This is performative nonsense of “hardcore” tech nincompoops. They could put people in nearby hotels or Airbnbs for a lot less. It’s all cosplaying intense workaholism for the cheap seats and all for PR. Sleeping bags at work is simply dumb
I hate those tech nincompoops SO MUCH!
Yes... that works quite nicely!!!
Not to say "Commissar Cave Sub's entire life motto".
Except how do you go public tearing apart public services?
It’s all part of the macho uber-male persona they want to be seen as…. Without the actual risk of physical harm that REAL military service would require.
And even if he were, being an asshole who doesn’t care about anyone else is narcissism, not autism.
The guy is a heartless monster,megalomaniac sociopath.
Drunk on his power, he enjoys hurting people.
And hopefully a schism.
They are too young to actually have experience at this point.
He needs to join the Navy and go out to sea on a ship if he enjoys that.....
Particularly since elmo isn’t exactly a moral compass
Wait shit
How do you determine which immigrants get out and which stay?
In general every single person I ever worked with who had to make a big show of how they were always at work didn’t do shit; it was their strategy to not get fired for being incompetent.
Couldn't luv ya more.
"we need to get the birth rates up!! Quick!! Separate parents from their families by demanding every waking hour be at work!!"
Probably shouldn't expect anything more from a man who doesn't raise his own children.
Work all night, for days??
What a fucking dildo that Elong Mank is.
(maga.. right)?
Never leaving your post is a big red flag for dodgy activities.
It's performance art
But he is actually the parasite.. getting rich on government contracts and grants. Trump is a parasite and an infection on society.. both of them have to be dealt with by any means necessary.
And face the consequences for their actions.
Unfettered capitalist Corporate America. This is why people revolt and turn to Socialism
They’re hungry, tired, and in debt
But this is not about getting richer... chaos and violence will give them reason for declaring state of emergency and send the army against the people.
-- so why are we putting up at taxpayer expense, a bunch of gamer bros who'd otherwise be in their parents' basement??
The Republicans OWN this. And WE MUST be the ones to save us! Anybody know how? Will the courts hold? Then what? How does this ever end?
mistake - same goes for a big part of Dems!
Musk better hire an army
They are so arrogant they think americans will not fight back
Some of whom also visit large bathrooms in public places with him.
I used to wish Moscow Mitch would be shown on live video running, suit torn, blood on his face, trying to run away from the mob.....
Veterans with strategy, skill and inside info, who need civilians to help
When I saw vance skiing down that slope, I had a vision of 20 drones dropping land mines on either side of him,
Til bam!
What do you get when you put together compulsive liars, cheats, self obsessed greed driven monsters? I guess it's laid out in front of us.
I thought DOGE supported America First?
Great video with script to call your congressmen
PASS IT ON!!!✊🏼🇺🇸✊🏼
12 hrs with no or minimal meals/breaks - yeah, that's problematic...(technically we get two 30s and three 15s here).
You can't just live in a space that isn't zoned for it.
Did they ask to be zoned?
You take, you destroy (or kill) and you forget!!! !!!(if you can)
Cleaning up the mess will be the children's job...