One issue with "Trump's playing 5D chess with nominees" is that he and his team are flatfooted on issues that arise with them.
It's almost like—bear with me—some dim narcissist who refuses expertise is choosing people he saw talk good about him on the teevee, without much thought beyond that.
It's almost like—bear with me—some dim narcissist who refuses expertise is choosing people he saw talk good about him on the teevee, without much thought beyond that.
Reposted from
Laura Rozen
WSJ: “While the president-elect is still behind Hegseth for now, “if this continues to be a drumbeat and the press coverage continues to be bad, particularly on TV, then I think there is a real chance that he loses Trump’s confidence.” Giftlink:
And absolutely no one near him who can change his barely functioning mind.
1. Trump is a narcissistic idiot
2. The effect of his initial picks will be to smooth the way for his subsequent slightly less crazy but still very crazy picks.
I think the why does not matter. We need to focus on the effect.
The man isn't thinking hard about any of these choices, he's just choosing the shittiest, most resentful people and hoping these lackies will be loyal.
Experience, intelligence and qualifications don't make any difference. In fact, the dumber the better.
And his advisors/handlers "let 45 be 45" because when a Gaetz has to withdraw, a Bondi looks innocuous in comparison and gets less pushback than she otherwise would.
The only qualifications he’s interested in are:
a) did they nice things about me on tv?
b) loyalty to me above all.
It’s not deeper than that.
This is why he didn't understand the ending of the movie Wargames.
He also can plan that he will be vindictive and use all the departments of the government against his enemies.
He endorsed Dr Oz. Oz was ridiculed and rejected. This is him saying “I’ll show you!”
Does Gaetz flaming out make confirmation for the rest of the sex pest clown car easier? Maybe, maybe not, but hardly intentional either way.
With crackers.
After awhile, I saw how dumb they truly are. Like Pavlov's dog. Predictable.
Others know Trump is easily manipulated as well.
I keep seeing these takes online that Gaetz was just nominated as a distraction because of his sexual abuse history, and once Gaetz is removed Trump can safely install the REAL picks--
And, no, Trump is just a short-sighted narcissist.
1. Be the center of attention
2. Waste everyone’s time until they are too exhausted to oppose him
3. Run his scams to make money while attention is elsewhere
His cabinet appointments achieve these goals. There’s nothing more to them than tha.
I literally cannot stop laughing. 😂
It’s true though.
I think their plan is to break the government
And if that’s the plan, these are good choices
Not the best look for someone who's assigned to defend us from some of the worst people on the planet...
At least they were semi-organized & made $ but they kept underpaid staff on the jump non-stop w ludicrous whims. Yamking is those 2 combined x 11ty
This is not a chess player. This is a shrieking hand grenade his enablers think they can control.
Steve Bannon: Flood the Zone with ----.
The allegations are so horrific it is a guarantee.
Even after 8 years of this crap we still have to listen to the analysts and pundits give their theories. People will never learn.
Just because an evil genius might do these things does not mean this evil man is a genius