This brain-dead take is becoming the conventional wisdom on the struggles of young men but it's false. From homelessness to suicide prevention to opioid regulations to higher minimum wages, Democrats' platform and rhetoric are *far* better for men than anything coming from the right.
Reposted from
Raywat Deonandan
If progressives want to win back young men, then they must talk to them and address their needs, instead of constant scolding. All the finger wagging just drives them to Rogan, Peterson, and the Tate brothers. And they DO talk to young men.
The party needs to be just that.
Not a kegger, not a tent revival, not a rubber chicken fundraiser, but a party.
Help and support long before and after election seasons.
The bus taking the elders and infirm to a potluck dinner where everybody brings a dish to pass.
enough of a progressive to believe that one advantage we have over the right is we don’t NEED to do a lot of preaching.
We've become very good at not seeing things.
True, but the dominant cultural and media narrative is that "real men" don't care about that shit
Conservatives are doing the opposite of that and need to be called out for perpetuating the cycle.
Yet anybody who went to the wringer of the cult can confirm that's what it boils down to.
Is that really any measuring stick for anything?
Relentless scolding about being a "real man" and religious/social conformity. The premise itself is another fucking gaslight!
Take it from someone who used to be in that camp, this is gonna be a hard process.
I find it absolutely absurd that people really believe that America is the shining beacon of democracy around the world. Genocide in Vietnam. Iraq Afghanistan. Iran. Isreal. Korea The last 249 years right here. Until this very day &libs blame trump& musk alone for it all
If people really analyzed their own interests and voted for the candidate that was best for their particular situation, Trump wouldn’t have gotten a single vote outside of “rich white man” demographic.
So what's the takeaway?
the perceived "scolding" that isn't actually happening is what doesn't work
In I feel that approaching misled men with as much empathy as possible is the right call. However, not everyone deserves your empathy.
Wasn’t it Pete Buttigieg who had a national service plan? Whatever, just do something big and bold and real.
War is not biological, or hereditary, or genetic. It’s a policy choice.
I TRIED. For a long time. So many gentle nudges and “I don’t know if you realized” and “hey, bud, just wanted to let you know…”
1000% done. I’m here for the queers and the women who do their homework. If a cis dude proves his worth, great, but I’m not the soft landing anymore.
No gobbldygook.
They are kids. They need attention from their parents. More of this.
So arrogant in the verbose use of vocabulary.
What a turn off. Kid repellent.
If Democrats want to win young men, become the anti-capitalism workers party. It's kind of that simple.
Barbie took a crack at it:
🎶 I'm just Ken
(and that's enough!)
& I'm great at doing stuff 🎶
Trying to think about actual conversations though & what moved the needle?
So, Dems lost, and their response is, "But we are better in every way! It's the media's fault!"
If you want to win, first understand why you lost.
So it’s notable that certain “men” gravitate toward degenerates (because they just want permission to act how they want)
Remember when you were 12?
Yay vibes.
Policy not so much.
That’s the draw
"Increased rights for women have limited our ability to dominate them."
"Increased acceptance of LGBTQ+ people restricts our opportunities to discriminate."
"Removal of traditional religious advantages amounts to persecution."
"When all you've ever known is privilege, equality feels like oppression."
MLK and Malcom X both knew who the centrists were and wrote to warn all of the rest of us about them. 60 years ago they did this.
Will we listen? Will we shove them out of our way as we fight for justice?
Make it make sense 🙄
Men are turning to Tate et al, because Fox is falsely telling them they're under attack.
But YouTube algorithms taking teenage boys from "here's someone streaming video games" to "here's someone complaining that women are all bitches" on the other hand...
these people just want to be mad.
Assholes will always face social consequences whether you or they like it or not.
Strange how that if it’s not one thing it’s another
The second part seems way too simplistic. Fox news is old people media.
The right has found a way to create social media (tiktoks, youtube, podcasts) that draw in (a subset of) young boys and groom them into right-wing young men 1/2
Conservatives: WhY aRe YoU sCoLdInG uS?!?!
And that's someone apparently ON OUR SIDE
These people are not arguing in good faith.
"Omg why do you hate all men??"
Over and over.
Last I looked, white men still have almost all the microphones and power, so what’s the problem? They can’t get porn star quality pussy delivered by UberEats?
It’s the same process that plays out when a company takes the free soda out of the break room. Dudes are still make $250k but they take it as a personal attack.
It’s not rational, but that’s the thought process.
White men still feel entitled to it at birth
"men bad!")
“That’s eugenics!”
Like being creepy is inherent to being male. ::eyeroll::
We cannot expect feminism to help men to the detriment of causes more directly impacting women.
Men have to spend their own energy advocating causes for men against the tide of toxic masculinity. Feminism isn't enough.
But ultimately they want everybody to be miserable. Singled out each little to find the best ways how. With young men is the fear/present reality they are needed miserable as they will be the main militia force in opposing the population en masse. And they need to want revenge. Its a game.
Color me scared. I'm trans. I don't think the militias are fans, or maybe its extra points, I don't know. English Fox Hunt.
I don't want to be the fox. 😔✊🏴
Person: "Dude that thing you just said was pretty racist"
Whoops! Guess I should have just agreed with their racism.
I think we can talk to men as individuals and appeal to their better nature and intelligence but we absolutely cannot tell them the same grifty anti women shit the other side tells them
I’m going to focus on positive antifascist actions going forward and not this bullshit.
And nominate women for President.
Sorry but everyone else is doing loops figuring shit out when it’s pretty clear.
No women, no gays.
The Democratic Party must de-women and un-gay at home and expand feminist globohomo abroad.
If the left is OK with not defending this flank because the people being lost aren't being directly harmed, ok, but it's a choice.
I suspect they do not mean that.
I don’t identify as male any ore but I am still livid that people don’t give young man the credit to make their owns decisions, it infantilising.
Men & boys do a lot of stupid, evil things! Finding reasons why they should be immune from recourse is just another function of the patriarchy. The pundit version of "boys will be boys"
Nor that "scolding" is an accurate description of Dem's approach
"They" is also a small number of creeps that are now outing themselves left and right.
“All you need to do to buy this Lambo is to subjugate women and sell courses to betas” is the entire grift.
I don’t think they’re doing that because they feel scolded by the DNC.
That is all.
What they are being fed is another matter.
Then in 10 years these guys will refuse to date all the women who earn more than them, and they’ll be bitter and alone.
I need a nap.
It is 9:55 a.m.
Less scolding, more belt whooping. Wouldn't be necessary if their parents had raised em right. Psychos.
just amazed at the concept of a podcast
"this Rogan fella in this little lightbox makes good points about things I've never been exposed to because I'm a goddamn tabula rasa!"