Yes. If DHS can barge in, say your visa was revoked, be told you have a green card, say it's revoked too, and then disappear you so that neither your lawyer nor your family can find you, then all the guardrails are gone. There is no policy, practice, or law protecting anyone.
Reposted from
re the previous repost: if they can disappear permanent residents they can disappear citizens
This isn't new territory.
Just reaping what we've sown for the last 2+ decades.
Bernie sanders served as an inspirational path to true pure socialism. Debs marx lenin. It took lenin 30 to finally get rid of the czar. End the oligarchy freeing the people from poverty&oppression. Lenin brought the people into the 20th century. walks the walk
Maybe the hats will soon read - make Russia great again
Also, you completely ignored my point & instead countered w/what I stated was unhelpful. Thx for letting me know political debate is more important to you than my & others lives.
Hold the criminal accountable for his actions, period. If said criminal hadn’t “criminaled,” nobody would need to prosecute him. Is that easier to understand?
It does need to be acknowledged and rectified, though.
Rich/powerful people (especially politicians) get kid gloves when it comes to crimes they commit. Or nothing at all.
And the Dems who keep letting shit slide ARE responsible.
As much as Repubs.
piss off with this.
Same, but not. Still scary af
He'll be found, and he'll be released, because this isn't a legal gray area. Not even a little bit gray. Not with a green card.
Keep your documents handy. Keep your eyes open. It is gross to think that this could happen but don’t discount it. Be smart.
Stay safe.
This is the beginning of Gestapo terror.
wrong but, one morning, he was arrested...K. was living in a free country, after all, everywhere was at peace, all laws were decent and were upheld, who was it who dared accost him in his own home?
Definitely react with all the fury & urgency this situation requires, but be aware that at least on that one small piece, this is (depressingly) normal.
You go into the system
Maybe come out in 3 or 4 years
That's to discourage people from protesting, because if you're nabbed, how do you prove you're a citizen (Whoops lost the passport you gave us)
But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
All bets are off, people. And have been since the first month they took office.
Please face it: the country as we knew it doesn't exist anymore since November 5 2024.
We all have to face it.
Congress is toothless and obsolete.
Trump is demented.
Musk is drugged up on ketamine and power.
… they were probably acting on a pretext to revoke his student visa, and once they found out he was a PR, they just "pivoted" to that.
Seems completely lawless.
People who paid taxes, worked, adhered to school, and legally arrived here are being deprived of their access to citizenship.
Floridians, join me!!!
Florida doesn’t have a recall mechanism for Senators, but since we’re ignoring the rules….
Let’s remove this fraud, waste and abuse. Let’s raise our collective voice and send a message!!!
It can be taken away.
It can be destroyed.
It can be like it never existed.
If individual Federal employees become criminally liable for illegal detention (or at least face significant effort to clear charges) then we have a chance to stop this before it gets worse.
Recall the protesters who were thrown into vans and taken away by thugs w/o badges during the 2020 protests?
We cannot wait until the midterms.
I’m very against those protests but this is a fundamental principle of American freedom. Anyone who supports this is anti-American, period, full stop.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
No more Merrick Garland. Do not suffer a nazi to live.
What can we do?
Removing a citizenship requires denatualization, which is a more involved and constitutionally protected process.
Green card holders are low hanging fruit!!
Removing someone's green card takes a long process, involving immigration judges, actual crimes, warrents, etc.
Go educate yourself and try again.
This administration is pushing boundaries. Green card is 1st. Statement is educated and true!!!
It’s long past due that we have restored the rule of law and root out ALL in The Trump Musk Russia Cartel!!
Do NOT OBEY anymore!
"I am Mahmoud Khalil"
Raising the name at least tends to be protective
are we planning around this story, as we said individual stories are key
Its very much a principle, but ALSO check on him