"there's a shadowy cabal of billionaires who control both parties, which are really the same party, and use the dems to stamp out the left wing" is a comforting story that lets you avoid confronting the possibility that your particular brand of politics just maybe isn't that popular
You're an absolute naif and completely out of touch with reality.
like, do you genuinely believe the US establishment isn't objectively aggressive to socialism? do you genuinely believe the democrats represent 'popular' interests?
How many columnists have they used in the last 20 years?
Who were the three furthest Left? The three furthest Right? What topics were they allowed to "push the envelope" on?
That the Left's critique of the two-party system is wrong?
Leftist ideas have been suppressed for decades in the US, regardless of popularity.
This has nothing to do with weird conspiracy theories or the idea that both parties are the same. But they are both largely beholden to corporate interests.
Or do you believe you are punching Left so cleverly, only your fellow liberals will be able to see it?
I don’t consider centrists to be leftists. Lol.
When push comes to shove, capitalists tend to side with Fascism, not leftism, due to its profitability.
no, no he is not.
if you want to say they are i'm interested to hear it but i don't think that's reasonable
like are you not aware of the entire cold war??
have you been to earth lately
can you imagine how thoroughly fucked we would be tight off the bat were it the case
thanks for putting me at ease there
hmm i wonder
We know this by looking who funds them & what they pass.
Literally the most known fact about US congress mate.
Help me do math here, Michael. It looks like the unpopular brand of politics is centrism
Seems to me the people in power are suspiciously afraid of those "unpopular" politics which might actually be for a reason.
These contrarians are also the ones who end up as poster kids for horseshoe theory when they end up as fascists.
Then, step-by-step, we may get to Medicare for All.
This is precisely how the forced birthers operate. They don't have the numbers, so their power comes from single-issue voting.
But also a lot of people don't really care.
And a small subset of the people who care a lot have been convinced that voting is bad/useless because it legitimizes the establishment or sulporesses revolution or whatever.
1) Auto enroll everyone in Medicaid at birth
2) Adjust the Medicaid reimbursement model to account for it (doctors can literally go broke with a high census of Medicaid patients, it pays so poorly)
3) Don't allow states to "opt out" of expansion.
Opt out
They also have a higher life expectancy than the US does now. I wonder why that is?
2) a public option being on the market will very obviously impact the other plans on the market (1/2)
4) if the public option plans are not good, it’s not an option, it’s a joke, it’s nothing
Also: there is a reason you will be in a value-based plan by 2030.
Both things can be true at the same time
- actual words of Pharma Bro Jim Clyburn, a top recipient of insurance and drug industry contributions
Also known to embrace Genocide Joe to protect him from the filthy Bernie hordes.
Billionaires run 24-hour news networks to tell the public that the plebs don't want guaranteed health care free at the point of service, but do want endless wars and genocides on the other side of the world.
That's why what we want isn't popular.
I’d understand if you put it in terms of vaccines or abortion rights. They are pure R vs L issues propagated and promulgated by R or L media.
Trying to say that it is actually increases real antisemitism