AOC: What they like to call as radical, I believe is common sense.
I believe that when a person gets sick, they shouldn’t go bankrupt in the wealthiest country in the history of the world. Common sense
I believe that a minimum wage should cover the minimum cost to live. Common sense...
I believe that when a person gets sick, they shouldn’t go bankrupt in the wealthiest country in the history of the world. Common sense
I believe that a minimum wage should cover the minimum cost to live. Common sense...
you guys need to step down from your high horse and admit the country is bigotted and backwards! Everyone knows it! You fix it with EDUCATION, which takes time, not with wishful thinking and by closing your eyes to reality.
Every Waking Minute
In any case, this kind of energy and conviction is direly needed at this time.
They are winning anyway. So by all means let's keep doing things the way we are. CONVINCE me that it's gonna work any better than it has the last 250 years and I'll back you up.
They have shown they don't play by the rules so we shouldn't either. And it has to START somewhere.
We. Need. A. Revolution.
We. Need. A. New. Government. And that takes time!
As long as there ARE party lines we will never be the " United" anything!
But the Republicans are literally owned by the Billionaires
If we don’t get big money out of politics, democrats will be shut out of every election.
Citizens United must be Overturned…
then FORCED Hillary Clinton onto Dems as presidential nominee by BUYING electoral votes for her b4 the primary even began. I'll never contribute another penny to the elitist DNC. I only contribute directly to candidates like Bernie & AOC. F the DNC
"superdelegates" vs. "electoral" votes.
I hesitated re what they were called. Should have done a google search before I posted
They need more than binary insanity for a "Democracy".
Most Americans are moderates, centrists whatever you want to call them. They support higher minimum wage, gun laws etc.
A promise made by both Biden and Harris. And kept by Biden.
America need to get money out of politics like the other nations did.
Wonder how that’s working out for them.
Schumer at al. need to make room.
What she says is basically the base of socialism. For it to work you'd have to make people who say "I don't want to pay for others' misfortune" understand it's for their benefits too.
And after the last two women, who ran, who should have been president lost, I think it would be a mistake for her to run
It breaks my heart to see such weakness where we need strength. But at the end of the day, that’s who they hang out with. Those are the families they’re married into.
What solutions did she provide in that speech?
Also, we don’t want go to the Democratic socialist route. That will keep Republicans in power forever.
He’s saying all these things that we will agree with. But what is he doing right now?
What he’s trying to do is siphon off voters like he did before
FYI Sanders is not a Democratic socialist. He’s an actual socialist.
Sanders is not a socialist. Or at least he has never said anything (that I am aware of) that would indicate he wants to nationalize private businesses.
And *gestures everywhere* I’m pretty sure we’re in late stage capitalism and its *checks notes* imploding.
Internalised Antisemitism is real
Second, he’s not a democratic socialist. He’s a socialist!
Stop acting like ignorant people and learn what you’re following
Who the fuck is campaigning?? 🙄.
We lost to the people who think we needed trump right now
Both phrases are like saying that Lassie is the only way to find Timmy....... because the dumb shit fell in that fu88ing well again!!
We're all Timmy right now
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
Stop the Coup!
Also, please be careful out there !
Has it ever occurred to them that 'The American Dream' is a marketing slogan designed to keep them compliant and servile to the wealthy?
I don’t want it any more.
Build something new,
& don’t call it “white”.
Maybe .. just maybe
It’ll help
America democracy has been ailing a minute.
Also, who laughed?
Addendum: I was misremembering one key element; it was the names of dead kids being read out, not photos.
Not that anyone should actually NEED messaging. Messaging is what people need when they haven't been paying attention and they need the Cliff Notes before a deadline.
You don't need messaging if you already know that's going on.
Foa, R. S., & Mounk, Y. (2025). Democratic norm erosion and partisanship in the United States. Democratization, 1-24.
its all vibes and smoke screens.
90% of the targets of anti communism are so off target itd make Joe McCarthy & his Red Scare legions blush
No wonder they got so pissed about inclusive memes & ideas like DEI, BLM, Me Too.
Those things took the power back in the narrative.
No mystery that the same people fighting that are the same trying to privatize our govt!
Chuck Schumer, stand back and stand down.
It’s not perfect here far from it.
But what she is wanting to do is not impossible
Hell, AOC and (my senator who I hate but agree with here) Ted fucking Cruz introduced legislation to ban congresspeople from becoming lobbyists.
How about you call your congresspeeps and get them to pass it.
Do you want the traitorous regime to completely collapse our economy? You know damn well he rigged the election. Don’t grow numb to this! is going live with tomorrow 🙌🏽 🗳️ 🇺🇸
#Pennsylvania #VerifyTheVote
She is so fierce and so dedicated to helping people. She is an example to all of how our Congress SHOULD BE!!!
WE are happy to have you on our side! 😊
In and out of hospital, a battery of tests and had major surgery with more on the way.
My bills at the moment are $40 for Antibiotics and painkillers for when I came home and I have been on full pay from my work where I am still employed.
Love from "Commie" Australia
I still think that she doesn't have the right amount of experience and political chops, or political capital to run. But a lot can be done in 4 years. 🤷🏾♂️
In return, we have welcomed millions of refugees from wars and integrated them into our society. It benefits both us and them, and creates growth.
🇺🇲 Köyhät kyykkyyn on heidän ihanne.
Mutta hei. Suomi 🇫🇮 on jälleen maailman onnellisin kansa!(Onnellisia noin 70%)😅😂🤣🫡
This really goes into depth about how truly evil Neo liberalism really is. England did have their version of Obama bailed out the billionaires with a trifecta in 09. D party is further right wing than her. Harris Ran as our thatcher. Thatcher vs trump the choice 2024.
I am one who had my wages garnished by the government to pay back a student loan as a single mother raising two kids.
I am one who relies on my Social Security and Medicare to grow old and die on.
What the fuck, America.
I just thought everyone should know that, sometimes, you're just one kidney stone or one crappy Associates Degree or one unfair divorce away from ruin.
If your country is so free, and so wealthy, and so exceptional in every way why are you so miserable?
“Nordic countries like Finland continue to benefit from universally available and high-quality health, education and social support systems.”
But what's crazy is that the far right (Trump, Putin, Poillievre) all use 'Common Sense' without any specificity. For them, it's usually something something anti-woke something something tax cuts for the rich.
PS why are the Dems not really holding the US admin to account rn?
They feel like they can loot your country with impunity.
They are counting on apathy.
They are counting on people sitting out.
They are counting on people not to pay attention.
Call out their lies.
The Emperor has no clothes.
Meanwhile, Bernie is drawing large crowds in swing states and Repubs are scared of holding town halls.
If the economy is still in the dumps in Q3/26, the Repubs are screwed because they won't break w/ Trump
Wonder why the far-right always act like having received atomic wedgies while in fact the Dems rather act like newborn puppies.
Jasmine may Be The One.
On a separate note, it is very refreshing to debate someone respectfully. Thank you for that. And I promise I will always be respectful as well.
Thank you for your respectful response. You are right, it is refreshing.
IMHO it’s necessary to listen to all sides to understand their perspectives. No echo chambers.
At the moment AOC is the Obama of the future.
Formidable than AOC.
Tim Walz
Just remember Hitler only succeeded because he had enablers and not enough resisters. Eventually Hitler systematically killed anyone who he didn’t like
need to team up
This is exactly what we need!
Jealousy is an ugly thing.
She's brilliant, and will be part of the conversation for generations.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Glad she's here with years under the tutelage of the MOST EFFECTIVE HOUSE SPEAKER in HISTORY, Nancy Pelosi.
New generation rising!
#Healthcare #HumanRights #AmericaIsTheBadPlace
oo-da-lally oo-da-lally
we see you
the point is that it is a meaningless diatribe.
It's been said ad nauseam for countless generations
and no one has ever accomplished it
I am earlier in our history ricy
The new car smell has barely worn off for you
Nobody has ever thought anything was impossible ricy. Nobody.
Not through all of time or we wouldn't be here today
Now let’s hope the legislation is as good as the speaking.
They need to ‘Bark in Unison’ before they can ‘Roar as One’.
It should have been common sense not to elect a fascist leader, appoint white nationalists into heads of office, or to believe the judicial branch could stop it all.
Still love AOC.
AOC even giving lip service to this failure of a party is insulting.
Interested in seeing & listening in person. 😊
When left goes crazy, you get free healthcare, 30 days off, and good standards for paternity or parental and carers’ leave.
You had the choice. 🤷♂️
But the more you learn about left and right the more wrong the theory becomes.
FDR: "No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country."
If you’re not, then your employees are always looking for a different job.
minimum healthcare - minimum everything.
I get that they're not currently the same thing in the minds of some, and also many corporations around the world. That's just not feasible! If an employer wants his employees to be able to afford to work tomorrow, they need to pay them what they're worth! What they need to survive!
Kacey Musgraves - High Horse
"It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country.. and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level"
When the standard of living changes, then that affects the cost of goods and services, you get inflation. Salaries go up. Employers raise prices. Cost of living goes up. Salaries go up. Employers raise prices. Cost of living goes up. Salaries go up..
Thank you.