The astronomy feeds on here are nice and not negative. They sometimes go hard into some pro level astronomy thing and go over your head but even then there’s often a dope picture.
when even the government is trying to tell us there's no future and nothing can ever improve you just HAVE to imagine how much hope they desperately want to kill in us
BRO I made some offhand comment about how it's gonna be a long 4 years and I got a tsunami of "we're fucked" "it's not gonna be only 4 years" etc. Eyores in response. I don't know how you manage
Even if you give into maximum absolutely-nothing-will-continue dooming, which I refuse to (not like I could do much planning for it right now anyway) ... I feel like there's a pretty good chance Donald Trump is not going to be in power for more than four years, just from basic actuarial math.
He himself will not, no, I feel pretty confident about that. Of course, I've been wrong about a lot of things.
The question then becomes, at this point does it matter that they lose the cult of personality bc they grabbed the reins of power as a party and they have *gag* Vance right there.
I'm less concerned at this point about the "movement" than "the government structure/corruption they're putting in place (or at least, dismantling." There are a number of governments that have seriously low approval ratings in reality but, well, not easy to dislodge.
The difference between America and a lot of those other countries is (and for once this is a good thing) that America is very decentralized and fucking enormous. There's only so much power that they can realistically even TRY to grab during the next 2 years that they'll have the ability to do so.
The problem is we’re in purgatory right now, but it looks like the only future is some level of hell. We’re just trying to prepare for which torture we’ll be subjected to.
Reagan is still treated like a god; HW Bush is not. Vance cannot carry on the Trump legacy effectively. I make no prediction if he'll win or lose, but he's not gonna be treated the same.
Well i was also thinking, what happens if Trump croaks before his term is up and then Vance is the incumbent.
but just also-you know that old joke about you don't have to outrun the bear, just the guy behind you? Republicans winning elections is gonna be like that. Was, in this case.
People only post about awful things, like the time you slipped on the ice and broke your hip, and not awesome things, like the time I saw you slip on the ice and break your hip.
Got a guy like this at work, re: work. The fact that your bias is confirmed 90% of the time does not make up for the fact that your process is 100% wrong.
One of my doomer friends once asked me over a Discord call if I knew where I wanted to move to, quote, "when Canada eventually falls apart," and I think I should get a medal for not storming over to his place and dragging him into the woods.
Neither did many of us 25 years ago. The "progress" of one step forward & two steps back takes a toll on a person.
The realization that Reagan may have died, but his presidency never ended, really took it out of a lot of us.
The CFPB is a good example.
It only exists because of deregulation.
the biggest crank i know from YVR believes canada will fall apart within the next decade and he wants to quit his job with the feds and retire to vietnam at 35 because "they're a socialist country right" and im like bruh if the vietnamese love you it'll be cause you're a white guy with money
It's totally ok to sometimes be someone who says "fuck it, I can't be a part of this fight, I don't have it in me" but making excuses for that attitude that claim nobody should be fighting because it's already lost is the fucking worst.
I'm of the belief that as desperate as Trump etc et al are to reverse solar panels and efficient cars they are too late and the world market will crush those aspirations. But I am not a total cynic.
I think it makes you incredibly lazy. If we're irredeemably fucked, and nothing can change anything, well, then I can go back to watching movies and not giving a shit. But if change is still possible then I got work to do.
and if one believes a better world isn't possible, their character arc's natural end will be "conservative who wants the government to leave them and their money alone and definitely doesn't want the government to let THOSE PEOPLE moving in next door and bringing down their property values"
Personally and I know no one asked, but I'm of the opinion rn that bad things will soon happen but are an opportunity for good things to come after just gotta get that shit!
it's also completely out of touch with actual reality and gives people permission to just fully disengage without even trying to hold on to what matters. We all have an obligation to keep helping each other and while the going will be rough we have to keep going.
I thought I was free of it by simply not giving a shit about a “okay fine whatever I guess either way” legislative minutiae but unfortunately I am watching the Bears with Bearsky so…
Because I am still shocked by iniquity. Because I still feel the sting of human conscience. Why are you, the walking dead, bothering me, a living man who still has hot, red blood coursing through his veins?
Oh my god yes I hate this one so much. I'm allowed to still be horrified by horrifying things without someone assuming this is the first time I've ever paid attention to or been aware of it.
Yes! Holy shit this one! It’s so exhausting to read people downplay legitimate shock towards shocking events, regardless of how often and/or predictable they may be! Thank you!
I suspect the rise of the right is in large part a response to this cynicism and nihilism. They at least are selling a lie that make some people feel things might improve.
You could try unfollowing everyone who posts cynical or doomer takes and optionally relegate everyone else talking about politics into a separate list that you only open when you feel like it!
"Yes, it IS impossible to stop us or what we're doing. Just give up and let us keep destroying everything"
The question then becomes, at this point does it matter that they lose the cult of personality bc they grabbed the reins of power as a party and they have *gag* Vance right there.
I'm less concerned at this point about the "movement" than "the government structure/corruption they're putting in place (or at least, dismantling." There are a number of governments that have seriously low approval ratings in reality but, well, not easy to dislodge.
"Change or die" seems to be the phrase of the day, and the nation as a whole opted for the "fuck it" button so how do the rest of us change?
but just also-you know that old joke about you don't have to outrun the bear, just the guy behind you? Republicans winning elections is gonna be like that. Was, in this case.
and their brand is primarily about hating Democrats.
The realization that Reagan may have died, but his presidency never ended, really took it out of a lot of us.
The CFPB is a good example.
It only exists because of deregulation.
- Captain James T. Kirk
- can't vote in the USA
- liars/bots/sockpuppets
- hate Democrats and are literally just trying to destroy them no matter what
- concern trolls
If you controlled for all that, it would be so fucking quiet. Dems basically in array, just sad
Throw that into the bin with “nothing matters” and “haha you think this “bad thing” is anything new?”
Because I am still shocked by iniquity. Because I still feel the sting of human conscience. Why are you, the walking dead, bothering me, a living man who still has hot, red blood coursing through his veins?