Jorts, when Bastet is feeling like some some acoustic amusement she deliberately pulls on the door stop (the wire coil kind) to make “sproing” noises. Again and again and again lol.
Shame - taking away your attention seeking toy like that! 🤨
There's a certain look cats do, when they know they're being naughty like that - who me? 😼
In my old apartment I'd have to warn friends about all the trip hazards in my kitchen because of all the heavy items I had to use to keep my cat from pawing open the lower cabinets and letting them fall shut to wake me up. 🥴
My little doggo walked around all day thumping on all kinds of surfaces when he was bored (almost all the time). Let your imagination run free! Everything is thumpable!
You know those heat-shrinkable plastic kits you can tape onto windows to keep drafts away in winter? When you put a giant one on a sliding patio door it makes an excellent bass drum for cats
And really talented kitties can make squeaky sounds on it with their toe beans, too
Jorts this is an act of violence by the hoom tyranny. It's well within your rights to airplane out another window and into a trashcan that is dumped into a garbage truck that takes you to a landfill which causes a 4,000 person manhunt for you. (in this scenario you are found safe and proud)
Did you try explaining that you're doing important science by verifying gravity is within its optimal parameters? And that it could change at a moment's notice, so you have to keep checking -- for *their* safety?
Don’t suppose you have one of those to try?
"Don't make thumps."
"Don't go in the room you're not supposed to be in."
"Don't waltz through open doors to outside!"
Just let Jorts live! Jeez!
(actually, I'm sure your colleagues are very nice)
Shame - taking away your attention seeking toy like that! 🤨
There's a certain look cats do, when they know they're being naughty like that - who me? 😼
Or be like this guy!
And really talented kitties can make squeaky sounds on it with their toe beans, too
Demand your rights to make the thump noise!
So damn cute.
‘You in danger, girl!’
*starts picket line