I often think that the hatred and ugliness from someone’s soul eventually seeps through their skin, and they end up looking like Paul Gosar or Kimberley Guilfoyle.
Mayor Wu is the real deal. I first became aware of her when she was a Boston City Councilor, advocating for a no fare bus line demonstration project for an underserved area of the Gateway City of Lawrence, MA. It worked and now those projects are expanding in other parts of the state.
This is how west Arizona has repeatedly chosen to be represented to the world. Imagine that. Imagine what kind of people consider this to be a dignified representation of their values. They should convert to Christianity and learn about Jesus.
I cannot believe that anyone at any point looked at that man and thought, yeah I want him as my dentist. I want that Crypt Keeper’s hands near my mouth.
Personally, I prefer to cite how 6 of his 9(!) siblings openly supported his opponent in an election because they didn’t want to be associated with his political views. You know someone has gone wrong in life when that much of your family is publicly dunking on you.
Whoa! Is Michelle Wu ready for the national stage!? To use use a Chuck Schumer term, that was the most "aroused" I've been by a Dem since Prez Obama! Inspiring, coherent, and a fighter!
These people have to be able to afford a better haircut than that. Should someone know how to comb their hair by his age as well? The complete loss of motor control of his head and mouth, no idea on that. Voters have to be able to find better options to represent them.
It’s because their only “redeeming” quality (for lack of a better word) is their whiteness. The pretty or smart white people presumably have actual traits worth relying on.
Poor dude my left foot. He is a pos. He gets no sympathy. He would trample over anyone with his same affliction. He will gut those same peoples care and safety nets. No empathy left for these folks
The way he "scoffs" as if that's just NOT even possible! What an ugly fuck this guy is -both inside and out. I used to not believe in hell, but I'm starting to hope it really does exist, specifically for people like Gosar.
Has anyone gotten to the bottom of what the fuck is wrong with this guy? Is it not weird that a sitting Congressman is clearing hiding a severe illness and everyone just ignores it?
What a complete, useless asshole gosar is.
But especially this one.
Pretty damning that his own sibs told people he shouldn't get their votes.
Speaking her faith and showing it.
The video is him thinking that he's gonna sneak a fart. But now realizing he's going to shit his pants instead.
Sometimes Christianity seems pretty weird to me.
Also.....man bangs
do it himself with a flowbee??
"Where the fuck is your chin?"
Which one of these is the *real* Christian?
Why tip someone for a job I'm capable of doing myself? I can deliver food, I can drive a taxi, I can and do cut my own hair.