Yeah, this is a perennial truth -- landmark struggles over free speech typically involve people who are saying and doing things that are *unpopular*
That's, uh, why they need the protection of the First Amendment. It's sort of the whole point.
That's, uh, why they need the protection of the First Amendment. It's sort of the whole point.
Reposted from
William B. Fuckley
if you find yourself reluctant to support the guy at Columbia because you find some of the politics he espoused distasteful or even abhorrent, you should know that this is exactly the reaction that they hoped for in choosing him as a target for unlawful detention based on political speech.
"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."
still doesn't rob him of his rights
It is not a difficult line to draw just because the conclusion is unpalatable. Again, it doesn't mean he loses rights.
are* not free speech.
Always happy to help the poorly educated with their grammar issues.
The US Government are engaged in intimidation and harassment over Khalil's constitutionally protected free speech.
Link to where the protestors drove a car into anyone please.
Pissed off a lot of people but if you believe in free speech, you believe in free speech.
1) If you try to chill speech you end up embracing the tactics of the oppressors
2) Irony is not dead. The Nazis' sign then was “Free Speech for White People,” embraced by Trump and MAGAs today.
Before that the standard was in Schenk v US which established that the government _could_ crack down on anti–war-draft pamphlets.
The Nazis are fare game.
Unless he falsely shouts "Fire" in a crowded theater, he can say whatever he wants.
- Evelyn Hall