Been thinking about how to resist digital enshittification and erasure.
One thing I plan to do in my own capacity is buy physical records and CDs of my favorite artists.
Take and develop more actual photos and keep photo albums.
And yes, write down our stories and family histories.
One thing I plan to do in my own capacity is buy physical records and CDs of my favorite artists.
Take and develop more actual photos and keep photo albums.
And yes, write down our stories and family histories.
Journal with a pen/pencil you love. You’ll be amazed at what bubbles up with this practice. (Excellent new year habit to build 😉)
Aside: movies on disc just LOOK better than streamed ones.
If your files are on your own machines they can't be deleted for a tax break. I run 3 mirrored NAS's to store/secure my stuff.
And a great idea… relish the physicality of this stuff again.
As somebody with a new CD out, I wholeheartedly support humans buying their music. ☺️
Durable ownership of your media.
Mirrored drives in case of hard drive failure.
Online access to your files.
Expandability by just adding memory.
The ability to share your library with others.
Plus you can download files with subtitles or closed captioning (or create your own).
my cousin does this and its something I've been meaning to set up myself for quite some time. Ive got so many hard drives just sitting around FULL of all sorts of interesting stuff... it's time! here on Bsky does appear to be him. But it also appears that he is sticking with Threads based on his post history.
music shop and were given cents 😩
The first pressings of Dylan, Jefferson Airplane and the like, I’ve kept. One of these days I’ll set up a turntable and give a listen.
CD, Blu-ray, vintage video games. I like the idea of printing photos, I do have it all saved to an external hard drive in a safe
Great ideas
“And yes, write down our stories and family histories.”
I dug my parents Marantz record player out of the basement when I was 12 and have been building a record collection ever since
I just wish I hadn’t gotten rid of all my cds and dvds a few years ago, right before streaming fractured and became the worst. Lesson learned tho
New vinyl has become expensive so I try to buy directly from the artists whenever possible. It's usually people I know who have done a limited run of copies.
Stop by any secondhand store, and there's always a shelf full of classics.
You never know when something is taken off streaming for good.
I’m old. I have hundreds of CDs and almost as many LPs
I don’t use streaming services. (I listen to music while riding my motorcycle. There’s a lot of the country that doesn’t have cell service.
Not too hard if you have the right equipment.
— Jiddu Krishnamurti
A bit difficult because we're usually just doing a lot of eyeballing but it's still worth it
Only use Diamond Stylus good for 5 to 6 weeks continues play
Wipe all LPs before and after play. Place in inner sleave keep upright and cool room. not above 20°C 68°F
Neither of these has auto-return, tho. If that is a deal-breaker, maybe the AT or used/old
If you buy old, make sure they still make replacement styli for the cartridge
These will damage records
(Kidding but totally not)
As well as a good selection of fiction to read. Especially since physical libraries in Europe are not as impressive as the ones back home…and my German is not yet to novel-reading level.
My mom calls it booksulation. Someday…
If anyone wants some holiday reading 😊
But as I was effected by Hurricane Helene, this physical media (my cd player radio) allowed me to stay connected and also pass the weeks without power
We sat down to Miles, cycled through EWF,the Stylistics and had dessert to early George Benson.
I said to my husband I want a turntable and to open all my boxes of records
Years ago, today would be spent with a two hour session after dinner of my grandpa showing his slides to the family and regaling us about where he was when he saw that particular bird.
Happy to share insights.
My cousin had the foresight to give a “memory notebook” to my grandma before she passed, and she printed copies for all of us so we all have a book of mammaw’s written memories.
Worth a read.