How do you know they're nice? They might call Badgers names as they wander by or make up defamatory songs about that pigeon that always sits in the adjacent tree?
I wanted to let you know that I watch for your mushroom posts every day. They are beautiful and diverse. They help me to take a deep breath and know that there are still quiet, peaceful, and lovely things in the USA. Thanks❤️
Some mushrooms are saprophytic, which means they get their nutrients from dead or decaying things such as fallen logs. Some mushrooms, depending on the species, have preferences for certain types of trees or will only grow on specific trees. Oak is a tree that many fungi are particularly fond of. 😁
These are amazing! I'm not sure what it is about fungi in the woods. It just inspires such curiosity. Thanks for capturing and sharing such a wonderful image ☺️
I know nothing about mushrooms. Never looked for them and have no idea how I began following you. But this weekend I walked into my backyard and saw some of the big common white ones you find all over the Midwest, and thought to myself: ‘here are some nice mushrooms’
Love your work! The photog in me kicked in on this one. Did you ever try focus stacking to get everything in focus? It is a PITA though. Processing time goes up exponentially.
I have a Sony A7. Tried it a couple of time. Too much effort, even with dedicated software. I just compose the shots differently. These days I use my iPhone 95% of the time. On contrasty days it work a lot better than my 35mm out of camera.
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
I just bought two of Luke’s mushroom prints at his online store with the SPRING50 coupon code!!! The Turkey Tail & Splitgill prints! So excited to get them!
Come on all you mushroom fans. Support your mushroom guy and prove you’re a fungi to be around……
The next mushie-mailer is going out April 1! Get a sticker, postcard, newsletter, coloring page, and more for $4 🤗
Thank you for what you do 🧡
much like mushrooms.
“All mushrooms are edible, some only once.”
Terry Pratchett
Mine from two years ago.
Come on all you mushroom fans. Support your mushroom guy and prove you’re a fungi to be around……
Bad I know.
I’ll show myself out now….