we are here to talk with.
Do better.
Go back there with this stupidity.
Prohibition doesn’t work ..
Education does.
What the fuck are you thinking.
If we had a Haka I’d be doing it in your face right now.
Such a straw man move.
In a field full of real problems to solve you pick the small problem and apply the wrong solution to it.
Do something bold for the greater good while you have the chance.
How about funding environmental restoration properly?
Why not concentrate on addressing the dreadful impact of gambling on so many people by banning all ads on all forms of media, including social media.
Being not quite as bad as the LNP is not enough.
Like, say, that old LNP policy of removing anonymity online.
Shame on you, @australianlabor.bsky.social
Not just that - but social media IS just a microcosm of society and banning younger kids is excluding them from participating
- national digital literacy and inclusion
- make platforms police manky behaviour
- national be nicer campaign
Petty, pointless, poorly thought out policy.
Please re-think it.
Stop listening to Newscorp & Rupert Murdoch.
You don't even have social media defined
You do know kids will simply move off to other platforms and your legislation will matter jot.
It's obvious someone put you up to this, and we can only think of Rupert.
Australian children are better off learning how evil our government is. It will help them make better decisions when they are adults.
Maybe, this is a mistake?
Do you want to lose an election over something so stupid? Because that's the vibe you're giving out.
But you guys have seriously swung too right wing.
Bring on the election.
how to be safe online and we know bans don’t create this space. #noagebans
It is NOT a protective measure for young people and will deprive many of their support networks.
Or are you actually just trying to distract from something else?
People need to know you are fighting the oligarchs who are hoarding resources ($) and infecting the world with hate. All these side gigs are contributing to you losing more trust.
Kids will access it if they want to access it. But now they'll need to do it using potentially malicious tools making it significantly harder for parents to monitor. Not to mention forcing everyone else to verify. Seriously are you trying to lose the next election?
a) ask them & just believe them? Totally useless. Kids will say ‘yup’!
b) require proof of age for everyone using social media? So every person over 16 in Australia gives Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg our full name, DOB. Mmm, OK 😳
And on a personal note, feel free to get out of my house, get out of my life, just do your job and mind your own business - it's my responsibility, not yours, to raise my children.
You are using a sledge hammer approach. Read the room.
The LNP knows it in the long run this is going to damage Labor.
This is something.
It must be done."
Another classic con. It'll be minimally effective, if at all, but they'll claim that they're thinking about the children.
So much easier than actually holding the billionaires to account.
And I’m a Labor supporter ffs
Get bent.
Your "ban" won't work, so you'll be back to having to work out an effective way to keep kids safe.
This bill serves no other purpose than to appease a few Murdoch readers too old to understand the reality. Meanwhile you expose millions to their personal info being available to access
Wake up to yourselves
Why have you overfunded private schools & underfunded public schools? Rupe?
We saw Albo's note of gratitude for Rupe's contribution to the US Evangelical moral panic into AUs education & the ban.
Foreign Interference?
You’re doing an excellent job of campaigning for Dutton.
Being better than the LNP has never been good enough.
Do adults without children have to upload their digital IDs too?
How are you policing this?
You are fucking ridiculous and have LOST my vote 100%!
Voted Labor since 1981, not in 2025.
Labor government buckled under when threats from the gambling and sports industry appeared.
Also did nothing when 500,000 Aussies put their name to a petition for a Royal Commission into Murdoch's media corp
Poor, unmanageable policy position that fails to address the real issues.
Be better.
The stuff of authoritarianism.
Blanket banning every kid is collective punishment & does nothing to address the cultural problem of abuse head on.
As long as the kids are safe screw the adults?
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, or should I replace it with Australia?
- forcing every adult to provide ID to tech companies
- collecting location data through social media
- powers can be expanded without legislative approval
Then there’s the fact it won’t work.