Right? I mean, the United State is the most powerful country in the world! Trump commands the world's biggest and most powerful military! Putin should be TRUMP's bitch, not the other way around! It's very, very odd and suspicious.
Vlad can make Donnie poor overnight just by calling in all the Russian loans and taking control of all the properties he leveraged - it’s been that way for decades. It’s Trump’s greatest fear.
It has to be this. Video evidence of Toadstool with Russian women that were slightly less than legal age? Why else would he be so beholden to Putin for so long.
I not sure he has anything. We already know he tried to overthrow an election and stole classified documents. I'm not sure that there's anything Putin can say that will change what people think about him. I think Trump is just an idiot.
Video of something either so embarrassing to him personally (like him being a bottom in a male-male sex act) or something so horrible that even his most argent MAGA morons would dump him.
Since 2016 I have thought something….. remember the rumors about the “golden showers” tapes? Who cares? If that’s what he’s into, so what? It’s not illegal. But I can think of something that is illegal, deeply evil and immoral.. and if that’s who is filmed with him, then it’s really problematic.
That’s the $64 million dollar question and I think it has something to do with videos or money laundering. Read @sarahkendzior.bsky.social books Hiding in Plain Sight and They Knew. She knew in 2014. But no one listened.
Lots and lots.
And on Lindsey Graham, which the evil orange menace showed poor Lindsey on the golf course that day.
And on many of the spineless traitor GOP.
Their jobs. Complete MAGA loyalty or they are out. It is so pathetic these RUSSIAN Republicans are willing to throw away their country for their jobs which will NOT last in a Dictatorship. Stupid is as stupid does.
Besides the pee tape? And what dies Trump have on Lindsay Graham, )that we don’t already know)? And what is Melania’s role? - Trump seems afraid of her.
Trump's kryptonite? Accountability.
So tie every broken promise, every economic failure, every corporate handout “directly” to him. Not "the system." Not "politics as usual." “Him.” The guy who ran on “only I can fix it” but has spent every waking moment breaking things and blaming someone else!"
In the worst display of depravity in the White House ever, four times Trump brought up the fact that Putin and he had a bond due to Putin’s Russia having helped aid in Trump’s first election, and Trump said each time that he trusted Putin because Putin had never broken a deal with him.
All due respect - I'm tired of that question It matters not what he has on him Knowing/not knowing won't change the fact that Trump is compromised Trump is a Russian asset (broadly speaking)-Trump is not working for America - he's working for Putin-period. We need to wake up soon.
No telling, BUT Trump sees Dictatorship as his way to riches and total power. He can’t do that in a democracy. Dems warned of another 4 years destroying this democracy. We are well on our way now.🚨
I'm guessing really nasty videos involving very underage girls that they gained possibly via Epstein. Been trying to find a timeline of when they were best friends for a decade, when Epstein came into his largely mysterious fortune, and when they ceased being best friends.
My take? Kompromat and financial leverage. Trump went to Russia in the 80s near bankrupt and came back ready to build casinos — that turned out to be a laundromat for bratva money.
But I think too — what Putin has looks good on paper to people like Trump. Government-by-industry with—
—near-unlimited executive power. That's the appeal to the tech-feudalists like Musk (who wanted to bring back chits and company stores for Tesla, once upon a time) and Curtis Yarvin and Zuck, and why they support it.
They fetishize feudal empire for the power it would mean for them.
Russia paid some of Trumps debts. Putin and Elon know exactly where the bodies are buried. Has anyone wondered why Ivana is buried on a golf course if she was cremated?
I have know peps who sadly needed the protection of the closet and I know there are those who live covertly out of necessity, so I would never diminish what they endure
the sad part is that P doesn’t even need to have any “kompromat” on T, since he has helped him out time and again, first by giving him business loans when legit banks wouldn’t, and then with troll farm cyber ops that won him elections
Brother 👍🏾 this goes all the way back to the Mueller Investigation ➡️ THESE OLD WHITE MEN ALL KNEW this shit 💩 was worse than they ever allowed the public to know‼️
What does Trump have on Putin? I mean he said Putin has never broken any deals with him. What deals do they have? They never made any deals during his presidency that we know of
According to Craig Unger, Trump is not an “agent” (a paid individual who sells information to the enemy) but rather an asset, Russians manipulate in their interest.
Rivers of ink were spent to write about Trump. Of many books, I find one of the most compelling and well documented to be Craig Unger’s book House of Trump House of Putin. Unger talks about Trump’s close ties with Russian mafia, who bailed him out many times.
It must be something absolutely soul crushing.
I mean if the nonsense they say openly doesn’t embarrass them.
I can’t imagine what it could be (or will be) enough to flirt with idea of fascism or autocratic rule… in the United States of America.
He can whack people with (thus far) impunity. Trump admires that, the way a six-year-old admires a tyrannosaurus. "Oh boy, he's evil!"
I think we've been wrong to look for reasons Trump might have been blackmailed into acting as he does; it appears to be willful admiration of cartoonish villainy.
Probably pedophilia video. But at this point, it really does not matter. We are so far away from anything. I mean, the types of stuff that the fElon donOLD has done: nothing has mattered.
By the way Wakahat , Ramadan Mubarak and thanks for the years of great commentary and spot on opinion and truth you deliver to the American conversation !
As a Catholic , I know DEI makes America great and freedom of religion is the rock upon which our democracy stands !
Michael Flynn, Trump’s 2016 campaign manager was hired by Putin to help Trump
Jill stein and Flynn met with Putin and are his assets , and stein STILL siphons 1.7% of swing state voters which helps Retrumplicans win. Helped Trump beat Hillary in 2026 and beat Harris in 2024!
You know, I've read all this, and had forgotten, because the list of scandals, illegal actions, schemes, shitty behavior, cruelty, and other bad actions this person has done have taken up so much of my memory banks. He's done so many bad things, it overwhelms your memory banks.
Totally plausible. Only then, why wouldn't our sham president be glad to have Putin off'd? He surely has the wherewithal to make that happen and relieve himself of the anxiety.
You're talking about the most difficult special ops mission to ever be contemplated, with the lowest risk:reward ratio imaginable...perhaps less so if Putin travels outside of the Russian Federation.
You're really gonna need to make it look like an act of God or else WWIII. 🥸
Putin shuttles around the country on his secret railway and has a small army of doubles.
Locating him would require one of his closest advisors or personal staff to turn, but they probably don't know where he's going until the last minute, anyway.
Yep. It would take a coordinated assault against every potential target location along with a extremely aggressive cyber offensive, and the highest possible state of readiness of all allied military/Intel assets around the globe.
Probability of outcome is 99.999% WWIII, and 0.001% Jason Bourne. 😐
We can take a chapter from the 5000 years of history of how demons like Putin have been taken out, and sometimes the most effective way is to get to someone close to him and do the duty
Trump has never shown any American patriotism, any appreciation of law or heritage or honor -- so why does Putin need to have anything on him? He goes along willingly because that is what he is.
So why would he never not once say a bad word against him? You know they recently put naked photos of Melania on Russian state TV & openly laughed at Trump.
Keep up. Trump is fully controlled by Russia. Remember Helsinki?
This is what I've come to believe. He likes Putin's money and is delusional enough to think Putin regards him as an equal rather than a means to an end.
Putin and Musk own Trump. They have likely promised all compliant Republicans no more elections and financial rewards. Since none seem to have an ounce of integrity, here we are.
It’s what Putin has on GOP also. If I remember correctly, in 2016 it was related to their email being hacked. The dozen or so who made the July 4th pilgrimage to Moscow particularly compromised.
I know one thing for certain. Americans are in Danger on the homeland.
Donald & Putin with hegseth drunk leading the DOD, could order Russian bombers and fighters to attack American cities and military bases.
Without Retaliation from the American military. Stay in school or go back.
Easy. Members of the mafia are for life, willingly or not. Yes, he’s compromised, but he’s also a willing participant -and a dictator wannabe. But if he doesn’t comply, his life’s on the line. Last term, he was restrained but now there’s no guardrails so all gloves are off.
I don’t know if that matters anymore; all that matters is the fallout from whatever it is is affecting every American, and even the ones who voted for that soulless criminal
it's always bothered me that that the Steele Dossier included "urine"; it distracted from the truth: that Putin HAS Kompromat on Trump, most likely a video of Trump having sex with an underage girl.
Trump stayed in the very hotel ROOM that Putin had done it to others, & it's how Putin rose to power
🎯 dt's ties to the russian mob go back over 3 decades. His dad groomed him w the italians and then he made the transition. You want anyone to blame for donald, look at fred
It doesn't have to be that conspiratorial. Trump is a simple man. Very transactional. I'm sure there is a ton of Russian money flowing into his stock and crypto coin and other scams. But also, he just really admires authoritarians like Putin. He looks up to Putin as a role model.
Allegedly, he raped and beat a 13 yo Russian girl to death in Moscow back in the 80s. Probably, Putin has the video. Explains his teenage Russian modelling ring with Epstein and his fealty to Putin. Even rube MAGA heads wouldn’t accept that. GOP house and senate members would.
Trump was recruited by Putin in the 80s when Putin was in the KGB. The Russians also helped him when Trump got into debt in the late 80s/early 90s. It's outlined a little bit in the book 'The Cult of Trump.'
Threats to bomb Western Capitols with hypersonic missiles.
Embedded cells prepared to sabotage infrastructure.
That Trump's single drive is to get a piece of the Trillions in Ukrainian minerals.
Epstein little girl videos?
Evidence of all his Russian money laundering?
All of the above.
What does Putin have on all elected Republicans?
Do our intel agencies know …?
PLEASE, will SOMEONE release the tapes already!?!
And on Lindsey Graham, which the evil orange menace showed poor Lindsey on the golf course that day.
And on many of the spineless traitor GOP.
Plus mob money.
Lindsay in a diaper with a pacifier
Remember this: "We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." - Former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev.
So tie every broken promise, every economic failure, every corporate handout “directly” to him. Not "the system." Not "politics as usual." “Him.” The guy who ran on “only I can fix it” but has spent every waking moment breaking things and blaming someone else!"
This is what the maggots are proud of, and that's why the scumbag tate bros are being let into the country.
But I think too — what Putin has looks good on paper to people like Trump. Government-by-industry with—
They fetishize feudal empire for the power it would mean for them.
Donny has been in the pocket of Russian gangsters for decades. And the gangsters are owned by Daddy Vladdy.
If that offends I apologize
Trump's whole orbit is filled with sex offenders. 😐
it’s not even a conspiracy, just quid pro quo
Not just getting peed on by Russian whores.
I'm thinking a young boy, bj or anal.
Whatever it was, it was not worth his own country.
I mean if the nonsense they say openly doesn’t embarrass them.
I can’t imagine what it could be (or will be) enough to flirt with idea of fascism or autocratic rule… in the United States of America.
I think we've been wrong to look for reasons Trump might have been blackmailed into acting as he does; it appears to be willful admiration of cartoonish villainy.
As a Catholic , I know DEI makes America great and freedom of religion is the rock upon which our democracy stands !
Putin loaned him money when nobody else would because Trump is the MOST bankrupted person in American history
Putin has evidence he interfered in the 2016,2020, 2024 election and can make it public
Putin likely has texts and calls he’s made with Trump recorded and can release!
Michael Flynn, Trump’s 2016 campaign manager was hired by Putin to help Trump
Jill stein and Flynn met with Putin and are his assets , and stein STILL siphons 1.7% of swing state voters which helps Retrumplicans win. Helped Trump beat Hillary in 2026 and beat Harris in 2024!
The mueller report found Putin helped Trump, but bill Barr buried the report and Retrumplicans did as well
Putin talked to Trump at least 6 times since 2020
Putin met with Viktor orban whom immediately met with Trump at mar o lago in 2024
The same Orban that was keynote speaker at CPAC
Trump, in 2018 in Helsinki, Infamously sided with Putin AGAINST American intelligence agencies that assured Putin had interfered in the 2016 election
Us intel said evidence was clear of Russian bots micro targeting voters that Roger stone had handed to Russia (our data)
I am thinking Putin told Trump that all of these truths would be publicly released if any harm comes to him ..
These are two gangsters and that’s what gangsters do
Only, putin is by far the smarter one
You're really gonna need to make it look like an act of God or else WWIII. 🥸
Locating him would require one of his closest advisors or personal staff to turn, but they probably don't know where he's going until the last minute, anyway.
Probability of outcome is 99.999% WWIII, and 0.001% Jason Bourne. 😐
Russia almost certainly has had KGB agents working on that "asset" since the 1980's.
That, and the piss bed thing, and the teens he raped with Epstein.
Putin doesn't have anything on Trump.
Putin doesn't have to have anything on Trump.
Trump is doing this because his goals and beliefs align perfectly with Putin.
Leon stink and prince polonium
Keep up. Trump is fully controlled by Russia. Remember Helsinki?
#fuckputin #fucktrump
Donald & Putin with hegseth drunk leading the DOD, could order Russian bombers and fighters to attack American cities and military bases.
Without Retaliation from the American military. Stay in school or go back.
Curious what could’ve inspired such accusatory statements.
We all know exactly what he is and the KGB certainly knew what kompromat to engineer for him.
Trump stayed in the very hotel ROOM that Putin had done it to others, & it's how Putin rose to power