That's technically accurate but it's a bit like "Austrian painter better known for his political career died at home by his own hand, alongside his wife and beloved dog"
Just imagine if he'd died sooner maybe the world/U.S would have been just a bit better in terms of soviet and U.S relations during the cold war. Remember everyone we had 0 clue of what life was like in the Soviet Union until the iron curtain fell in 1991. ☹️sad times in human history☹️
In honor of the bestest day in recent human history ie my birthday aka also the day a true bastard unlived, please listen to this deep dive into that vile war criminal Kissinger:
- Christopher Hitchens about someone else.
His deserves to be remembered as a War Criminal and one of the biggest pieces of shit the world has ever seen.
He helped create our world and poisoned our future before most of us were ever born.
Millions dead because of his "sage wisdom".
Whatever hell exists is entirely too good for him.
Come to think of it, I suddenly also have to think about Cambodia and Vietnam. Not sure why. Must be a fluke.
Fuck off, you celebrating Hitler again next?
No need to gild this monster, just because he’s dead, at last.