That said, I would still recommend *against* going with a matte paint finish. As cool as it looks, blemishes from random road debris are impossible to buff out. There's a spot on the hood that looks like remnants of bird poop and it will not go away.
But back to car washes I go!
But back to car washes I go!
I made this mistake myself!
It's a scratch/blemish that merely looks like bird poop residue
But as far as I know all the rest of the colors are standard glossy.
The one the other day was the first gloss white I've seen and it looked so...normal, but it a good way.
It really drove home the "it's a car"-ness.
It's strange!
Environmental effects do worry me, though.
To be honest in my experience people just don't wash their cars enough in winter. There's a mindset of "well it's just gonna snow again" but spending $100 on car washes each year will save money later.
It also doesn't help that Hyundai thinks their engineering without a rear windshield wiper is superior to any with one. I'm probably going to in 1-2x per week just for that.
Whenever this argument happens, it really reveals what people think about their cars. To me it's an appliance which I know depreciates in value. Keeping the paint finish looking perfect will never take priority to me over "get the salt off the suspension bits ASAP"
My father doesn’t understand how it doesn’t bother me.
it's like a free car
you paid it off 12 years ago and now it breaks the mechanic gets a big monthly payment and you have a new part on the old car
it's like your rebuilding it to new one part at a time
maybe IDK
it's nice to have reliable and new
A coworker was going to get his car repainted matte, but I convinced him to do a vinyl wrap instead. Two years later he pulled it off and was so much happier to have gloss again.
Fortunately, I like organically-applied blemishes on my artisanal matte finish Caparison.
"There, now that that's happened, I can see you as a tool."
Or worrying that your new shoes are going to get dirty. While you wear them on your feet and walk on dirty floors, sidewalks and lawns.
He had to buy a new car every 3 years because of all the mileage he put on them for work. Like clockwork, he would pull into the driveway, and immediately take a hammer to the inside wheel well on the driver’s side, giving the sheet metal a solid whack.
A few flaws helps so you don’t have to wonder if a scratch is new, it doesn’t matter. It’s just another scratch.
Photo by Fisher. PM newspaper 1941...
Photo by Fisher 1939
even my light cast iron from Imusa takes a licking and keeps on ticking
So I'm supposed to just... wear dirty pants?
Related: I separate clothes by fabric weight, not color. I still expect clothes to live and die by machine wash at home. Dry clean should only be for wedding attire and stuff.