If you have an artisanal role playing rules set you've lovingly and carefully created, now is a GREAT time to announce that you're doing a kickstarter for it, because
What would you suggest a newbie buy (and start reading through) to get started if he wanted to write a small adventure for a couple friends? For D&D I'd figure the DM guide, player handbook, and monster manual with maybe a supplemental for flair.
God damn these people just can’t leave anything alone and just be happy with money. Instead? Must have more.
(Far as I know he didn't make another statement.)
soo.. anyone?
I know I technically don't need to pay a dime to play DnD, but, still, the game being popular is a green light for Hasbro to pull bs
Sounds like he 1) has never played D&D in his life, and 2) is talking out of his ass.
I expect the usual hasty rebuttal from WoTC PR within the week.
Doubt he's started since being promoted.
Even when playing five tabletop campaigns simultaneously, I never got close to "30 different people"...
I don't see this making a dent at all. Most fan-made content being sold already uses AI heavily.
If I do want to buy a new module, I'll look at Kobold Press or another 3PP, or an indie, rather than give Hasbro money.
I imagine it'll also tamp down enthusiasm for new content - I know people who bought every 5e book who are stopping at the door of 5.5e.
(Plus monsters always hit. Good thing CharGen is fast)
I got ya.
I'm making my own RPG system now, 100%.
It's Steve Jackson's passion project since 19 freaking 86 and he's still working on it 38 years later. It's beautiful guys.
This shit.
There are literally hundreds of other games to choose from.
#FreeLeague #Symbaroum
Like he ran Wizards so well they made him the umbrella CEO of the company.
So this isn't suits coming in to spoil what Wizards is doing, this is just what Wizards was always gonna do.
(Or at least time to pirate them lol)
It's a little weird (Doesn't use HP, very swingy combat, etc), but MAN is it easy to make and run encounters in, and MAN is it easy to homebrew for.
It does not get the love it deserves. <3
Over the Edge is a jack of all trades system whose rules are so simple they're in its wikipedia description.
Me? I'm trying Break! next.
Which I call a virtue, and the lumpen Proletariat call a vice.
They're evil.
Kids don't like the toys Hasbro makes
It was because I just didn't really enjoy the system, but now I have another reason!
Do not give money to hateful organizations. Do not give money to people who support hateful organizations.
I think the solution is to just stop giving any money to Hasbro for churning out AI-slop
But you can’t be in that job and not know almost all TTRPG fans will read that you want to integrate AI and their brains will take 10d6.
(but no kickstarter because i dont think anybody would buy it)
Source article.
If they want to use it to run NPCs in a video game and train it using the game... That would be a decent way to deploy AI in a reasonable environment with only video game stakes.
Is it even illegal to pirate products made with AI?
#ElegyForAvalon, and ya can just follow me for that 1/
If you can't make shit up, DON'T PLAY (because you're probably not human).
Seriously ANYONE can do this.
And like, why would we pay for manuals no human created?
I don't want that shit in my books!
So many people will turn to AI to help them.
CEO:”What if we made it so you didn’t need either?”
Those folks need to unionize so badly.
The good news, is that once you know how RPG's work in general, you can make it all yourself.