Dumbest First Amendment hypo ever just dropped. If US owns TikTok can it moderate? Can it even use the algorithm to promote some content over other in a way that doesn't violate the First Amendment
Reposted from
Scott Shapiro
Law, how does it work?
Hahahahahahaha, and you know that there are 3-4 votes on scotus for this plan
I suspect he means owned by a US entity and not the government.
I hate that Trump will be involved and if the “government” buys and controls it the app will no longer be TikTok. More like TrumpTok and that will be a horrible, terrible, bad thing. Just let it die.
I think *that’s* what he means…
2. Is 50% ownership enough to *not* compel ByteDance to turn over data to the Chinese gov't? Wasn't that the whole problem in the first place?
I don't know what that certification entails though.
the practical ban by the operating companies/app stores seems hard to reverse with a dubious EO. Why risk it? Companies play safe
- The Onion 6-24 months before an identical AP headline
You know, his ORIGIN GRIFT from six years ago!
Just to live in boring times.
I would assume you have more expert opinions on exactly how & why it's dumb but it's immediately obvious to even the non-lawyer/non-journalists like me
All social platforms need transparency and accountability. What are they not telling us?
When I pointed out this could mean Trump controlling what is a 'lie', well, I was just 'concern trolling'.
I assume the Usual Suspects are happy now.
I am very left and don’t think this would make sense. There I burst your anecdotal belief bubble.
A constant barrage of “Social media should be regulated as a public service” for years? Yes.
And they’re *still* doing it.
I block at least 1 person/week who says “We need a fairness doctrine for the internet!” and claims to be anti-Trump.
Regulations clearly do need to exist and I think many people suggest Section 230 should not apply where algos act as “editors” deciding what users are exposed to.
But this isn’t the novel issue w/ TikTok.
Or are you doing a silly "not all leftists" thing because the word "some" isn't before "left-leaning"?
I read into their comment that this was a general sentiment on the left as expressed by the specific sample of left leaning people they referenced. If that was not the intent why even point out they are left leaning?
Regardless, this was statutory, so I have no idea why Trump has the power to do any of this
"Is Elon Musk part of the government?"
Watch how fast We’ll move on TikTok, & how slow We’ll act to help victims of natural disasters??!! 🤯
Will it bother the right-wing SCOTUS? Maybe not.
MAGA is a wholly subjective ideology in which everything it does is good anything in opposition is bad
Funny af.
It's fascism
I mean in a country where laws actually matter?
“Flood the zone with shit.”
Funny how he doesn't tel his followers what would drive that alleged wealth - them being unwilling data hogs for him and other owners.
And we are supposed to believe he won't use our data that is harvested....you gotta be a special kinda stupid to buy into this crap!!
Civil society needs to rear its giant head and have a real fight.
“In the classroom, the professor’s speech is the government’s speech,….”