Mitch McConnell has sustained injuries including a gash on his face after a hard fall during the Senate Republican lunch.
McConnell, 82, was seen by two medical responders in his office. The situation is developing.
I think the Senate needs TERM LIMITS. Do you agree?
Mitch McConnell has sustained injuries including a gash on his face after a hard fall during the Senate Republican lunch.
McConnell, 82, was seen by two medical responders in his office. The situation is developing.
I think the Senate needs TERM LIMITS. Do you agree?
You will attract a much better kind of civil servant
Jesus Christ.
Oh, you were talking about Mitch not the literal turtle
And pilots and a few CEOs
So this is truly a tree falling in an empty forest situation. It doesn’t matter a bit. When Mitch finally goes, the fascists won’t miss a beat.
Too Mitch, you are no longer needed to abuse the power you’ve acquired. Leave that to djt till his bell rings.
Lordy too long
70 and done everywhere in politics.
Will HIS insurance cover it?
Retire at 75.
I only hope he suffers from constant pain, fear and bad bowel issues
I only hope he withers and withers and withers away -
Reasons for age limits
Has do do with vision, thinking skills etc same as for traffic controllers, one needs to be mentally sharp for high stress jobs...
No room for errors
50 some years or 30-40 is way beyond expire date... 87% in survey want limits
Police, firefighters tooo have age limits
All for same reasons i guess
Yes to term limits.
This issue came up 40 years ago.
The American people made it clear we wanted it.
These same super important people turned their collective backs on us.
Nothings changed
That said, we should expand SCOTUS, which the framers empowered Congress to do!
- Benjamin Franklin
Term Limits: BAD IDEA"
...unless it's "ability to bankrupt a casino". Don't think I have that "skill".
Besides, there are already term limits. They're called elections.
Could be hidden by staffers
I do not want to throw the baby out with the bath water.
If you think you can get rid of bad, old conservatives and leave good liberals, you are mistaken.
Seems way toooo long
I think changes are in order..
2018 survey showed 87% of voters wanted term limits
Feels like there need to be new ANNUAL check ups for our leaders. I need them FULLY coherent. I think a straight age-only policy is limiting. Eval by doctor/mental, etc should be mandatory.
Shouldn't come to that!
So need some protocols
Oh, and they can fall too as they age.
This Ohioan points out that we have that in our state government.
It doesn't work for the people at all. You get politicians who fail upward to new jobs.
Voting is the term limit you seek.
Imagine if Obama had pushed through and then he turned out to be stealthy GOP.
At least we aren’t stuck with him for a lifetime .
Then they line up.
But we're going to pretend we don't notice.