France is a desolation on that matter, (good for our English practice), I would recommend though. And would appreciate to be included if you consider small accounts.
Good for my French practice, likewise 👍.
At my last haircut (wearing my Breathe respirator with earloops — ), I spoke to the hairdresser only in French and he responded only in English. It was rather amusing.
Can I get in too? Wrote a 2022 report on the importance of indoor air quality for properly futureproofing (that went mostly ignored because it identified a structural responsibility 🙄)
Add some from South America and Spanish-speaking countries! For example, who does weekly updates of the few data that our Ministry of Health publishes
Thank you sm!!! I've only been using x for covid really, bcs I'm too mentally overwhelmed to bother checking here when I've had free time. My kid has also infected me with text speak 🙄
Been posting about it on Twitter since January 2020. Recently here. I also have a 30 post Pinned Tweet on an alt-acct back there w/virology podcasts, interviews & journal papers debunking LL bs. Don’t know how to transfer it yet, but I will.
I’d love to be added. US public health / global health lobbyist and senior legislative specialist. I’ve been closely following the research for years and family is COVID cautious.
I went with my photos that are up at the bird app, so people can follow me more easily. The bummer is that I opted to NOT use my SUSPENDED name because recent people won't know it or recognize it...but it's more me. (I have it at Spoutible, @amyriscool)
I would like to be added, please. I found from your list. I’m so excited. I’ve been checking every now and then to find their account.
And specifically for French speakers, I've initiated this ↓
At my last haircut (wearing my Breathe respirator with earloops — ), I spoke to the hairdresser only in French and he responded only in English. It was rather amusing.
Also, apologies if I missed him, but is Satoshi Akima on there yet? I’ll look for more later. Thanks so much for donating this.
would love to be added, please <3
(Just kidding!) 😉
I post wastewater signals weekly and maintain