When billionaires control what information we get in order to further enrich themselves, it's pretty obvious that your profits and tax cuts are more important than the democracy that supports and sustains you.
No. You & virtually all mainstream media sold your souls to a billionaire, a fascist party & candidate you normalized rather than informing the public of the imminent threat he & his party posed to our democracy & citizens. You controlled & twisted the narrative & failed to endorse the non fascist.🖕🏻
Not all news. Just the news like your paper, nytimes, nbc cbs abc. All of which refused to report the truth of what trump was saying. Watching the news literally made me ill for its lack of reporting
I did the same thing. No longer a Prime member. It might take a little longer to get something I need but are we really all that desperate to have everything delivered immediately.
It’s time to get out and rediscover my community.
This is the editorial department in full CYA mode after screwing the pooch on the decision to equate authoritarian rule with providing solutions to global inflation concerns, to court a demographic that wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Your lack of self-awareness is staggering. Your owner helped put the final nails in legacy media’s coffin when he forced you to bend the knee to Trump. We’re tuning out to YOU because you’re no longer credible. We are looking to new sources.
We’re tired of news outlets that want to both sides us into fascism & authoritarianism. Worse yet the weighted coverage in support of the road to fascism. It’s also the gossip rag reporting above real issues. Example: Biden’s vs. Trump’s age coverage. Guess it won’t matter until it impacts you.
I am not tuning out of WP and The Times because I am disappointed with the election results but because I am disappointed in your reporting. What you're saying there is hopelessly elitist, patronizing and out of touch.
And also because your coverage and both-sideism drove the results. Your owner is scum and you’re weak for staying there for a paycheck instead of leaving in droves as protest
What an interesting take from the Washington Post, whose owner did an immediate grovel at the feet of the supposed victor. Is he writing the editorial page now, too?
It has a lot to do with how biased the news was. No reporting in DonOld’s obvious cognitive decline, lots of reports on GAZA and lots of reports on false immigration stories. I no longer trust the news to report fair and balanced news. I’ll get it somewhere else.
It’s hard to know who to trust. Everything is propaganda in one way or another anymore. So fuck it. I’m going to smoke weed and grow tomatoes. Everyone else can suck it.
Amazing how an event that happened 20 years ago is being blamed on the Biden administration? Human trafficking during George Bush’s presidency is somehow making its way to Republican Congresswomen’s agendas today. Maybe it’s a good idea to do this thing called check your sources? Unreal.
Thank you, Rebecca. It's so frustrating to watch the NY Times leave less and less room for satire from Pitchbot, watch the Washington Post write about disillusionment with media as if its owner didn't just comply in advance with Trump by forgoing an endorsement.
Billionaire controlled media! Their slanted news clearly reflects-they’re interested only in tax cuts, loosening or ending- economic, ecological, medical, educational rules and regs for maximum profit! Stopped watching ‘news’ Nov 4, 2024! Even Maddow & McDonnell! See no reason to resume!
It's because you guys aren't actually covering the news. Call a spade a spade, whoever it is. Call a lie a lie. You do not cover Trump and others equally.
Why listen to the news, why it only witnessing a psy op. Trump weaponised our own media against us. He didn't need to pay for advertising he just did bad and media flocked to it like a moth to a candle.
The 4 estate was charged with defending us agaisnt propaganda and influence, they failed.
It appears that many of us abandoned The Washington Post when it made that disastrous non-endorsement decision and subsequently offered a nonsensical explanation. I continue to subscribe to The New York Times. I am also eagerly awaiting whether The Washington Post will ever acknowledge its error.
Jeff Bezos can fuck off a long with the rest of the billionaires who sold out our country for tax cuts for themselves. I am sorry for the few remaining true journalists who affected by these fascist enabling fools.
Because you fucking normalized and sane washed Trump every fucking day for the last 90 days. At least… You fucked over this country you can kiss my ass.
For the first time in 9 years I’m on a semi-news moratorium. I was the MSNBC devotee, read everything in the NYT, WAPO, long articles in magazines, went to DC to March after his first election. Now? I’m declaring myself free of him, and enjoying myself. 9 years is enough of someone I loathe.
The News Media failed to inform the public and then blamed everyone but themselves. You could have reported honestly about the threat that was recognizable but chose poorly. We're tuning out liars.
Oh good, it’s not just me. I used to listen to Apple News every morning, but I can’t even stomach the mention of Shitler’s name, or endure listening to his pathetic voice.
In a nutshell, MSM let us down.
I am not interested in their normalization of Trump and of his agenda.
I watch MSNBC in very small, controlled dosages, with Lawrence O’Donnell being at the top of my list.
Coffee with Morning Joe will never happen again.
Same here. Dropped cable a couple years ago (never regretted)but do watch some MSNBC folks ie Lawrence, Rachel and Nicolle via YouTube. These folks do try to warn & inform. The MSM normalization of Trump is sickening & I have lost trust in them. I also read a lot news from ind sources/substacks.
We are tuning out media that didn't have the courage to stand up for Democracy, failed big time at fact checking, let heinous behavior go by unmonitored, including Musk's million a day lottery to sign petitions.
Media got cowed, then collapsed into quiet mediocrity
It’s not about being disappointed. It’s about our disgust at WaPo, LA Times, NYT, another others sane washing a candidate who is an adjudicated rapist, and convicted of 34 felonies. Why listen to and read sources who do that?!!
News media should be as critical with trump and his administration as they were Biden/Harris. i have not seen any pushback on trump’s #Project2025 hires. Remember he said he knew nothing about it…FYI “Democracy dies in darkness”
🤣Actually no. We've cancelled our subscriptions to WAPO so we can tune out MSM trash normalizing tyranny. We prefer to tune into real journalism.
Time to take a hint...
More like tuning out the entities that were complicit in the downfall of our democracy by not having enough balls to call a lie a lie. Count me as one of your unsubscribers.
No, we are specifically tuning YOU out. Your paper is a disgrace and Bezos is an embarrassment. Wake me when WAPO goes into bankruptcy or gets sold off for parts.
No we’re just cancelling outlets that normalize fascism to protect a major political party. Unfortunately that’s nearly all of mainstream media. Including you.
We’re turning on the news media because you Chuckle Pucks spent the last decade acting like what Trump and MAGA are doing is normal. You normalized despicable behavior and are part of the problem.
No, we are tuning out legacy media like WP because YOU guys turned your back on democracy and decided to appease a dictator!
YOU refused to endorse Harris/Walz, not us.
Take responsibility for your own COWARDICE!
Oh we’re getting our news, we’re just getting it from smaller, independent news sources and leaving behind the billionaire run media pushing their own agenda on us. It isn’t a phase and we’re not decompressing, we’re leaving you behind for good.
Don't let the incoming criminal regime win. Don't give up the independent press without a fight. If you're disappointed now, just wait until all proper news outlets succumb to the new media economics and political pressure. Support the few bastions of journalism that persist. DON'T GIVE UP.
I’m still keeping up with print journalism, but no TV news - that shit, even MSNBC, is way more heat than light and will wind me up to an level that’s destructive rather than helpful.
Tuning out?
More like turning our backs on you/legacy media, who continue to prostrate yourselves at the feet of those who seek to suppress facts, science & truth.
When y'all stop bending over backwards to authoritarian oligarchs, then maybe we'll come back.
Disappointed in your coverage as well as the win, but the coverage was the reason for the cancellation.
Meantime, come next year when the country starts to self destruct & the Orange Cancer goes after those who may have criticiszed him/his policies/actions, I suggest some deep self-reflection.
Tuning out @washingtonpost.com and @nytimes.com @morningjoe-msnbc.bsky.social and other feckless, oligarch-comforting, dystopia-enabling media doesn’t mean we’ve stopped reading/listening/caring. We’ve just had enough of their 🐂💩
Alternately, they're quitting because you guys, by and large, do a terrible job of actually reporting news. Between sane-washing Trump's comments and Bezos putting his thumb on the scale, it's getting harder and harder to take you guys seriously.
PROPAGANDA media, not news! News wouldn't have spent weeks on one bad debate, speculating about age of 1 candidate while ignoring slurring, foot dragging, dementia symptoms from other elderly candidate. Not to mention criminal & sexual abuse history & illicit ties to Putin. We're DONE!
Quitting legacy news. Quitting be jacked around. Quitting being gaslit. Quitting the sane washing of the rapist felon you helped elect. Just exhausted by all of the both sidesism when one of the sides was was an anti constitutional, felon, fascist. Need I go on?
Hey @washingtonpost.com it's not so much the RESULTS we're disappointed in, as it is the complicity of YOU and the other "mainstream media." The Washington Post, NY Times, and all major TV networks put your thumbs on the scale for trump. We saw what we did. We're done with you.
As an update: WOW, those news sites you provided genuinely seem to be very non-biased. It's amazing to be able to get info that isn't biased towards a specific side and just has the facts! Again, thank you for providing those sites. I had no idea they existed till now lol
You just don’t get it. We’re not tuning out news. We’re tuning out news that doesn’t accurately report what is happening. This whole sense of compliance in advance is a turn off to those who actually care about the status of our democracy.
After reading about how Billionaire Bezo kissed the ring and WAPO withdrew it's Harris endorsement we're actually just pissed at you sellout mutherfkers.
"Like blaming the candidate for some obvious problems with the electorate, like misinformation and disinformation.” -WAPO
Funny. It's actually formerly trusted publications, like The Washington Post, that we're "tuning out of" since Bezos preemptively bent the knee to Trump.
Gaslight all you want, the captured media, owned by the oligarch class, is becoming less relevant by the second and they’re nothing you can do about it. Sayonara.
I am not disappointed. I sleep well every night knowing I did not vote for the circus, nor am I interested in the clowns. Catching up on my favorite shows & loving it.
No. We are tuning out because you, the media, FAILED us. You normalized a convicted felon, grifter, rapist, misogynist, insurrectionist, thief of our nation’s secrets, liar, cheater, etc., in order to enrich yourselves at the expense of our democracy.
Think about the bad faith required to publish this article without mentioning the pulled endorsements, the uptick in Guardian and Pro Publica engagement, NPR’s sanewashing, NBC’s cowardly delay of the the child separation video, etc. ad infinitum. Astonishing.
With all due respect, tuning out the news media because either they are owned by Trump sycophants looking to increase their other portfolios and/or have bent the knee for future access.
I didn't unsubscribe from the Washington Post to "take care of" myself. I did it because your owner is a hack whose labor practices are appalling and whose understanding of democracy and unbiased media seems to be based entirely on what makes him a few more billions. Democracy dies in avarice.
That is NOT why we are tuning you out! Read the room,ffs. It is your toxic obsession and sane-washing of all things Trump for clicks. I'm not just taking a break. I have no intentions of ever going back to MSM. You have learnt nothing.
Given the ‘sanewashing’ or treating the rapist like an actual choice for president and treating Kamala like a kindergartener, ‘but her policies’…is. It. Any. Wonder!?!?! The news media f*cked up BIG TIME and here we are. They are complicit…and for those reasons we are OUT!
No, we are tuning out of the gaslighting and "bothsideisms" perpetuated by all of you. Misinformation got us here and the poor excuses we have for "Journalists" now are to blame.
It has WAY more to do with the fact that y'all haven't accurately reported a damn thing about trump for nine years. We're getting our news from non-billionaire owned outlets.
No, not tuning out. Just giving my time and my money to media operations that don’t give a two-sided approach to a wanna-be dictator hell bent on destroying our democracy.
Its main stream media that's getting tuned out - because they failed us so horrendously this last year. It looks to me like independent journalism, on the other hand, is growing and expanding audiences by leaps and bounds.
I cancelled my subscription to your newspaper long before the election when your content became as biased as the New York Times. I will never trust those that write for your paper again.
My Mom used to drive 25 miles round trip to get a day old copy of the Post during Watergate. I was a print subscriber for all of my 18 yrs in DC and digital after that until 2 yrs ago. Let me know when you return to investigative journalism. Until then, GFY.
No. I am just avoiding the news media that is owned by oligarchs. I have no desire to resubscribe to NYT and WaPo or even reup my public radio membership because of NPR. Sick of the sane washing, pushing of the Overton Window, omissions and gaslighting. I am paying for prodemocracy news media now.
Just like media to miss the obvious media-related point.
Finished with media’s failure (thks to strong-armed corp intrusions in2 the sacrosanct newsroom) 2 adjust and cope with liars, perverts and manipulators in high places.
It’s an astonishing failure of the political elite as well. I won’t watch
When billionaires control what information we get in order to further enrich themselves, it's pretty obvious that your profits and tax cuts are more important than the democracy that supports and sustains you.
We can't trust you to tell the truth. Period.
We can break Amazon. We just have to buy at the source and cut out the greedy middle-Bezos.
It’s time to get out and rediscover my community.
You piss me off.
There, I fixed it for you.
The 4 estate was charged with defending us agaisnt propaganda and influence, they failed.
The greedy billionaires who want to shove their agendas down our throats.
We can't TRUST you, and we're done ENABLING you.
When YOU'RE done enabling Trump and hyper-focusing on Biden/Harris/Dem "flaws," let us know.
I concur 👍🏼
Please do not look inward - at how you might have kept our relationship intact.
Please blame your consumers.
That will make us resubscribe.
I am not interested in their normalization of Trump and of his agenda.
I watch MSNBC in very small, controlled dosages, with Lawrence O’Donnell being at the top of my list.
Coffee with Morning Joe will never happen again.
You caved to Trump's threats against any media he didn't like
You let the dictator and his newest puppet master Musk lie and buy their way into the White House
Media got cowed, then collapsed into quiet mediocrity
We're finding other sources since you keep letting us down and normalizing what's happening.
Me too
Please go out of business quickly and quietly to give more adept journalists room.
Time to take a hint...
YOU refused to endorse Harris/Walz, not us.
Take responsibility for your own COWARDICE!
Bezos 😬
Here let me fix it for you:
"Billionaires who buy prestigious newspapers to turn them into protofascist propaganda rags can go choke on a series of dicks."
that patronizing bullshit is why we canceled our subscriptions, you feckless slobs.
when my favorite ice cream shop is out of strawberry, I'm disappointed in the results of my trip there.
when a rapist is the most powerful human on the planet ... that's different.
More like turning our backs on you/legacy media, who continue to prostrate yourselves at the feet of those who seek to suppress facts, science & truth.
When y'all stop bending over backwards to authoritarian oligarchs, then maybe we'll come back.
Meantime, come next year when the country starts to self destruct & the Orange Cancer goes after those who may have criticiszed him/his policies/actions, I suggest some deep self-reflection.
Like the oligarch owned Washington Post.
Funny. It's actually formerly trusted publications, like The Washington Post, that we're "tuning out of" since Bezos preemptively bent the knee to Trump.
excited to be right!
but hope i'm wrong
They're leaving you.
You played yourself. We won't be coming back.
like it's normal now to embrace fascism and the cruelty
just because we lost, does not mean we were wrong 🤷🏽♀️
we'll be vindicated
we said you didn't care!
let Trump lie and didn't endorse Kamala, now go away
This isn’t the fourth pillar. It’s collaboration.
That is what happens when you decide to not do you job for 8 years.
We will find people who will do the job and go to them.
I canceled the WaPo 🖕William Lewis # MurdochGutterMedia
The New York Times, Boston Globe, Charlotte Observer, Atlantic, New Yorker, South China Morning Post, NPR and others still have my trust.
You don't.
We. Are. Done. With. You.
You've all failed us miserably, and we aren't coming back. I hope trump gives you everything you deserve~
Finished with media’s failure (thks to strong-armed corp intrusions in2 the sacrosanct newsroom) 2 adjust and cope with liars, perverts and manipulators in high places.
It’s an astonishing failure of the political elite as well. I won’t watch