every single video I've seen of the hearing today, Democratic Senators (including ones I don't even like) were pounding the shit out of administration officials.
if the media will not play those clips, it's up to make them go viral, show our friends & family, etc.
They did something.
Reward them.
if the media will not play those clips, it's up to make them go viral, show our friends & family, etc.
They did something.
Reward them.
or go scroll @atrupar.com and @acyn.bsky.social's feeds.
The only better name would have been…. Twatter!! You know, cuz musk!!!
Come for the cool political think. Stay for the dog.
Or visa versa.
The Dems have been painfully slow to rise to action, but I’ll give credit where it’s due -
We need to gather in huge numbers for the media to ever take notice. Like the masses in Turkey, Georgia.
Michael Bennet X
Kirsten Gillibrand
Martin Heinrich
Mark Kelly X
Angus King
Jon Ossoff X
Mark Warner X
Ron Wyden X
I only caught the questions posed by the senators I marked with an X. They were great!
No rewards yet
This morning I went on a tangent demanding every elected official to stop talking and to get in front of the traitors and let them have it.
Not that they saw any of it but it's the least these elected officials can do for us and this country
This is beyond Dem/Rep.
The media will talk about blue state Secession.
When we take this regime down they are going down too!
WE will freeze Trump and MuskDOG's assets and buy them after we repair our country.
If the Dems would be really interested in consequences they would have summoned a security detail and had the felons arrested.
Soon, the Dems are going to feel the consequences of their passivity firsthand when they will be arrested.
It's up to US and to SHAME THE MEDIA.
No thanks.
The minority party can only do what the majority party allows them to do. This is why we should do our parts to make sure the GOP is never in the majority.
There is CSPAN though.
They can't be arrested because of Speech & Debate Clause, which is why House Rs can lie on the stand without penalty - but they can be removed from chambers.
Make sure their words are heard and this is not forgotten.
#SignalGate #LockHimUp
We all need to do demand answers from Republican officials. It can't just be elected officials
Russian agent Tulsi Gabbard just sat there and lied with that God-awful smirk every time she was forced to give a non-answer. She needs to be thrown in the gulag.
We have to do what the media won’t and keep this story visible.
Let support his upcomming reelection in Georgia ❤️
I'm waiting for the articles of impeachment and the daily demands for resignation, prosecution, and "deportation" of these conspirators in Espionage.
I'm not holding my breath.
They understand that the game is played with leverage.
Republicans need dem votes to pass certain things.
DOING SOMETHING would involve using the leverage of those needed votes to demand things in return.
Stop giving Dems credit for blowing empty smoke
If Dems had zero power, republicans wouldn’t need a single vote from them to pass anything. But they do.
Dems have just convinced you they are powerless so they don’t have to do anything and can keep their donors happy. The same donors donating to republicans, btw.
Republicans do not have a filibuster proof majority in the senate.
Dems protected the filibuster (instead of voting rights) to use in exactly these circumstances.
They should shut everything down until they get what they want. They have the power to do so.
This is performance art for the cameras to try to silence the people demanding tangible action.
Want to know how to tell the difference? Look for tangible results. This bullshit feels good but won’t change a damn thing.
All they can do is be performative in hopes it spurs the media and the public to pressure Republicans into actually doing their job.
Republicans don’t have a filibuster proof majority.
Dems protected the filibuster (instead of voting rights) to use in precisely these circumstances.
They should fucking use it.
We’ve all heard enough about what Trump’s rule is doing and has done. Enough. I want to know how we get rid of all of them right now. We need a plan. We won’t make it to 2026 with these fools. We need a plan now.
stop blaming the media or your elected officials
I watched the House Dems presser. One said 'they fillibuster their answers.' [pp] I agree. Plus, at the end of their fillibuster, they lie.
It's pathetic.
Ossoff, Kelly, Heinrich & Warner hammered.
Collins called in sick.
Aaron's timeline has all of them.
Sure, it makes you feel good. But nothing tangibly changes because of it.
You’re falling for the smoke and mirrors.
Grand standing in a hearing does nothing tangible to change any of these circumstances.
Cheering for this - a bare minimum expectation listed under their job description - is what allows them to do nothing else and stay in office.
This isn’t about hate, sweetheart. It’s about demanding better from our elected representatives.
Resignation at a minimum.
IMO he should’ve just called for them to resign due to gross incompetence. But he’ll get there soon.
They are doing something.
every single video I've seen of the hearing today, Democratic Senators (including ones I don't even like) were pounding the shit out of administration officials. if the media will not play those clips, it's up to make them go viral, show our friends & family, etc.
Wow! Will you look at that?
It’s aggressive Democrats.
Once everywhere, now rare.
Clap, so they know we care!
Or if you’re like me and have worthless FL Senators, call and complain. Fill their voicemails.
Rewarding them is how you get them to do it more.
I follow @ariellaelm.bsky.social who’s been doing an amazing job of documenting their work, but she doesn’t have nearly as many followers as you.
So THANK YOU for amplifying this too.
But it’s been frustrating to see how scant praise has been, considering all of the amazing things Ariella has been documenting for MONTHS.
Anyway, glad the tide has finally turned!
I would have been jumping on the table.