This just reads as naive, I’m sorry. He’s not hand-drafting these EOs. They were workshopped for a year by Russ Vought. We all covered this!
Reposted from
Bradford Pearson
Politico describing Trump like he's a Clemson wideout climbing Mel Kiper's Big Board
If only....
But then the greatest comedy has a spicy tragic centre
I guess it doesn't matter that his answers are mostly rambling gibberish and otherwise just lies. He takes questions!!
Feels like this sums up the problem with a certain wing of the media quite succinctly.
“Sure he’s destroying the government in ways never seen before but he’s also giving us access so he’s great!
They had all these ExOrders written up over a year ago all ready to just conveyor belt them in front of The Felon.
Our Military should be making plans and setting up teams RIGHT NOW to take it back.
Idea what he’s signing, but it lets him flourish his giant Sharpie. He’d be scribbling on the walls otherwise …
They highlight his daily press encounters without mentioning that each and every one of them have produced nothing but insane gibberish.
and she straight up said DOJ is "the president's" lawyers
"Project 2025? What's that? I have no idea what that is. That's something dreamed up by extremists, a far right group, I have nothing to do with it. Where's my pen?"
*referees (msm)— amazed adding points to board furiously
*pundits— refs seem naive
*dominating🇺🇸 belief— we have a "liberal" media
*me— walks into ocean
Biden actually did the job with the best interest of the American people in mind.
TFG isn't fit to be in the same sentence.
I don’t care what the half-ins say, cancel your subscription to every major institution. Punish these people, strangle their business.
Media: Wow! The Vigor! The Stamina! He could basically run a marathon!
Like our new national figure Big Balls, these guys are selected for these roles based on pedigree and ideology, not talent, but since there’s an endless firehose of money, you can survive all the embarrassments and eventually get it right-ish.
Most of the big stories are about Musk!
So ...
The felon is the celebrity host, just like he was on the Apprentice.