I was already fretting a bunch about preserving credibility and social capital in my community to max out my effectiveness at getting shit done that I believe in
so now that’s just up to 11. if I waste it hollering at people I’ll be useless. if I can’t locate my spine, same
depends on what they need. I found myself in your position last night and 4-7-8 breathing was a good trick to teach a friend that NEEDED to sleep (flying a plane this morning) & the only other thing I'd say is make space/time for if/when it hits you too. I fell out today after propping a few up.
basically breathe in for a 4 count, hold gently for 7 & then out for 8 (which is hard for me) no big efforts on these. breathing out thru the mouth, especiallly like blowing thru a straw is helpful for lowering BP too.
man not great. still gotta fly home for christmas and move to a new city and go back to college as an adult, and now ive got to do it in the present. feeling very overwhelmed and uncertain. will there be a GI bill next year?
Can’t sleep, but realizing I have to be strong for my family. Decided to focus on here and now for awhile. I think of others who go through far worse and still have hope.
I feel lucky I decided to go for a run after work last night. I think it’s the only reason I got some sleep. I’m tired and pissed off and sad. Hope you are ok
I haven’t cried yet and I am struggling to express anything that I’m feeling. But I bought a theater ticket for tonight a month ago, and spent three hours with my phone off and that helped, I think.
trying to deal with that i think this is gonna be the end of the world, much sooner than i thought. idk. just finished a replay of mario wonder which was lovely <3
🌀 one of us woke up nonverbal today because we’re both so consumed with terror right now. The other one (me) spent time pondering a trip back into the closet before deciding against it.
The funny thing is that, I’m not mourning anything I expected from a Harris administration. It’s like I expected nothing but “don’t backslide” and was nervous how she’d handle Gaza. Still an easy, friction-free vote for me.
I’ve also had a cruddy year overall. Really getting the bad end of all the things that were contributing to my sense of well-being all at once, and that was before yesterday. This is just the icing on the cake
Haven't spoken to any family yet, which is not unusual for a normal week. One of them I would not answer if they called. Another I would, but I don't know what I would say.
Exhausted and very disappointed but more stable than Nov 2016. I can’t go through another four years of being outraged every day, so trying to keep things as pragmatic as possible.
Not good. Went through the last 24hrs sober because I couldn't handle the natural stress combined with toxins slowly filtering out of my blood. Soon I will be unsobering myself.
a. pls enjoy this vision of all the people in your town you are deeply responsible for keeping alive, some of whom did this
b. preemptive disappointment about feeling like I’m not gonna be brave enough in every way it matters
c. stfu brain we are not the main character here
so now that’s just up to 11. if I waste it hollering at people I’ll be useless. if I can’t locate my spine, same
That said I seem to be the least wrecked of my friends and would take any advice on propping other people up.
thanks for asking, how are you?
2) wondering if the Germans have a word for anticipatory schadenfreude
No matter how hard they beat on us and ours, we're gonna protect our own and when it's time, hit them back - hard.
And honestly, every action and decision made today felt more purposeful. A denial of the despair the world wanted me to feel.
That’s how we are, Marisa.
But today I can’t let go of HIM. And his gang.