Not in the same vein but made me remember this. Anyone that’s ever worked in passport processing will tell you many, many people get passports so they can visit Hawaii. Maybe not as racist as the nm thing but a good example of stupid.
I think my personal confusion about Canada is more benign. As a child whose grandmother grew up in Quebec and who visited there often, it took me quite a while to realize that Canada was a different country.
I’m so thankful you’re using your platform for good. So many are just ignoring what’s going on for the sake of not upsetting the fan base… keep up the good work! I’ve always loved your, what I can only assume are ADHD hyper-fixation deep dives on random tech things.
Thank you. We fear for you, we stand with you (with those of you who see your nation's current "leadership" for what it is), but as a separate, sovereign nation.
Hey buddy,
Just finished watching your latest, and I want to say thank you for saying this!
I love my USian friends, some of which I call "chosen family". And this whole stupid situation is heart-breaking, and shouldn't be a thing to begin with.
Well, this "I hate politics" rationale basically brought T to power. Even if we close our eyes and ears, politics still define our lives and people should be aware of the current situation. When the people are not aware of politics, autocrats take power... and they tend to never give it back.
The fact that "explaining to people that annexing Canada would mean declaring war and invading" is considered "politics in youtube videos" is the exact reason it needs to be said.
As a German I can tell you that we are very concerned about what’s happening in the US. We saw something similar in 1933 and it didn’t end well for anyone.
Trust me, there are thousands of us in the US that have common sense, knowledge of history, and pattern recognition that are screaming about it. The problem is the millions of dullards that believe - truly believe - that "it can't happen here"
Most Americans don’t know any geography because when you live in the most hegemonic nation you have no NEED to know any geography. The only time most of them learn about another nation is when their leaders go to war with it (yet they still can’t find it on a map).
When I was in high school, the foreign exchange students were baffled at some of the questions kids would ask them. But we were nowhere near a border; most kids had never *met* a foreigner before.
Mustn't be anyone from Australia - we learn the names of all the major countries in primary (read for Americans: Elementary) school, and where to find them on a map. I don't know any people who can't point at the nation with the biggest economy on a map.
in all likelihood, most americans only know that koalas are cute and come from australia along with those cuddly kangaroos. they would be hard pressed to point out your country, and gods help new zealand at all.
As a fellow Aussie, have you noticed when travelling that regular people say the country they’re from but Americans will always say the state. Yes it’s their arrogance but we also know where everything is so it’s not an issue, however they get stumped over actual countries
I don’t mean they’re not smart. Just convinced that everyone in the world thinks about America the same way they do, it’s unassumingly arrogant. I was trekking recently in Nepal and met a lovely young couple and I was giving them trekking tips. I asked where they were from, they said California.
Are you kidding? It doesn't matter about test results, the Australian curriculum defines what teachers have to teach. Not the funding. Every school, public and private is required to follow it. Regardless of test results, regardless of funding.
A study in the late 90's revealed that 60% of high school graduates couldn't find the US on a world map.
One street interviewer asked passersby to name countries. Most couldn't name a single country in Africa, though they often guessed Africa... as a country.
Sadly that’s accurate statement. Most of the maps shown in here have the US on the right. Our maps also show the US as being larger 🤦🏼♀️ Still no excuse though why a lot of people still don’t know basic geography.
Y’all accepting modern borders as if they have any universal moral value is also confusing. The US is built on stolen land like any other empire. How is it that yours is better?
We're not saying our country is better. No country is perfect. But what I am saying is our law and regulations impose certain requirements that have to be met.
The Aussie curriculum defines what must be taught in aussie schools, and what is optional.
i agree. but some people will shrill at the fact you’re “missing the point” the same issue comes to the argument of time, but for modern social constructs. knowledge of reading a globe has benefits of more than one
Wrong. It’s other countries we would struggle with. Growing up in the U.S., the thing we learn about the most in school is our own country, it’s the other ones that have zero room in our school systems. We know the shape of our country like the back of our hand. It’s on the right.
Ahh yes, "zero room" like other countries don't teach people about both their own countries history and culture as well as world history. Seriously. The zero room thing is BS. I just have to find a balance.
Face it. You probably focus too much on your own country. Which explains the egotism of it.
If you want to see what americans are raised like, just watch a typical Hollywood action film. Most of the time the intelligent people are weenies who aren't able to speak coherently, and the heroes are big, dumb brutes who win by taking more punches than the bad guys.
Those are the obviously stupid ones, but the many millions of voters too stupid to even vote to keep the idiot who belongs in jail out of office aren't far ahead of the red-hat maggots.
Look, I get the America bashing but 71% of Americans have been abroad. Only 63% of Europeans have even left *their own country* (not just EU). And 58% of Japanese college students couldn't find the Pacific Ocean.
Americans are not uniquely stupid and ignorant of the world.
I don't consider it "American bashing" and I'm an American.
I was raised in Europe and consider most Americans I've met-as lovely as they are- have not had anywhere near as good a primary public education as our European counterparts.
Case in point: a King is not the same as a Dictator.
I’m going to definitely push back on your 71% of Americans have been abroad number! I don’t think so. For one, most are way to poor to travel overseas, and Rs especially I don’t see the majority traveling overseas. Now if u are talking about crossing over the border to Mexico/Canada for a day maybe
You are right, for one, way less than 71% of Americans actually have a passport. Somewhere around 40%, which is a huge increase in recent years. It was much less.
You are correct it is about half of Americans have a Passport or Passport Card. But what is important is how the numbers shake out among the states. It is Blue States with the highest percentages of Passport holders while others are very sparse.
Back in the late '80s I was working in Tulsa, Oklahoma with a guy who lived on a ranch 40 miles to the North. He had travelled the world with the military and industry. He told me his father listened to his travel stories, but had been as far as Tulsa once, but refused to go again, he didn't like it
The Pew graph shows that a higher proportion of Europeans than US citizens have visited other countries. Every European country except Poland is higher on the y axis.
Drill down on that 71%: is it travel to a resort in Mexico, the DR, etc? Do you actually experience another culture when you hop on a cruise ship or fly to a tourist beach?
Of course clueless people exist in every country. We just expect more from Americans given their influence on the world.
And one more thing...serving in the USAF in the UK in my younger years taught me so much about life. It made me realize that Americans are too focused on money and not what's really important.
No Country will ever be perfect. However, our Government has clearly failed us. Both sides have only cared about getting elected.
Now look where we are? On the verge of another Hitler ruling our Country, just because of greed.
It's one thing to be patriotic. However, ever since trump has taken hold, over half of this Country has become a bunch of Narcissistic aholes that fully believe we are entitled to whatever WE want!
71%??? You gotta be kidding me?
Unless you're trying to include military members and that's STILL a small percentage.
As an American myself, I'm embarrassed to say, most of you haven't even traveled outside of your own State!
Russian culture? Please explain a culture of Russia. Or do you mean something that Putin proclaims? Russia Is Russia and anything beyond are people who may have something similar but are definitely not Russian. Liberals are so 🤮
I mean Muscovy and its constant expansion since the 15th century, after being the enforcers of the Golden Horde, up until today reminds me of the Manifest Destiny in the US and its consistent colonial expansion. Both countries have jingoistic expansionist traditions. Russia predates Muscovy, though.
Canadians don’t think about America as much as Americans think we do. The mainstream news is more likely to care. Most average Canadians just live their lives completely unconcerned with what Americans are doing.
We do like to gossip tho’, and your political goat rodeo is good gossip fodder.
I have lots of American friends who are great people I care about a lot… but this is also unfortunately an accurate statement. I used to think they were just joking but it’s true.
It’s also an example of American exceptionalism & is deeply engrained in the culture of how Americans are raised…
Yep. Prob why 🇺🇸 describes itself as a “melting pot” (everything unique about you or where you come from is melted down and you become just like the rest of the stew)…
In 🇨🇦 I grew up w the description that we are a “mosaic” (every diff colour, mat, shape comes together to make the big picture 🤩)
ETA: I mean that’s overly simplistic, idealistic & inaccurate on the 🇨🇦 side but it’s the hope… that each person brings their best & that together the best of us all makes something better together… but yeah.
There's at least one of you that's trying. This guy's whole channel is just learning about Canada and as a Canadian it's a nice change of pace.
That's entirely possible. Either way it's reassuring to see an American want to do better and learn. I wish more people in this world had genuine curiosity about things they don't understand instead of just being a bunch of entitled jerks.
That's very true. The only way we can all grow is by learning to shush and just listen and learn. But I know it's hard when it comes to countries that are basically in a bubble.
Genuinely many Canadians think that the U.S. is acting a lot like Russia and China. …not even kidding. This is just nuts, all around. Is this just a big episode of Black Mirror? I’m reeeeeeally looking forward to moving on to the next episode already, it’s got to be better than this.
Lmao i find that hilarious, especially since Canada is one of the biggest trading partners in the USA, I feel like that in of itself should be a massive hint. Im honestly thinking that Americas current political situation may be having a massive influence on that though sadly
Just finished watching your latest, and I want to say thank you for saying this!
I love my USian friends, some of which I call "chosen family". And this whole stupid situation is heart-breaking, and shouldn't be a thing to begin with.
Merci! :3
(but don't put yourself at risk)
Your dictator wants to invade a sovereign country out of spite. It deserves a mention whether you like it or not.
Ergo, you are giving them too much credit.
Mustn't be anyone from Australia - we learn the names of all the major countries in primary (read for Americans: Elementary) school, and where to find them on a map. I don't know any people who can't point at the nation with the biggest economy on a map.
The majority of dumbasses seem to stay within their own country. I see them on the internet more than anywhere else.
A study in the late 90's revealed that 60% of high school graduates couldn't find the US on a world map.
One street interviewer asked passersby to name countries. Most couldn't name a single country in Africa, though they often guessed Africa... as a country.
Yeah sure maybe I still can't pinpoint Uzbekistan or get confused where certain Europeon nations are
But it's horrifying that I know alaska is on the same continent & above Canada when some Americans think it's a freaking isle o.o
JFC...please tell me you're not that dim
30% voted for Harris.
25% are boycotting companies aligned with Trump.
Sadly, it's a minority of Americans who are intelligent. Which, as you say, does not bode well.
"I mean c'mon, Where is the Icewall? Obviously being lied too"
The Aussie curriculum defines what must be taught in aussie schools, and what is optional.
Also we're not an empire. Neither is the US.
Face it. You probably focus too much on your own country. Which explains the egotism of it.
Studies have shown one fifth of Americans can't find the US even on a regular map
That meme about Americans not being able to locate Mexico on a world map? Seen it in real life more than once.
Dumb audiences don't want to see smart heroes, because they fear and mistrust people who can think.
That's also why most of the elected officials in the federal government are idiots...
Americans are not uniquely stupid and ignorant of the world.
I was raised in Europe and consider most Americans I've met-as lovely as they are- have not had anywhere near as good a primary public education as our European counterparts.
Case in point: a King is not the same as a Dictator.
How can you claim otherwise?
Of course clueless people exist in every country. We just expect more from Americans given their influence on the world.
Now look where we are? On the verge of another Hitler ruling our Country, just because of greed.
Unless you're trying to include military members and that's STILL a small percentage.
As an American myself, I'm embarrassed to say, most of you haven't even traveled outside of your own State!
We do like to gossip tho’, and your political goat rodeo is good gossip fodder.
It’s also an example of American exceptionalism & is deeply engrained in the culture of how Americans are raised…
In 🇨🇦 I grew up w the description that we are a “mosaic” (every diff colour, mat, shape comes together to make the big picture 🤩)
I need to relearn my basic Canadian terms