Con law prof here. This shit is WILD. "Plenary authority, derived from Article II and the mandate of the electorate" to disappear whoever the state deems a terrorist is not a fucking thing in any kind of constitutional democracy. It's unvarnished tyranny.
Reposted from
Mike Sacks
Hooooo boy: "The Executive Branch hereby notifies the Court that no further information will be provided in response to the Court’s March 18, 2025 Minute Order based on the state secrets privilege."
It's just sparkling disagreement unless it comes from the supreme court.
I guess we’ll see swarms of 2A warriors headed to DC tonight.
Due process
Let's take a caller. Hello, George from Los Angeles, you're on the air ....
We are trapped in Rafah, we are being subjected to the fiercest attack ever
Help save my soul, my family and I, don't let us die terrified
If he gives them any more leeway before dropping the hammer I’ll scream.
If the federal laws for indemnity supersede Rule 11 for attorneys personally, are the only weapons against future frivolous filings suspension/disbarment?
Taxpayers paying ACLU’s costs are good but won’t matter.
"Vollmacht, abgeleitet aus Artikel II und dem Mandat der Wählerschaft"
What’s Bondi’s excuse here?
He loves his plenary. Somebody needs to explain that psycho that it is not his to anoint or declare.
But... how are they to be held to account for their illegality, however hyperbolic their defiance?
Not that there's any connec... Oh.
Thiel in 2019, ~3:40, re 2004 essay—asked about Carl Schmitt, who legitimized Hitler’s tyranny bc Führerprinzip trumped the Constitution.
No one is telling them, "True! Presidents can do whatever they like, within the parameters of the law. They can't break the law."
They want to feel that there's a "natural" hierarchy of power and cruelty, one which is committed to ensuring the people "below" them (e.g. immigrants) stay "safely" powerless.
And that is the best it has been in a long time.