The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
Total trash time
It's nuts
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Every week, a fresh hell.
You’re right, every day is worse than the last.
He could deport me, but I don’t think England is taking returns from the 18th century. I’d gladly go at this point.
I wonder if he’ll deport people who don’t agree with him or kiss his enormous backside, no matter what color they are.
I’m saying it’s very possitheyll actually deport basically anyone too brown for their tastes
Big Wishful thinking, and it’s so deeply ingrained bc fear trying to get ppl to see that about themselves is an uphill battle.
Then you essentially become a stateless person.
Just let me have my fantasies!
T-6 months until we see the return of that ubiquitous statement of the 90's, "If you don't like it here, just get out."
please don't forget we're trying to show a new unity tone.
Idk if it’s been debunked since but that number is/was out there.
He's not talking about number of big macs served.
Trump is a means to an end for Heritage or FedSoc.
Use of lethal force won't be a problem
Border camps where people die in droves because feeding housing and caring for them is too expensive will be a feature, not a bug.
Which means they either get chased over the bigger and left to die, or Trump opens up concentration camps and just started sticking people in them.
Trump has also said loud about wanting to round up the homeless, protestors, basically anyone he doesn't like.
The plan will be to MAKE 20 million people LEGALLY deportable. They're going to strip citizenship away from naturalized citizens & their kids. At least half of that 20M will be deported by orders they get in the mail. Like the Japanese internment: all legal.
They have everything LITERALLY ASS-BACKWARDS. Such people’s delusions terrify me.