The cutting irony is that the two big things Kamala supposedly “broke” and that Trump will “fix” - inflation and border crossings are…already fixed! He doesn’t have to do anything! All done!
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The reason he's going to get credit for it is the media are stenographers now. He'll say he fixed it. Headlines will read "Trump says he fixes inflation." It becomes reality. Want to help us media? NEVER discuss inflation without a month to month graph from the 2020 on.
Those things will break again during his presidency and he'll blame Biden. I guess everyone forgot the border crisis in 2018 when Trump was begging Congress to pass new immigration laws.
This is one of the most frustrating things in general about US Presidential cycles. They’re too short. I wonder how different things would be if terms were 6-8 years
In an economy when inflation is uncommon like ours, most voters probably would say, "Inflation was not fixed if prices have gone up and have not come back down."
They don't care that the *rate* of increase has come back down.
Well he's definitely going to break inflation with his tariffs. Also companies will probably have to layoff with inflation on the rise, so unemployment will rise too.
Aren't you in a position to have made that point? I know it's not as easy as that. But the approach the media takes to things is a significant part of the problem.
Here in Blue San Antonio- we were SO confident. The joy was REAL!
Being Mexican American majority city with extremely blue roots-
We are stunned.
And afraid.
Actually- SA became bluer & that blue SA wall began "leaking" into surrounding red counties.
(Per NYT county map)
I’m in NC and trying to take comfort in our statewide blue streak, and we broke their super majority by one seat (get this- Dems got more votes for both senate and house totals, yet for gerrymandering only keep them one seat out of veto proof majority)
Not necessarily totally true - voters think inflation means price level and eggs and houses are probably not experiencing deflation, so these voters will be mad. People believe in pure fantasy, but the material constraints on the cost of living (a global phenomenon) will continue to lead to upset.
Yeah, but with tariffs Tramp will break it BIGLY. Inflation like we've never seen it before. You can buy the gas but not the tires/repairs. You can buy the house but not the appliances. You can survive a natural disaster but not rebuild.
That's the beauty of it.
He also did the same with Obama and unemployment.
When he ruins the economy in 4 years, he will be voted out, and the new Dem president will have to take the blame and make the unpopular decisions to fix it.
Then we repeat, and the Rs win again.
The problem is for too long Joe Biden let millions of illegal entrants into the US and the 3 months ago started cracking down on illegal entrants. This after like 10 million had come into the US. People are pissed off about all the illegal entrants. So your comment is hollow.
Your numbers are fairy tales. First couple of years we were still under Covid return policy, since then 2.5 million have been allowed an asylum hearing after crossing the border and requesting it. There are no vast hordes of sneaking over the border hiding in our towns illegal immigrants.
If only there was some sort of news telling organization that would let people know this. All these hot takes seem to miss the main drivers in this election: disinformation and sanewashing.
Inflation: yes. There is nothing “fixed” about the border crossings. It’s not a “fix” to let them all in and give them a court date in a system that cannot cope with their numbers. The fix must come from Congress first, and then some implementation. Legalize the employed, deport the criminals, etc.
Fucking things up is what Republicans do... ever since Ike.
CIA owned his ass, just like Nixon/Ford. For Reagan, he was just a more subtle trump. Without his acting background, he'd have been the same as trump. W was just a puppet for Cheney.
Dems get bashed for not fully resolving their F-ups. 💯
Could you please refer to her as Vice President Harris? I don't understand why everyone thinks it's okay to call her by her first name. Others have done it out of disrespect, but I know that's not the case here. Thanks very much.
Things will break again, since evidences point to Trump & co. being not the type to help and fix things. But then voters will be like, "Why? I don't understand."
*Sigh* (I feel for you, your colleagues, and more so, Kate - along with Leah and Melissa, who can't opt out from this quandary.)
Slightly different in that what he actually wants to do on immigration, and what many of his supporters want, is not to fix it but to create an ethnostate. Achieving the actual goal requires action.
By contrast On inflation ya he could indeed just stay out of the way
He also was very poor for the us economy but news media (particularly the uk media with their lazy reporting) keeps implying that he left Biden a very strong economic position and that Biden ruined it.
Dems may not have the messaging infrastructure Republicans have, but they could consistently and loudly state things like this before Biden leaves office. Alas, they won't.
Same as last time when he "fixed" the economy that had already rebounded post-crash. And he will, like last time, be allowed to claim credit uncontested.
I’d say it a bit more broadly…the people who voted for him want the crushing nastiness and cruelty. For whatever reason, half of America smells blood, and Trump will give them what they crave. The question that needs answering is why so many of our fellow Americans crave blood.
He'll do it the half assed way he did the wall. Just enough to get them off his back. Meanwhile, on to the sole purpose of enriching himself and his profound vanity hunger.
Racism, mostly. And nationalism and xenophobia follow very closely. People like this, including self-hating POC, want the USA to retain its Anglo majority. They are about to lose that majority nationally very soon and it’s a threat to their identity. History is repeating itself.
It is like Trump voters thinking Biden was to blame for the fall of Roe vs. Wade. 😢 How misinformed do you have to be & it is a colossal failure of Democrats' comms!
Trump winning is a catastrophic blow to America's constitutional order. Equivalent to 1876.
trump will claim full credit for it. He claimed credit for Obama's good economy the last time. I always felt this fact wasn't hammered home enough over the last 4 years. I was thrilled when Obama mentioned it while campaigning for Harris.
I don't think that the brilliant folks who voted for him understand what "inflation" really is. What they want is to pay less for gas and groceries. And this is not gonna happen of course, unless, well, here is another term to learn for them: deflation. Oopsy
Exactly what happened after Obama fixed Bush’s biggest recession since the Great Depression and handed Trump 73 consecutive months or Job Growth, then the dumb-fuck ends up losing 4 million jobs
I mean I'm sorry, but it did genuinely make me laugh. Liberals needing to stay informed is like the EXACT opposite of what actually needs to happen. That's emptying a sinking boat with a spoon.
Last time he did Republican tax cuts w/o too much Republican austerity- will be interesting to see if he still is reluctant to cut services now that he won’t be running for another term. He doesn’t like to have any of his voters mad at him though, so we will see
A point I found interesting (heard on NYT podcast) was that T apparently scored better among people who did not believe he meant everything he promised. Either way it goes, a subgroup of voters are in for a surprise. 🙂
Lotta people think prices should go down though. Houses specifically seems like there is no feasible way that happens… I’m sure they will be big mad. But things he will never deliver on
Yeah but unfortunately you'll find similar attitudes in blue cities, too. Maybe not put in such crass terms... Maybe couched in nice platitudes and euphemism, but still...
I mean basing it on his policies. Rate drops will off set some but prices will roar more. Building will slow if he deports workers and tariffs will make it more costly to build. Don’t see how it’s feasible he gets house costs down lol
There's one idiotic policy of his that _might_ have a tiny effect: he wants to sell off publicly owned land to use for housing. But my understanding is that most of that land is far too remote to make it useful for housing...
Of course there's usually a very good reason why that public land hasn't been used for housing yet - often environmental concerns, but I think once again, the cruelty is the point....
Yeah and unless he's gonna saddle the public purse with stuff like "laying water mains out there" those houses will have very little in the way of infrastructure people usually want in 21st century housing...
Banning Private equity funds from owning housing stock would be a good start. Also cracking down on Air BnB buyers i.e. those who buy just to rent out as short term rentals.
Uneducated Americans are simple creatures and in the end their sexism & racism outweighs anything else! Bernie Sanders was always the right candidate, even at his age! He was the guy that could bring the working class back & dehumanise Trump better than anyone else!
Sadly people were too deceived to believe that. So what Kamala(Biden) fixed? Trump will break. Especially with internment/deportation camps, Muslim bands, & high tariffs. Mainstream Media needs to seriously look at how it covers politics. Not just Dems. It was so like 2016. Past was Prologue.
It’s the income inequality. The non-elites see life as unfair. They think some cabal is keeping them down. If there isn’t serious change soon, they will burn it all down. Trump is their savior. He is the genius businessman who fix everything.
If his followers say he fixed it, asked them which policy fixed it? What did he do to fix it. Don't just say "no he didn't". Make them explain what he did specifically.
When people found out about how his cruel family separation policy, there was a severe backlash. People's opinions on immigration shifted to the left. After Biden became president the shifted back right. The same pattern will likely happen again. Mass deportations can only lead to more cruelty.
We are a country of reactionaries with the patience of toddlers and memories of goldfish. No good policy will ever be effective bc 4 yrs is not enough time to fix what’s broken, and every admin will be punished for not working magic
Laurence O’Donnell did a segment on that last night. There is not the manpower to deport all those he promised to or the funds. He doesn’t intend to - corps would give him grief. He lied as usual and his base liked the lie.
DACA recipients are in REAL danger. Their status was overturned and is now being appealed, expected to end up at SCOTUS. All deportation is cruel, but this would be just breathtakingly evil. All these young people who don’t know any other country, being left in limbo for a decade, then deported
He’ll really only deport like 100 in total and Fox will say it’s 10M.
That’ll probably be more like it.
He’ll realize the toll deporting even thousands would do financially and just the ethics of it all, so he’ll just locate 100 drug dealers who are in the states illegally.
I think voter complaints about inflation include anger at high interest rates, and Trump’s policies are likely to make them worse. Dems should probably start talking about the need to lower them via smaller budget deficits.
The only way Trump can claim credit for anything is if the media doesn’t cover his actions and covers only his words. Hopefully this go around, the media will hold his feet to the fire just as its done for every other administration. When he doesn’t make sense don’t translate for him, just keep
asking the question. When he goes to the next reporter for a question pickup where the previous reporter left off. Don’t use his buffoonery as entertainment use it as damning to his competence.
You know for sure they'll continue to use their trump translator and make everything he says sound sane. The media will never hold him to account. Ever.
too bad the media didnt cover that the last few years and let trump throw shade on biden's administration day after day. but trumps word salad is always news
Weimar fixed hyperinflation in the 20s, and violent crime decreased, but press wars meant sensationalized reporting - and people thought crime was up, and voted for the people who made it an issue. I think about this more than is healthy.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Border crossing may be back down to 2021 levels, but they are still really high. If Harris could have run on that, she would have.
Yes bc we have specific laws about immigration and specifically asylum policies. People seeking asylum who are deemed legit must be given a hearing, which takes years, because GOP always refuses to update our immigration laws
this reminds me a lot of 2016 when he promised to "fix" the Obama economy that was doing pretty great all things considered and didn't do much better under Trump
There is just no way to out organize vs an info ecosystem overwhelmed with RW disinformation and propaganda so pervasive the majority of Americans believe in a different reality
The good (?) news is that while he could just rest on his laurels in that regard, he will instead do a bunch of deeply unpopular things and generate a huge backlash
So all we gotta do is build a billion dollar disinformation ecosystem with cable news channels, talk radio shows, websites, podcasts, and social media platforms and use them to tell the audience lies that: 1) affirm their sense of victimization; and 2) support our political aims.
The cycle just ended. There will never be legitimate elections in the US again. The gop has wanted a permanent majority for decades. They now have it. They’re not giving it back.
True, but it was a massive failure of communication on the part of the Biden Admin that people don't realize this. They are terrible at promoting their successes.
That would be the most normal thing for a Republican administration. Break it and leave Democrats to clean up their mess. That cycle has been on repeat for decades.
Inflation is pretty much fixed, but what Trump voters expect is that he will make prices come down. Trump can say he fixed inflation, but the response should be "then why are prices still high" or "why are they higher than they were on election day."
The repeating theme of this country is that Democrats fix Republicans' problems and then are blamed for the hard times during the repair. Meanwhile, Republicans are aiming the car at all of the trees.
This is in fact the thing that makes me the most angry. Trump is going to get credit from the electorate and from the media for solving these problems. Any rise in inflation seen from the tarrifs will not be felt for 18-24 months. At which point the positive vibes will have already solidified.
He, personally, doesn’t have to do anything. He has his get-out-of-jail card, the main reason he ran again. He’ll probably play a lot of golf. Forget about him; his “work” is done. Focus on those who back and are poised to implement Project 2025.
But….Trump’s incompetence will shine brightly and thus he will still mess up his 4 aces. He is the Boris Johnson of politics. What seems all conquering one minute is gone, poof, in a flash. It is the legacy that will be painful to overcome.
It isn't really cutting when we all saw this before, multiple times. We leave the GOP with a healthy economy, they break it, we fix it, they break it again.
You're younger than me but you're not THAT young that you didn't live through a coupla freeze/frost cycles
That's their strategy, aided and abetted by the media. January 21st, Trump will declare that the economy and the border are fixed. The bulk of the media will obediently repeat his statement in the same way they reported Trump's lies about the economy and border under Biden.
But the maga cult will still think Trumpy fixed them both.
Watch how that border bill never even sniff’s the WH and Trumpy just continues Biden’s executive action on the border. Then watch how Trumpy pretends to have added tariffs to “help” inflation when he’ll actually do nothing.
Jerome Powell and the Biden administration probably saved us from a borderline 2009 level recession. The credit will go to the guy who undoes all of it because he thinks it’s the 1890s
Amazing isnt it. same with the trump crime wave.
It does seem as though he is going to screw up the inflation part. Same with the crime issue. However, We will never know the truth in the future. Trump toadies in ALL the govt positions means that only his words mean anything.
They don't care that the *rate* of increase has come back down.
But he is an idiot, he is going to blow it up with tariffs getting rid of migrant workers.
Until they find out what happens if they get it
Being Mexican American majority city with extremely blue roots-
We are stunned.
And afraid.
Actually- SA became bluer & that blue SA wall began "leaking" into surrounding red counties.
(Per NYT county map)
The national trend is we’re losing people to GOP
I know it’s not a monolith & a. Complex demographic like any other, but there has to be a winning strategy for persuading them
He also did the same with Obama and unemployment.
When he ruins the economy in 4 years, he will be voted out, and the new Dem president will have to take the blame and make the unpopular decisions to fix it.
Then we repeat, and the Rs win again.
At least this time, if Republicans really do get all three houses, they’re gonna have a hard time blaming democrats for it.
Small silver lining.
Your job is not letting him take credit.
Besides, he will burn it all down soon enough.
a shitload of money.
CIA owned his ass, just like Nixon/Ford. For Reagan, he was just a more subtle trump. Without his acting background, he'd have been the same as trump. W was just a puppet for Cheney.
Dems get bashed for not fully resolving their F-ups. 💯
I just can’t.🤬
*Sigh* (I feel for you, your colleagues, and more so, Kate - along with Leah and Melissa, who can't opt out from this quandary.)
By contrast On inflation ya he could indeed just stay out of the way
That is what his campaign was. Nothing is stopping him now
Shithole American Empire
"Inflation" = grocery store prices
"Immigration" = perp walk a bunch of Hispanics south across the Mexican border
Trump winning is a catastrophic blow to America's constitutional order. Equivalent to 1876.
Until he has drained the treasury into the pockets of everyone who bought a seat at that table just for the privilege of doing so.
That’ll probably be more like it.
He’ll realize the toll deporting even thousands would do financially and just the ethics of it all, so he’ll just locate 100 drug dealers who are in the states illegally.
Republicans get into office and break things.
Democrats get into office and fix what Republicans broke.
It's a cycle that needs to get interrupted.
They're parasites who depend upon Democrats to fix what Republicans break.
They're savvy media marketers, creating whole ecosystems of blaring misleading messaging.
They're shameless about it. No shits given.
We see their tactics. We know the tools they're using.
War is about innovation, adapatation.
Let's use their tools better than they do.
Which we can.
We're smarter.
They control everything now so what's the mechanism for opposing them, short of another civil war?
The voters chose fascism & lies
Dems need to step back & let it burn
& we need to make that message very flipping clear to the people we have left in DC
You're younger than me but you're not THAT young that you didn't live through a coupla freeze/frost cycles
He campaigned on policies that specifically raise prices to cure the inflation that was already cured!
the Economy was going good from 2014 UNTIL the Covid Pandemic (which DJT was informed of in Jan 2020) that threw the WORLD economy into shambles.
It exploded when Trump downplayed the seriousness of the disease as “it’ll go away in the Summer”. 🥲
Watch how that border bill never even sniff’s the WH and Trumpy just continues Biden’s executive action on the border. Then watch how Trumpy pretends to have added tariffs to “help” inflation when he’ll actually do nothing.
Put your name over every nice thing!
Name that bridge the Nancy Pelosi bridge!
“You like this, huh? WE have it to you. Your reps voted against it”
Put that on billboards.
Shove it in their faces
Me: “no, hun. HE didn’t. Congress did
He’s not supposed to sign the check.
That’s not normal. You’re being manipulated.”
Them: “well I’m thankful”
It does seem as though he is going to screw up the inflation part. Same with the crime issue. However, We will never know the truth in the future. Trump toadies in ALL the govt positions means that only his words mean anything.