Moderating a panel of past History majors, telling our current students about the career paths they took — from politics and law to cultural work and consulting. Really impressive, and that’s with a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter missing due to being sick.
History: Just Do It
History: Just Do It
Turns out training in history is perfect for marketers because history trains one to "predict" the future based on past patterns.
That is exactly what marketers need to know how to do.
Guess what? That's history now :D
My advice to them, something will work out eventually I promise.
I’d wager the Venn diagram intersection of people on that panel and crypto investors is null.
On my 25th year of teaching high school
Wouldn't change a thing.
More "this is how I cut my trail & you can, too!" than "Career Svcs has a list of jobs ppl with BAs in English hold now."
Go figure.
Looks like it was a great event.
Mom was history major = teacher
Daughter is history major = endangered places preservation director
I love it.
First, I became technology oriented secondary mathematics teacher, then lately I've worked in small software companies as a teaching oriented technologist. I majored in history with a math minor from a small faith-integrated liberal arts school in Indiana.
I’m tired of being a Linux button pusher.
History major 3 = writer and editor
Admittedly not in it for the money, but doing good work.