This isn’t legal, but the amount of people who voted for a man who explicitly said he wants to hurt them because “he probably doesn’t mean that, but he will hurt someone else” is just… how do you even handle that?
there’s just never enough natural empathy for others to overcome personal ambition for oneself and family. The thing that always mediated that gap was religion and moral movements aka MLK.
“He hates the people (fill in the blank) that I hate. Now I have permission to enjoy the pain of my enemies.” This psychological position is painful to watch. I watched this in 2016 when I was living in Trump land. All the bigotry came out from under to rocks.
Exactly. For any destructive policy or atrocity republicans bring about, voters will blame Obama and Hilary and woke and librarians and Harris and-
Half of Republican voters blame Obama for the Hurricane Katrina response and 9/11 ffs.
you obviously can't; the only way to improve attitudes medium/long term is long term development of media propaganda and organizing as Republicans and their donors have spent billions upon billions of Dollars over the past 15 years
This question goes right to the heart of our whole predicament. This absolute will to inhabit a fantasyland where some a*hole is going to be a great president because he's only gonna hurt someone else. The will to let go of any solidarity or morals if it's good for "my money" got us here.
Trump validates their resentments, so he's speaking the truth, and obviously someone speaking the truth won't do bad things. Everything gets filtered through that framework for his more easily manipulated supporters.
Trump's lies & incoherence became a strength; tons of people projected their ideal candidate onto him, or assumed he was lying about everything they didn't like and telling the truth every time he said something they wanted to hear.
I’ve similar from people whom I believe to be rational and intelligent, saying things like, “Oh, he was only saying that stuff about 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada to get them to the table, and after that Trudeau showed up at MAL. It’s just negotiating rhetoric."
These people live in an information bubble where they are led to believe that, so we work on destroying that bubble?
Disintermediate right-wing media and provide a non-right-wing-billionaire-owned alternative that is cheaper to access than FB/Twitter/Tiktok/Fox and doesn’t algorithmically amplify?
Bro the "bubble" IS the mainstream media these days. The transphobia in the NYT is as bad as any you would find in the Daily Wire and WaPo, LATimes, Politico, and CNN have all determined being Fox Lite is their future and then spent almost a decade reshaping their coverage to meet that goal.
The industry is underserved and dying, and sorry if I sounded cranky.. I think my bigger point was... "Right now reality is in the Bubble and most people are stuck outside it." The existing media created that dynamic, they will not change it. I get that you are probably talking indie press. Sorry.
There's a general pervasive belief among many who lean conservative (or for conservatives) that someone has to be hurt. For the good of everyone, someone needs to be tortured, literally. They would prefer some surface justification, but they have a sense someone should suffer. Modern flagellants.
Yes, they have no interest in improving material conditions for everyone. In fact they'll happily accept a reduction in their own quality of life so long as groups they perceive as enemies suffer more.
Also a bit annoyed that Hitler gets credit for being the first at this sort of thing when many a prince bishop was also very cool with random torture and murder. It was such a widespread practice even the anabaptists got in on it, and they essentially believed in cult communism before it was cool.
Probably not. It's the old, "If it doesn't sting/burn then it isn't doing anything," mentality. They may have a religious inclination that tells them we are sinful and must atone through some visible penance, and that might be increasingly likely as churches adopt less and less Christian values.
I was just saying that your description sounds exactly like the logic behind offering a sacrifice. They may not admit they worship a god of hate, but they sure act like it.
Yeah, sorry for getting pedantic, I feel you. I frequently described actions during the pandemic to open up prior to vaccines as "blood for the blood God" (though I do think worshipping the economy is a separate issue)
This has been the central issue I've faced when I go door-to-door canvassing and I honestly don't know how you break it. I disagreed but understood how you could feel that way in 2012 but in 2024? I just don't get it.
ICE came for my mom’s neighbors during trump I. She’s lived next to them for 20 years. Debunks Rosa’s idea that they “know” who to deport based on (checks notes) *good behavior*.
My colleague’s hubs got deported also. Left her with two SpEd kids to raise here alone. He had good behavior too.
"They know who has been behaving well and who hasn't been."
C'mon, Trump doesn't understand how the Constitution works, or how laws are made, or how weather happens. To treat him like he's Santa and his team of billionaires in cabinet positions are his all-knowing merry elves, is extremely naive.
When Rosa and her kids are deported(yes I know what the 14th Amendment says,but what part of absolute immunity do you think will make Trump actually follow the law?) I hope media like the NYT do stories discussing how their coverage of Trump allowed people like Rosa to so badly misread Trump.
Based on how I view people, two things they love are meeting quotas and limiting how much they work. When ICE or whoever are pressured to show big numbers of deportations quickly, it's not unrealistic that they'll just arrest whoever meets the broadest criteria for illegal like these people.
Like how cops in The Wire were "juking the stats," ICE & county sheriffs will probably just arrest anybody so that they can say they did their job while flooding the courts & detention centers with legal & moral headaches. And all the arrested will have their assets seized & spends months detained.
Yes, now that you mention it, I can see them relying on an overpaid contractor that will use some poorly operated AI algorithm to cause a lot of innocent people to be harmed.
Hey Rosa: U illegally crossed the border. In Trumps mind that (plus the fact you have a brown face) means you’re a criminal.
He doesn’t just want to get rid of “The Bad Ones”. He wants all Hispanics out of America, you fucking moron. The rude awakening come 2025 will be swift.
This is the root of so many of our issues… people think happiness (success or anything else positive) is a pie and someone else getting some is taking a piece out of their mouth.
There is some dark part of me that, if I find out any of my Latino coworkers are hardcore socially conservative Trump lovers, wants to file a report to ICE. You know Miller will staff it with people who don't actually care about legal status.
I hope for Rosa's sake, she's right.
I don't think she will be, but let's all do a little hopeful dance for her and her kids.
It's as logical as what she said.
They didn't listen. It takes so much effort to get a Trumper to listen to something besides what is spouted by Trump. Then, if they do listen, they tell you that they have done their own research.
Is the USA at the start of its Syria journey? Crime family, grifters, ran the country into the ground, controlled the media locked up the opposition no free election? Tick, tick tick, It’s a 10 year journey to the bottom of the v and then 10 year climb out.
Yeah, lots of Germans thought it was going to work out well for themselves, regardless of how it went for others. Spoiler alert: it didn't go well for anyone.
Appeasement to fascism did not work in the 1930s, and we believe it will not work against Trump/MAGA. The Biden-Harris Administration must act forcefully to save representative democracy. Trump plans to arrest his opponents. Arrest him first
If this person were deported, I would not shed a tear. Raising idiot children has always been a pet peeve. Being proud of such a failure deserves disdain.
Watch out 4 2
1. Persons seemingly connected to crimes are deported
2. Persons freak out, and demand this should stop
3. Justification of deportations is put centre stage, with an individual (who should be deported) and crime they committed
4. Protests are pushed back
5. Deportations are expanded...
I remember reading this article and thinking she doesn't realize that the right hates immigrants *even more* if they've been here illegally longer. Criminal record is irrelevant
Trump voters really just imagined he wants the same things they do. Wasn't there an Ohio restaurant owner that was a Trump supporter and was also deported to Mexico in the first time around? He had the same thoughts as this mom. Slow learners.
And their own selves, given that Trump is openly saying he will deport citizens who were born to undocumented immigrants. Not sure how that will play out in the courts, but that doesn't change the fact that they voted for it.
I guess she doesn't get that Trump and his goonies, have marked her a "possible" criminal and therefor a danger to the country, because she crossed illegaly.
Democrats did nothing but hammer home this and Project 2025. People didn’t believe it. Don’t blame Dems for people being stupid and voting against their interests. You fucking moron
Sorry, gonna be that guy: OCR your pictures of text to provide alt-text for the visually-impared. If you have MS office, OneNote can do it really easily.
That's even better. Does it do that on iOS or only on full Macs?
Otherwise, there's various websites you can paste the image into. For pure "pictures of text" fidelity is pretty good. It's really not hard to do this disability-etiquette.
"Don't let the door hit you in the ass" is the slogan of the GOP yet this and many like her think she isn't classified as a criminal - in this regard Criminal means non White or non Rich Asian.
Jew in 1930s Germany: Hitler says he's going after Jews who are unpatriotic parasites, but I'm a loyal, hard-working Jew so the Nazis will leave me alone.
I try not to get really really angry at the undocumented immigrants who took everything they could get from my country, but then repay us by supporting the lying, authoritarian conman who’s now going to take everything he can get from the rest of us. But it’s hard.
Hope her children have good jobs and can afford a good immigration attorney for her. Also if Trump tries to end birthright citizenship, they might be deported also.
This is an ongoing theme in these profiles and considering Chump will fall back from his illegal position to a cruel but legal one, something like setting a quota of a million people deported or something, it's deeply worrying.
Poor lady. She's glad her children voted to have deported. She doesn't understand that she won't be asked if she's committed a crime or not. They will ask for her papers. If she has none, she will be deported.
So now Trump is freakin Santa Claus? He knows who’s naughty or nice. I hate to break it to them, but he doesn’t care if you’re nice. He’s still going to deport you. You’ve been duped.
Do you realize how chilling it is to realize that Donald Trump has successfully deceived the very people he wants to lead to slaughter. He got a segment of the very people he is targeting to vote for him and vote against their interest!
I thought the immigrants were meant to democrats, according to the great replacement theory and all that. They’ll be deporting many of their supporters by sounds of it.
When they get rid of all the migrants the groceries, restaurants will go up. You just know Republicans are going to blame their own failure to run the country on Democrats. #Shortcomings
The unanalyzed part of this story was that Rosa resented asylum applicants, who were receiving some social services, whereas she was not eligible to receive anything similar and felt hard done by. However, the unanalyzed part was that they were following a legal process, whereas she had not.
The deeper issue is that she could have had a legal process open to her, had there been a general amnesty and naturalization process as part of an immigration bill. That the Dems failed to pin the absence of such a bill on the GOP is a massive messaging failure.
At this point I no longer believe it’s a messaging failure. I think a majority of Dem leadership don’t care anymore & either want the issue off their plate or want to see what issue they can make of it once the wholesale damage is done.
Good points. But I did hear Harris talk about the border bill and how GOP tanked it at the behest of DJT. However I do agree that the message that General amnesty being part of the bill was absent. The good parts of the bill were not messaged out. I did not know any particulars of the bill.
The sad thing is the Dems could have roped in the Reagan myth—since so many Repubs claim to revere him—saying sometime like 'Reagan gave amnesty to 3,000,000 "illegals", can you live up to his legacy?' Would make it more difficult for GOP pols to argue against it.
Possibly a simple failure of imagination in communication OR a cynical choice to maintain the status quo in the eyes of the electorate...
The party needs to be retooled imo.
There is never and never has been anything like support for such a bill. Democrats would have been shivving themselves if they'd run on full-throated support for such a policy. 'amnesty' for undocumented immigrants has been political cancer for over a century.
Your theory being that their Reaganism is stronger than their nativism? I'm not familiar with any evidence for that thesis. Reagan left office four decades ago.
I must have missed the united Dem messaging on this then. The MAGA/GOP can yell incredibly loud about simple topics: CRIME!, BORDER!, TRANS!, M&Ms! and it breaks through. I do not see a similar zeal or ability for unified messaging on the other side.
I agree that the Dems/the left at large are terrible at messaging, but I don’t agree that Harris didn’t repeatedly blame the Republicans/Trump for the failure of the border bill.
True, but I think pushing more not the argument over the bill process but its potential for future amnesty/naturalization paths, etc. If "Rosa" understood a "border bill" & pathway to naturalization was being blocked by GOP pols/Trump, then maybe she & her sons might have had different discussions.
Why that didn’t break through is a different discussion and one without an easy answer. The party, journalists, the 24 hrs news cycle, and the right echo chamber all contributed to that to different degrees.
That’s not accurate. What the White House offered (and Harris supported) was an asylum ban that wouldn’t have offered a longtime undocumented resident anything at all.
Trump sees people as criminals for just stepping foot here (depending on skin color). The legal wrangling may slow things down, and then Trump will build camps to detain people. Horrible. I don't get why, after getting even a whiff of this possibility for YOU, you'd be happy to vote for him?
It's very likely that the price of eggs will be lower in the country the Trump administration decides she and her children must be forcibly deported to.
Even though she is a criminal by trump’s interpretation anyone who came illegally is a criminal and the children born from people born here from illegal immigrants shouldn’t have legal status constitutional rights be damned
Half of Republican voters blame Obama for the Hurricane Katrina response and 9/11 ffs.
She's going to find out otherwise.
1) he references “the criminals” which this woman takes as drug dealers or gangster when really trumps idea of crime is crossing the border
2) he changes his mind so much people assume he can be built as anything they wish him to be
Disintermediate right-wing media and provide a non-right-wing-billionaire-owned alternative that is cheaper to access than FB/Twitter/Tiktok/Fox and doesn’t algorithmically amplify?
But ALSO, something like 10% of American journalists working for the NYT is a huge structural problem w.r.t the funding of journalism here!
My colleague’s hubs got deported also. Left her with two SpEd kids to raise here alone. He had good behavior too.
He's gonna find out who's naughty and nice? Nope.
Because ICE agents and local police definitely can tell the difference and care.
After all, he's an anchor baby for his feckless mother.
Either way, there's a good chance she's gonna find out.
C'mon, Trump doesn't understand how the Constitution works, or how laws are made, or how weather happens. To treat him like he's Santa and his team of billionaires in cabinet positions are his all-knowing merry elves, is extremely naive.
🎵He sees you when you're sleeping!🎵
🎵He knows when you're awake!🎵
🎵He knows...🎵
🎵He knows...🎵
🎵He kn̶o̷w̸͐̓̈́s̸̒.̸͓̼̞̠͎̃̓̋̏̄́͘͠.̴̛͂̔🎵
He doesn’t just want to get rid of “The Bad Ones”. He wants all Hispanics out of America, you fucking moron. The rude awakening come 2025 will be swift.
This isn't one of those people. This is a spiteful, nasty person who supported Trump _because_ he promised to hurt the people she's envious towards.
She believes Trump is Santa Claus now?
I don't think she will be, but let's all do a little hopeful dance for her and her kids.
It's as logical as what she said.
She’s stupid.
I can't cry too much for people who get exactly what they asked for.
Our full statement can be found here:
Yeah, just like Santa Claus!
1. Persons seemingly connected to crimes are deported
2. Persons freak out, and demand this should stop
3. Justification of deportations is put centre stage, with an individual (who should be deported) and crime they committed
4. Protests are pushed back
5. Deportations are expanded...
They are too full of hate and want people hurt. There’s no messaging that will crack through people’s dark hearts.
That requires serious reprogramming.
See pic below:
Otherwise, there's various websites you can paste the image into. For pure "pictures of text" fidelity is pretty good. It's really not hard to do this disability-etiquette.
Who the fuck does she think Trump is going to appoint to run ICE? Santa Claus?
Find. Rosa!
Wonder where they got that idea from...?
I’m praying for ya, girl.
The leopards are hungry and coming for your face.
The party needs to be retooled imo.
In 14 years people in this country still haven't figured out the ACA and Obamacare are the same thing.
The problem is not one of messaging.
Who knew? 🥸
WTF? 🤷
because she thinks,
He is checking it twice,
Gonna find out
who's naughty and nice...
(Claws Face)
Also Rosa: oh, but don't use my full name!