There are good reasons to be angry with the gerontocracy that is the House Democrats but a gotcha photo of a member needing a walker after hip surgery doesn’t make that case.
Yes, Nancy Pelosi is old. She’s also not in the leadership anymore and she was actually there doing her job, walker and all.
Yes, Nancy Pelosi is old. She’s also not in the leadership anymore and she was actually there doing her job, walker and all.
Reposted from
Ken Klippenstein
84 year old Nancy Pelosi is using a walker on the House floor right now, source on the Hill tells me.
If you have any photos, text me securely via Signal at 202-510-1268.
If you have any photos, text me securely via Signal at 202-510-1268.
the fact that I use a cane does not make me incompetent at my job, and I would love for someone to say otherwise to my face so they can learn about my cane's secondary function (whacking ableists in the shins)
sincerely, fuck all y'all, and I hope you learn a hard lesson when you become one of us crips
Pelosi is one of my favs!
Far worse was Kamala not calling Trump a felon in every ad and the Democratic Party in general not starting in person campaigning until the summer.
Stop making it acceptable
Dems should have 30 somethings in leadership across the board - some 40 and 50 year olds, but not the 60+ crowd. It's failing the party
Not that the walker thing is really helpful at all, though.
Norms like seniority are more important than winning. Talking about saving Democracy is more important than saving Democracy.
The AOC/Raskin fiasco prove that.
And just in general, thank you for providing important context and commentary for the news and history. It's so incredibly important these days I cannot emphasize enough.
he's slower, quieter, less forceful, but he's literally been on tv speaking and not fucking up, and definitely not hiding.
reagan was literally ooo toward the end of his term, there's a difference between old and mentally infirm
old bus drivers perhaps shouldn't drive busses, it doesn't change the fact they know how, biden isn't driving a bus
What issues do you feel that highlights? Are there other physical ailments you want to scandalize?
We reelect representatives every 2 yrs. You've got like 1.5 years to go and if it starts becoming a problem it will be obvious very fast since she is a major media mouthpiece
Oh you mean biden? Yea no you are dumb
Those who kneecapped Biden are on the list of people who need new jobs/to retire
This ageism free-for-all is a manifestation of allowing the pejorative jokes to be unleashed wholesale without regard to ability or reason. Older people look older, sound older, act older. Not a joke. Not a failing. Not a disqualifier. It's age.
Didn't they just discover that a Republican representative has been secretly in a dementia ward for quite some time and her aids have been running the show without her?
An extreme case but this is beyond the pale.
People tend to acquire more disabilities as we age, that's true.
Disability is not a bad word at any age. Physical disability has absolutely no bearing on a person's ability to govern.
Ones like Pelosi and President Biden however feel duty bound to stay on.
That’s f***ed up.
Always the axe to grind.
what a shitty thing to spin into "old"
It isn't reserved for just "old" people
As well as getting youngster (at least compared to her) Connolly 74 y/o & with cancer elected Ranking member of Oversight Comm over AOC
FFS - These old folks need to retire & go home
pelosi blew her legacy
a criminal!
Pelosi yanked paid family leave from her doomed BBB Cheesecake Factory menu omnibus faster than gravity.
People use walkers because they need help walking, which isn't specific to age or mental acuity. It's just their body, needing help
-working Americans don’t want to work at 84
-many Americans would be bankrupted by the surgery she got
-she’s hanging onto power until her dying breath rather than serving the country
They failed us in 2016, barely squeezed by in 2020 and delivered horrible results in 2024
A total class act.
That's a drug they just can't give up.
Actually, no need to wait.
She's still working the phones to tell Democratic politicians what to do. Most notably when she told them not to support Biden because she wanted to pick his replacement, and to whip up votes for the oversight chair position.
She's a huge part of the problem.
"Photos of Roosevelt in a wheelchair! If he can't stand-up for himself, how can he stand-up for us?"
1. You may retire at 67, not 65.
2. There is no age limit for for example members of government. The (very likely) next Bundeskanzler is currently 69.
Not many posts ranting about Bernie Sanders old ass.
You damn well know she’s pulling strings. Who knifed AOC for freaking Connelly?
You KNOW better than this.
Why are women always held to a different standard?
Don’t be disingenuous, Kevin. Boyer, Pelosi, Clyburn et al may not be in leadership, but they’re still gaming the system.
It's time to let someone younger take her place
Senate Dems keeping Schumer is inexcusable garbage, but not because at 74 he's unreasonably old.
After she jumped on the chance to force Biden to quit because of his age, she deserves all the attention for being old.
She's been terrible for the Democratic party and the sooner she's gone the better off we'll all be.
1/ Individual backbencher reps barely matter; leadership + committee chairs do.
2/ The GOP’s gavel assignments are kakistocratic; that obscures what’s going on with Dems.
3/ The Senate operates on seniority nearly fully.