Hey hi hello as there are likely some of y’all getting comments about who can and cannot drive in the snow, I am here to tell you as someone who worked auto claims for a decade: nobody can do it. They just want to feel better about having to go to work in the snow when you don’t have to
When I had my Jeep, I loved driving in DC snow. There were a ton of hills on my way to work in a neighborhood undeserved by snow plows.
Now, the Volkswagen does it in a different style.
All wheel drive helps when you’re sitting still and want to start moving (traction), it has absolutely no bearing on your ability to stop—for that, properly inflated tires and tapping on the brakes in short bursts are the key.
I stayed at home
- Straight Lines
- Low Speeds
- Lots of Prayers
- Avoid any undriven hills
1) Don't do it
2) There is no minimum speed in snow, there is however a maximum speed which is undeclared.
The worst is the folks with AWD that don't understand that it doesn't do a lot when trying to stop the vehicle.
Haven't ever had to do it in a big, big city. Just SLC. (Before Olympics).
Nobody can drive on ice except for a Zamboni.
He was an old retired man who just wanted to be out if the house because he could.
Skidded on the snow and ice into a curb, wrecked his 2 left tires. Later stated "That was a bad plan"
The amazing part is they denigrate the locals before they get into a crash themselves and stop talking.
You know why Minnesotans are “better” than the South? Because we have way more of them.
I was not as smart as you.
Yeah and it fucking ruled until y’all moved here and made them stop
Your state's Dept of Transportation is the single largest factor in anyone's ability to drive and those folks driving plows spend half the summer annihilating mailboxes in maintainers during perfect weather conditions.
"This isn't snow."
"What about freeing rain, on roads with no camber to assist drainage?"