musk constantly carrying one kid — and only one kid — on his shoulders everywhere in public gets real fucking dark when you think about how often he talks about how people want to kill him.
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Plus as just a practical matter, giving a kid piggyback rides in uncontrolled circumstances, through crowds, over marble floors, over an unfamiliar ground at night really is an unnecessary saftey issue.
He once told her he thought she was a summation created for him specifically, thinking like that sheds a lot of light on his ability to handle a break up( not well)
Like a decade ago he went public with his simulation belief, and the reaction from the press was “Real Life Tony Stark posits mind-bending thought experiment 🤯” instead of “Drug-addled billionaire thinks he’s the only fully conscious person”
That tracks and it's horrible. I saw a clip the other day of the muskrat walking away from his child on a stage at some event. He'd forgotten the kid was even there.
I really hope one day it occurs to him that as much sperm as he's squirted into the universe, NOT ONE of his progeny is going to carry on great deeds in his name. If they do carry out great deeds--or not--they'll have changed their name.
and that it's a giant failure to suck this much as a father.
in any event it's so blatantly obvious he's trying desperately to look cool in front of the type of loser he's using as battering rams into agencies: teen/early twenties Internet brained boys. Why? Because he's terminally stunted, developmentally speaking. Half a tril and this is how he lives.
There are people insisting that that person who the Twitch streamer destroyed some weeks back was NOT Musk under an unconvincing persona and pseud, just a very devoted fan, REALLY. I--well, it'd be pathetic regardless, just for two people, but I swear to fuck that had to be him.
By that age, a kid knows whether or not saying no will get them hit or screamed at.
I see no reason to assume the kid loves it; you might just as well assume the kid tolerates it because that's the only time Daddy pays him any attention at all.
I wouldn't assume there is trust, so much as an understanding by the child that going along with this won't lead to bad things immediately happening.
Though I suppose that counts as a form of trust.
It’s also just such a shitty environment to raise a child in - young children thrive when there’s a routine - set bedtimes, regular meals, etc. - I feel pretty confident that Musk has prioritized having this child with him constantly over any kind of stability & that’s a lot of stimulation
I wasn't joking, he's a complete piece of shit, and keeps a kid around all the damn time to convince himself that an assassin wouldn't shoot at an innocent toddler.
The kids deserve a dad, not some fuckwit who uses them when he's around at all.
not sure what the situation is exactly. just that apparently Elon has him and Grimes doesn't and she's upset about it and Elon DGAF and/or gets off on her upset
I don’t believe he has custody. I think the reality is simply that Elon Musk can’t be held accountable. He’s the richest man alive (and perhaps ever), the focus of a Nazi cult of personality, and *the president of the United States*
He doesn't have custody. He does this against both Grimes' wishes and the fucking custody agreement. He just does whatever he wants because no one will stop him and it's dark as hell.
The court determined that since Grimes thought it was a good idea to have ONE kid with Musk (let alone THREE!), she demonstrated an exceptionally poor capacity to make sound decisions, and was overall unfit to have custody.
Yes, but they'd most likely end up inundated with death threats. And their need to basically have Elon recorded in text, video, or audio, saying that he carries his kid as a human shield.
Nothing funny about Musk blatantly using his kid as a human shield. And NO ONE says anything to him. The people around him have zero shame because they don't care about kids. The GOP thinks kids are expendable.
Kids get the benefit of the doubt. Agree that Musk is putting him at risk and using as a human shield because he knows even the most depraved person wouldn't attempt something that might hurt a little kid.
I feel so sorry for that kid, man. Every time I see a picture of Elon carrying him around it reminds me of Michael Jackson dangling his baby over the balcony. Someone please rescue that kid, ffs.
As a mom, I wonder whether it’s even possible that he’s sleeping well or eating well, given that he’s up at all hours with his drug-addled father, never in the same bed twice, never home. He has, what, a dozen siblings, yet spends all his time with adults. I do feel genuinely sad for Grimes.
I've been hoping he has a nanny for most of the time instead of sleeping in the frat house they set up. just as bad that he would only use him for public appearances but sparing him the drugs, disorganization, language, attitudes, etc. of the chainsaw bros
Notice how he's always carrying the little one on his shoulders as soon as they are outside a building?
He's using the kid as a shield against sniper headshots. Smart move.
And yes, it gives the term "horrible parenting" an entirely new meaning.💀
You know what’s a little fun in this dark time? Knowing that trump probably can’t stand the child with his nose picking and wiping it on the president’s desk, but he can’t be mean. 😆
Honestly, #Grimes is a terrible mother for allowing him to use their child as a shield especially since Elon frequently acknowledges he gets credible death threats every day. It’s child abuse.
I said this earlier! He knows it wouldn’t stop someone hell bent on murder and that’s…crazy to me. I wouldn’t have my kid anywhere near me! Are you kidding???
All the more reason for us to universally tank his stock/ruin him. Get that kid back into the arms of a parent who will see to some serious therapy/related mental health care.
It's like a variation of, "if you were sent back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?". Now it's, "would you kill South African Hitler if it meant a child was also a potential casualty?".
There's a theory that Elmo's carrying the kid around so assassins won't try their luck. Elmo runs from a building to the protection of his limo, and vice versa. Reportedly.
If there’s one place he should feel safe, it’s on the White House grounds. There are supposedly a bunch of snipers on the roofs scanning for threats constantly.
He thinks this will protect him. He is worried about being assassinated. What he doesn't understand is that a good assassin can kill him in many ways and not ever touch the kid.
Elon does not care about this child as a human being. He exploits X as his bullet proof vest who also is his dancing monkey to distract from Elon's destruction. He does not care about this child. After leaving CPAC (and behaving bizzarely) he was seen leaving X to struggle with tricky steps.
It also makes you wonder if it's his like "least favourite kid" or something, because he has 13 others and doesn't seem to do it with any of them? I think it's always the one he had with Grimes that he won't let her see or speak to, too...
I don't think the others are the right age to do this with; he's 14 years younger than the next-eldest siblings and 17 months older than the next-youngest.
(They're also multiples, on both sides, and using a three-year-old is already stupid enough without the additional complexity that introduces.)
I had to look it up to be sure, I just knew that his sister was born at almost the same time (per Parade magazine a month later) as the first set of twins with his employee, and thet the gap between Grimes's kids was within the bounds of "biologically feasible if you do it all the normal way".
Those facts courtesy of seemingly everyone feeling the need to acknowledge that this was pretty freaking tacky; my brain doesn't really distinguish between helpful and worthless information when it comes to retaining things.
Cruelty is the point. He is literally and unironically living out the end of the Dead Zone movie.
I swear to God. I'm not making a joke. He lives in memes and thinks it's incredibly funny and creative. He is literally using his child as a human shield, and he loves that you're horrified.
I read an article somewhere on here that he does that for a reason He thinks that it will help prevent somebody assassinating him with the kid with him
Human shield. Musk talking about producing as many kids as possible really shows his mentality. He just sees children as things. But he sees people as things, and as Sir Terry said, that's how evil begins.
It's sickening in its own right (for the sake of the child) but it adds another layer that he's doing this against the specific requests to keep the child out of the limelight, potentially to terrorize the mother (Grimes?). Revolting, almost beyond belief.
One wonders how he chooses from his dozen+ kids. Was this one sufficiently good/Aryan looking? Does he show mathematical aptitude? Or was it a convenience thing (e.g. oldest of his second set of offspring, potty trained, portable size, not aware enough to hate his fucking guts, etc.)?
Pretty sure it's the second one just because he's both significantly older than the next ones down and ridiculously younger than the next ones up (January 2006, May 2020, November 2021). A 17-month gap is huge at the preschool stage.
Pfft, sure. In 5 years, he'll have another kid he does this with.
He's using THIS kid as a human shield because it also (rightfully) horrifies the boy's mother.
He really thinks an assassination attempt is a badge of honor. He's goading the people he's firing/putting at risk - the vets, the loyalists, the mentally fragile - so he can get some high score. He doesn't really think it will succeed.
Thinking about all the Predator and Reaper video I saw where they were following Taliban dudes who kept one or two kids around them at all times when they were out in the open.
If you read Character Limit is pretty clear this poor child has no opportunities to socialize with other children and is surrounded by Nannie’s and strange adults with no consistency.
He's the only one who's nearly 5 - the older ones are adults and the next younger ones had just turned three when the UHC guy got shot. Fours are a lot more capable and interesting (and cooperative on a good day) and also significantly less likely to experience a potty training failure on stage.
There’s a custody battle going on. If the child was left behind with nanny/relatives while Musk worked in DC, Grimes could use that as a cause for her to get back custody.
so he thinks we’re not desensitized to dying kids? here? yeah no I think they’ve been working on that one for a while. the right person doesn’t care.
That kid is going to grow up and be completely mentally fucked up. I feel bad for him. Imagine realizing the reason your dad spent time with you was so he could use you as a human shield.
And when you’re that rich, nobody is ever going to take your kids away, even if they are in grave danger. It’s like those horrible stories about the Inman twins, the heir to the Duke fortune. They were horrifically abused and neglected.
I was wondering this. He is clearly being neglectful at BEST, and has appeared in public presumably under the influence of harmful substances multiple times.
Because abuse doesn't happen in "good" (read rich) families.
Kid goes to private school? No way their mother is neglecting them! The parents spend all that money on school! What do you mean the child behaves radically different around them?
I remember when Grimes’ mother had to publicly beg Elon to let his son see his dying great-grandmother, since he just blew through all the custody arrangements and wouldn’t respond through any official channels.
And that child is like his mini me & privy to Musk’s plotting. He has repeated things & expressed opinions (ie telling Trump he’s not president) that are obviously things he’s heard. He should be with his mother & other children playing & learning & not his sperm donors constant companion.
it is fine that he doesn’t care about our opinion, but that kid is going to grow up with this documented… I don’t know what to call it. I want to call it abuse
I feel really bad for his kid. imagine go to work with dad day every day
Especially dark as he has abused the legal system with his money + oligarch status to kidnap the child from his mother.
Like, for every joke people are making at Grimes' expense, she is despairing because her son is being used as a human shield for Enemy #1 on Planet Earth, by her admission.
It's Grimes, and he's been on a terror campaign against her and also they had a major custody dispute. She has begged him not to do this with their son.
I mean... I've seen the Christopher Walken version of "The Dead Zone." But then again, the 1980s feels like a lifetime ago, and probably wouldn't be as bad a scandal nowadays.
I think the Marine 1 photos, must have started this same thought for many of us.
I was thinking about how weird & (additionally) creepy this behavior is, wondered if he was using the child at least partially as a ‘shield’ - and there is your post & other folks with the same independent thought.
That's why he carries a kid around thinking he's safe and people won't shoot at kids.... but if you're a good enough aim, the kid will be fine. Right? 🤷♀️
And he knows he made enough spares! I wouldn't rule this out in any way. I don't think he knows that anybody outside of him, including his family, is a real person.
Talk about being deplorable, Musk exemplifies it. That child's mother should go to court and get an order for him not to parade that child around as a potential target. Talk about being an egotistical maniac....
Exactly! It's like he's using his child as a shield, and it's disgusting. He ditched the l'il guy on stage as well. Just left him to get off stage and downstairs by himself.
And the way he projects wow.. and self destructs.. it even makes Trump seem tame when you really think about it especially for his age. I mean Trump is wearing diapers. This dude is in his midlife crisis stage.
someone legit needs to look into where the kid is when he's not being toted around to public spectacles. if he's with his dad at all, he's routinely in a drug use environment and who knows what else the people around him are doing
that's actually my hope, that an actual adult has him most of the time, so he's not living in the doge frat house and spending most of his day neglected and bored while his dad does drugs and laughs at his own bad jokes and enjoys destroying good things
Immigrant Elon will use his kid (normally in the care of a nanny) as a shield. Unfortunately for him, not many will care because he’s ended the livelihood of countless families and ultimately lives through direct and indirect action. Children too. Around the globe.
Am I crazy or does no one in the media even broach this topic? I haven't seen like, one proper op-ed piece even mention that, maybe this guy who unabashedly puts his innocent little kid right in the path of danger, to save himself, should be in prison? like, is everyone just fucking okay with that?
Going toe to toe would make it worse and further traumatize the kid, so if she does get it, it must be torture.
He can neither forgive nor move on, the idea that someone rejected him is just acid on his psyche.
The man's got the kind of delusions that would have raised concern if he were a medieval king.
That baby is just old enough to start showing Autistic traits.
Late-realized AuDHD
He's also doing it to taunt the poor kid's mother, if I understand it correctly, who's been trying to get custody but guess whose money wins.
and that it's a giant failure to suck this much as a father.
A lot.
I see no reason to assume the kid loves it; you might just as well assume the kid tolerates it because that's the only time Daddy pays him any attention at all.
Though I suppose that counts as a form of trust.
The kids deserve a dad, not some fuckwit who uses them when he's around at all.
AND secretly his ambition was just to build amusement parks for orphaned children
It’s also f*cked up that he sees only 1 of his 14 children.
He's using the kid as a shield against sniper headshots. Smart move.
And yes, it gives the term "horrible parenting" an entirely new meaning.💀
The older ones hate him. He chooses the younger one as a 🛡️
He’s gross.
Not caring about a child is callous. Not caring about your own child (particularly one that you have a relationship with) is pathological
And the Israeli military doesnt care if there are human shields when they attack.
Why should we?
I've literally never seen someone do anything like that.
Musk is so secure that anyone making an attempt on his life will assume it’s a one-way trip.
I sincerely doubt a person willing to die to kill Musk is going to back off at the last moment cus his kid will take a through & through.
Shooter’s intention is to shoot Musk, but Musk is the one who chose to use his child as a human shield
So, the theoretical shooter is responsible for Musk’s 💀, but Musk is responsible for his kid’s
Once Xæ-Schwa-2.0 grows up he'll swap him out for Tectonicus Licoriaster.
But yes, human shield and when that one grows too big he’ll use another.
(They're also multiples, on both sides, and using a three-year-old is already stupid enough without the additional complexity that introduces.)
If he actually cared about them he'd let Grimes have him back for whatever medical care she has been trying to get for the kid.
I swear to God. I'm not making a joke. He lives in memes and thinks it's incredibly funny and creative. He is literally using his child as a human shield, and he loves that you're horrified.
He's using THIS kid as a human shield because it also (rightfully) horrifies the boy's mother.
(There's probably some stuff about the oldest male child being extra-special going on, too.)
Yes, he's using his kids as human shields
Kid goes to private school? No way their mother is neglecting them! The parents spend all that money on school! What do you mean the child behaves radically different around them?
I feel really bad for his kid. imagine go to work with dad day every day
I hope that kid gets away from him. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but I can't imagine how.
Like, for every joke people are making at Grimes' expense, she is despairing because her son is being used as a human shield for Enemy #1 on Planet Earth, by her admission.
I was thinking about how weird & (additionally) creepy this behavior is, wondered if he was using the child at least partially as a ‘shield’ - and there is your post & other folks with the same independent thought.
That’s what his kids are to him.
They're human shields.