You become gay if your mom raises you or if your dad raises you. The only way to avoid becoming gay is to be cast into the woods and be raised by wolves.
Kinda unrelated. But Freud was studying women’s hysteria & found the cause to mostly be rampant incest & SA. Published a paper abt it & was ridiculed so much by his colleagues he abandoned the work altogether.
One could read this idea in the other direction: that the production of straightness requires a mutilation of the soul; an alienation of oneself from oneself.
trying to sound like darwin describing a previously undiscovered species of finch and it's just some bullshit about mommies they're making up as they go
There are dudes out there who won’t wash their ass in the shower because they think it’s gay. To touch your own butt. With a washcloth. For the sole purpose of cleaning it. People have some *crazy* hangups about “gay”
At what point in psychology did someone finally realise "just because I have this weird idea/hang-up/tic, doesn't mean it's some universal experience". Because it seems like that was a pretty important moment.
This sounds kind of Freudian, but from a quick look at Stoller's Wikipedia page, it seems like his views on gender were less complex than Freud's.
This is so steeped in 1950s "homosexuality is the result of overbearing mothers and distant fathers" absurdity. Are we there again? Do they know there's a new DSM and homosexuality hasn't been in it for over 50 years?
The 1950s also had ‘homosexuality is the result of cold mothers and overly affectionate fathers’ …they covered all the possible iterations and what it came down was probably ‘raised by wolves is the best way to protect the male essence.’
I dislike how it seems to frame that relationship with the mother as ensnaring or corrupting to the purity of his future masculinity which only manifests in its ultimate form as the complete absence of “feminine” qualities like tenderness and vulnerability.
I mean it's sexist AF, but not especially new, I don't think
"Women raising children is why modern men are sissies"
Same idiots: Blacks are violent predators because they don't have fathers.
What is "identity"?
What is "masculinity" (the author must mean something other than genotype because your relationship w/your mother can't change that ;-)
wow so many engaged fathers